#my stupid thoughts


just finished jjk s1! gotta say, i’m not very interested in the plot yet, especially whatever’s going on on the curses’ end, but i do love the characters. nanami and nobara supremacy but also i just love the core three as a whole too. and god fushiguro is so fucking whipped like every time he looks at itadori it’s so tender i want to barf. s/o to kugisaki for calling them out on it though (*weird tender itafushi moment* ugh am i being left out of the conversation AGAIN???) my favorite part is probably just watching the trio be friends and share a brain cell so far

as far as it goes like philosophically and larger statements on society, i’m not sure how well it’s working for me yet? itadori’s motivations have never been very clear to me but i do like the inherent selfishness of everyone else, even in their acts of selflessness (megumi saving yuji for selfish rzns etc). also it kinda feels very similar plot wise to the beginning of bnha (which i never finished) — evil org takes interest in school of powerful high schoolers, yadda yadda yadda. shigaraki and mahito feel rly similar to me too. i think it’s trying to lean into the direction of like But Are The Curses Evil Or Are Sorcerers Just Fucked Up and even though i don’t love bnha i think it did that conundrum better than at least anime jjk is so far. cuz ljke…. call me crazy but i really don’t feel all that bad for spirits because they’re literal manifestations of hate who only exist to kill? which is very different than human beings cast aside from society because their powers happen to fall on the ~villain~ spectrum & bc of the corruption of the hero world. and like i know we’re supposed to hate gakuganji or w/e for wanting to kill iradori (and the whole conflict b/w gojo and the higher ups etc) but like……. i mean, i don’t blame him ? it’s really shitty but from a utilitarian perspective it makes sense, esp considering he doesn’t know itadori and that he’s a real person and not a vessel. idk.

this whole thing is rly for me and no one else tbh i’m just jotting down my thoughts! but basically i think i like the moment to moment stuff a lot but the overarching plot feels a little confusing, contrived, and just not super interesting to me. like i’m sure it’ll change when i see gojo & geto’s backstories or w/e but as of rn…, i kinda just don’t rly care? who knows tho we shall see. still enjoying watching it tho it’s definitely entertaining!
