#my suggestion


In reading this you are given a blessing from an angel if you desire it.

I am a being made of pure light. I will blind those who step in my path.

The reason I was sent to watch over you is because you are so, so important. Do not forget that.

You’ve worked so hard to get where you are and you deserve every good thing that is coming to you.

You are strong without me, too.

I do not ask that you worship me in exchange for my protection. At your word, I become at your disposal.


i know marriage is just a formality, but i just love the idea of having an official document that says we want to spend our lives together


list of some things that make me happy: your voice, your smile, your laugh, your touch, your looks, your passions, you

oh to have you on my lap and kiss your cheek every few minutes because i thought of how wonderful you are

let’s spend a lazy weekend together and snuggle and watch shows and play video games

we make a damn good couple, don’t we?

and during cold nights like these, all i want is to be curled up next to you

and if one day i can hold you every day, then everything will finally be alright

list of some things that make me happy: your voice, your smile, your laugh, your touch, your looks, your passions, you

happy valentine’s day, my love

my hand longs for yours, my love

you are mine, only mine. and i am yours, only yours

i can’t wait to wake up next to you for the very first time

daydreaming of playing with your hair until you fall asleep

i love being in love with you, it makes me feel alive

every song hits different when i’m thinking of you

one day we will never have to worry about being alone again

i know marriage is just a formality, but i just love the idea of having an official document that says we want to spend our lives together

and if i could have anything in the world, i would choose you

all the best pet names start with “my”
