#my unnecessary talks



You all should read/watch this masterpiece


Rules: list your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people

I was tagged by @beautifultypewriter. Thank you so much for the tag!! 

1- Sam Winchester (Supernatural)

2- Boromir (lotr)

3-  Frank Castle (Netflix MCU)

4- Michonne (The Walking Dead)

5- Sir Leon ( BBC Merlin) 

6- Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

7- Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean) 

9- Anansi (American Gods) 

10- Annie Sawyer (Being Human UK)

I tag @taletime@slavet0thegrind @lotrfics @hrisity12@yerevasunclair

1- Aragorn (LOTR)

2- Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)

3- Eric Forman (That 70’s Show)

4- Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)


I tag @orphan-with-a-stutter@moony-artnstuff@moonlightofdubai

Who was your first crush from Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit? Mine was Frodo. I began crushing on him before I began watching the movies. He’ll always hold a special place for being what I call my “first love” in that series, don’t judge.

Legolas was second, but that didn’t last too long, probably 5 days then I moved on from him real quick.

Comment yours or if you’re too embarrassed, send an ask on anonymous.

There must be a line in either LOTR or The Hobbit that was so obvious it pissed you off

My choice is “if there’s a key, then there must be a door” by none other than Fili

What’s yours?



Just a reminder

Sean Bean was a King in Mirror Mirror!!

I thought Gondor had no king

I thought Gondor needed no king

Still, that’s a king I would have followed

Mainly for Sean Bean but ‍♀️

@queen-under-the-mountain Loving the tags. He looks fine, as usual.

Don’t kill Sean Bean


Just a reminder

Sean Bean was a King in Mirror Mirror!!

I thought Gondor had no king

I thought Gondor needed no king

Still, that’s a king I would have followed

Mainly for Sean Bean but ‍♀️





Favorite thing about being a fic writer is the comments. No seriously unless you’re a fic writer you don’t understand the level of kindness and almost heroin-esque level high writers get from getting thoughtful feedback from loyal readers. It’s fantastic.

Someone once told me that the characters felt in character and I almost started crying.

There is no drug on this earth that competes with comments.

^^^ this right here

Nothing feels better than being told you captured the character you wrote about perfectly. I have been told that once, and I remember smiling like an idiot. Even sending me anonymous asks telling me you like my stuff makes me feel better about how I view my stuff, I got one not long ago after posting an Aragorn fic and it was amazing because I was proud of that fic.

Send something in my ask

Confess, rant, say hello, spill secrets anything. I’m hella bored and want to interact. My ask box is open so spam me.

Stupid post that you can scroll past

I had to write an essay about the theme of a story of our choice, so of course this bitch wrote for Lord of the Rings, how power corrupts

We had to be detailed about why power corrupts so we had to choose three events, and one of the events I chose was Boromir succumbing to the Ring.

Guess who tried their best to refrain from being bias and turn the essay into a Boromir Defense Squad™ essay, yet almost did so anyway?


That being said, if you are anti Boromir, or bash Boromir in your fics, get the fuck out of my blog, I’m not the nicest person and I’m not afraid to be harsh.

You don’t have to like him of course, I respect and fully understand why you wouldn’t. You can even tell me he’s your least favorite character, I won’t get mad, because I’ll tell you Legolas is my 2nd least favorite Fellowship member.

Just don’t be an asshole to him.

Sorry for the stupid post, I’m just too tired and I want to talk about this to someone.

I know there’s someone out there for all of you.

My personal choice is Smeagol/Gollum. I can’t bring myself to like him or go easy on him.
