#my thoughts will offend you



Warren and Hypno Sitting in a Tree- full episode!

It’s not the best quality but I know a lot of people wanna see it since Nick screwed us over. So hopefully this can hold us all over for now lol

also sorry about the beginning, I started the recording a little too late so it caught my set up stuff oof but it’s only for a few seconds

Tell me if there’s anything wrong with the sharing ❤️

I admit I was annoyed before the episode thinking this another forced gay shipping but after seeing the episode…I was wrong. This was one hell of a cute episode. I can see why people see them as a couple.

And before people come after me with pitchforks and fire, I AM NOT INTENDING TO SOUND HOMOPHOBIC. I dont mind gay shipping as long as they have chemistry and ya know it doesnt feel so forced. Which these two, like the loud houss actually felt okay. It wasnt to the point of groaning in agony it was the fact that I could see them as friends or lovers? Okay not exactly like the loud house, but still I hope ya know what I mean ha!

Anyways, this legit was a cute episode. I hope to get screenshots soon. Cause as usual Donnie my purple boi was adorable. And there were so many cute moments! I loved it. Warren and Hypno are definitely adorable. I’m glad I finally watched it to really know the fandoms hype was all about. ❣

((Sorry I been in the voltron fandom and that place was toxic as hell.))


Okay. Ive been seeing a lot of crap that just is driving me nuts.

If your easily offended, please stop reading. I AM allowed to share my views, my opinons and thoughts. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, or again GET EASILY OFFENDED, then do not, DO NOTread.

And if you do read it and get easily offended, please do not come at me, I WARNED YOU

Keep reading
