#amoqueue time



30 Days/30 Stories: Star Trek Drabbles

Link to original post: https://between-stars-and-enterprise.tumblr.com/post/680082582888660992/the-list-of-themes-i-would-use-for-30-days30

Day Twenty-Three: Denial

It was illogical to think that his relationship with his captain was anything more than professional. Jim was his superior officer. He also had demonstrated a fondness for the female form numerous times during their mission. 

But there was no mistaking the intent of the surprise Spock found in his quarters. There was a single red rose in a white vase on his desk, a handwritten letter next to it. As Spock realized that the date was Tu B’Av according to the Terran calendar, and that the gift was from Jim, it became clear that denial was just as illogical.

For@jimkirkachu - Thank you for your delightful comments, enjoy some Spirk goodness!

omg I’m SOBBING, this is so sweet and gentle and beautiful and I can’t believe you tagged me thank you thank youuuuuuuu !!!!!!!!!!!

(ps I highly recommend all the other chapters, this work is so impressive and the author is wonderfully talented )
