#my person



things that make you go hmm

sitting in a deer standing thinking of all of the magical things i could do to let my person know how much she means to me! she never fails to put a smile on my face & gives the best advice. it’s not her birthday, christmas, a holiday where she could be recognized or any cool day. that’s what makes it really cool though— on this random day, i just really want to tell her how much she’s impacted my life! she knows exactly what to say & when to say it. she has THE BEST music taste. to top it off, taylor loves her so much so that’s how i know she’s a great friend. i can’t wait to give her the biggest hug someday in the near future but this post will have to do for now. i hate that we live what seems like forever apart but i love that taylor brought us together. happy random day @laura-lovestaylor

@laura-lovestaylor appreciation post!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!

beside her

As i lay in bed beside my person. my very own soulmate. she sleeps blissfully with a soft and cute snore while i lie awake next to her. she has her hand reached back to touch me while she lays in her comfy position. little bits of contact are always held wether it’s just a hand or our legs touching or full on grasping each other in our arms. simple touches that connect us furthermore in a physical realm. gentle finger tips that caress my soft skin, the same that pull me close in more sensual manners. innocent touches and intimate grasps. i crave her warmth like a moth to a light. she is the soft fire inside a rustic cabin. it feels cozy and safe. the type of place you could enjoy forever. the home i’ve found within a person. my soulmate.

KimixEnglishI bring you “Kimix”!She’s an original character of my creation, and a



I bring you “Kimix”!

She’s an original character of my creation, and a “keeper” of secrets. (Could it be said that she also hides a secret from my person?)

The funny fact is that originally I didn’t create her with the intention of being a character, It was a design that I made when inventing a costume XD (I usually create clothing designs for fun or for my characters, among other reasons…)

Although I quite liked the mask, especially when I did it physically. (I’ll pass the link)

So I decided to use it as a sign of identity/representation, just like I decided to make her an officially OC, and also I created her own story~

And in case you haven’t noticed, or maybe you recognize the design… Yes, it’s the mask of the events that I went! >wO)r

I hope you like it~ :3

Kimix character of my creation ( @1andean)

If you like it and want to support me I leave my account of ”Ko-Fi”^w^)/

(PS: Sorry for the English)



Os traigo a “Kimix”!

Ella es un personaje de mi creación, y una “guardiana” de secretos. (se podría decir que también esconde un secreto de mi persona?)

Lo gracioso es que originalmente no la cree con intension de ser un personaje, si no que era un diseño que hice al inventarme un disfraz XD (suelo crear diseños de ropa por diversión o para mis personaje, entre otras razones…)

Aunque me gusto bastante la mascara, sobretodo cuando la hice en físico. (pasare el link)

Por lo decidi usarla como signo de identidad/representación, al igual que decidí hacerla oficialmente un OC, y crearle su propia historia~

Y que en caso de que no os hayáis dado cuenta, o tal vez reconozcáis el diseño… Si, es la mascara de los eventos que fui! >wO)r

Espero que os guste~ :3

Kimix personaje de mi creación ( @1andean)

Si os gusta y quereis apoyarme os dejo mi cuenta de ”Ko-Fi”^w^)/

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