#fili the dwarf


Request: “I would like to make a request for Fili. Where he is your husband and you get baby fever on the journey towards Erebor.”


Warnings: none

Word Count: 1.8k

A/N: I decided to not have Kíli get shot by the arrow because that depresses me and also ended up with Fíli being the one with the case of baby fever. Hope you enjoy! :)

When you married Fíli you had also married your best friend, and there was no denying that he made every single day of your life ten times better than it would’ve been without him.

You’d grown up with him and Kíli, your father being one of Thorin’s close confidants for all manners of political issues. There was always some expectation you’d marry one of Thorin’s nephews, and though you’d always pushed back against the idea, one day Fíli had wormed his way into your heart and never left. You were truly blessed to spend every day with your best friends, and made an effort to support and stand with him at all times.

It was no surprise when you’d demanded to go with him on the journey to Erebor. It was also no surprise when Thorin, all too familiar with your dedication to following your husband into all sorts of perilous situations, begrudgingly accepted your request to join the party.

This was how you ended up in Lake-town, trying to help the company collect supplies for the rest of the way to the Lonely Mountain. While you were a fighter first and foremost, your second and far less enjoyable job was helping to mend the countless shirts and trousers the dwarves had ripped and shredded on their journey. Fighting and trekking through the woods didn’t mix well with the very limited wardrobes you brought with you. Your husband was down to one pair of completely intact pants, and the rest of the dwarves were not much better off.

When you stopped in Lake-town, your first priority was finding new material to patch up everyone’s clothes. Much to his dismay, you’d dragged Fíli along with you, insisting that the two of you would be able to carry more than just you alone.

And so Fíli had reluctantly followed you into the small shop owned by the local seamstress. He was standing awkwardly in the corner, rocking back and forth on his heels uncomfortably as you interrogated the woman behind the counter about fabric prices.

“How much do you need?” she asked skeptically, a nervous look on her face as you stacked several bundles of fabric next to the register.

“How much do you have?” you snorted, turning around and scanning the rest of the room with your hands on your hips. “I think this’ll do.”

The woman’s eyes widened slightly as you emptied a small pouch of gold onto the counter. “Alrighty then.”

You turned around and gave your husband a thumbs up. He rolled his eyes, a small grin on his face.

It was then that a small child, no more than two, toddled unsteadily out of the back room, babbling for the mother. The saleswoman grinned, giving the toddler a fond grin as she swooped them up in her arms.

“My daughter,” she clarified to you, rocking back and forth with the child sitting on her hip as she continued to count your change.

“She’s adorable,” you gushed. “How old is she?”

“Eighteen months.”

You grinned as the child reached a hand out towards you, chattering some high-pitched gibberish.

“Say hi, Delilah,” the mother cooed. Delilah made a valiant attempt.

“Your daughter is my new favorite person,” you replied, grabbing your change off the counter and turning to beckon your husband over.

You were not expecting the overwhelmingly adoring look on Fíli’s face. He was completely entranced by the child, gaze fixated on her as she inspected some toy in her hands.

You cleared your throat and his eyes snapped back to you. You grinned at the faint blush on his cheeks and gestured to the fabric on the table. “I’m ready to go if you are.”

“Of course, my love.” He came over to help you divvy the bundles between yourselves, and with a polite goodbye to the woman, you left the shop.

“That baby was so absolutely cute,” Fíli said finally as you walked back to Thorin’s designated meeting area.

“I know!” you exclaimed. “Her little hands, oh my goodness.”

“And her eyes,” Fili said, nodding furiously in agreement. “So big. She was just inspecting all of us.”

“I loved her,” you chuckled.

“Kind of makes me want to have one myself, you know?” Fíli suggested, nudging your arm with his own. You blushed, looking over to find him already looking at you, unable to recognize the expression on his face.

“What?” you asked defensively.

“Oh, nothing,” he said. “Just trying to imagine what a little you or me would look like.”

“We’d have the best looking baby,” you stated. “He or she would be even cuter than Delilah.”

“How could she not be, when his or her mother is the most beautiful dwarf in all of Middle Earth?”

Your face flushed a deep shade of red as you scrambled for an answer, him grinning widely at you spluttering. “Well…that’s just-”

“That’s just what?”

You huffed, rolling your eyes at the smirk on his face. “Thanks, Fíli,” you said finally.

“Just stating the obvious, my flower.“

There was much to do after Smaug was killed and Erebor reclaimed by Thorin. It was a time for much celebration, with the dwarves finally able to return to the Lonely Mountain (or see it for the first time in Fíli and Kíli’s case), but it was also a time for careful planning and negotiation. Luckily, Bard seemed very open to an alliance with you all, and he and Thorin had discussed the possibility of establishing a sort of trade system.

Thorin had been eager to rope his nephews into the process, trying to show them the political and social ropes since they were next in line to be in power. Unfortunately for you, that meant you saw Fíli very rarely throughout the day. Your time together was often limited to the evening, when he was often so exhausted from his work that he just fell asleep. You wouldn’t deny that you were a little lonely, but you saw the importance in what Fíli was doing and simply tried to make sure he was eating and sleeping as much as possible.

You’d been helping the other dwarves clean up the halls of Erebor, sorting through Smaug’s trove and making a map of all the different rooms and corridors.

It was late at night, and you were sitting on a balcony taking inventory of the most important treasures you’d found that day. Precious stones and jewelry…Smaug had hidden it all here in the Lonely Mountain. It was good news for you all, though - you’d be able to sell much of it and make a handsome profit.

You were just putting an oversized ruby back in its chest when you heard footsteps approaching from behind you. You glanced over your shoulder, eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Fíli entering the room. You grinned at each other warmly.

“I wasn’t expecting you,” you said, happiness evident in your voice.

“Surprise,” he replied softly, enveloping you in a tight hug and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You sighed contentedly, leaning into him.

“How’s your uncle?” you asked, face pressed up against his shoulder.

“Stressed,” Fíli replied. “I understand why, but his stubbornness is hindering whatever progress we were making with Lake-town.”

“Hopefully he’ll settle in more soon, and then he’ll be more relaxed,” you reassured him. “And you about you?” you continued, pulling back to look him in the eyes. “How are you doing?”

Fíli let out a stressed sigh and shrugged, tilting his head so his forehead was pressed against your own. “I am trying my best, my love, though sometimes I fear it’s not enough.”

“What do you mean?”

“My uncle, albeit very negative at times, has a skill for all these aspects of leadership. Kíli and I, well, it doesn’t come as easily to us,” he said uncomfortably. “I just don’t want to disappoint uncle.” You shook your head.

“Fí, how could anyone expect you to be an amazing leader when you’ve never had to lead before?” you asked. “That’s why Thorin is doing this anyway, to show you what to do before you’ll ever have to do it.”

He frowned, thinking. “I suppose you’re right.”

“I know I’m right,” you chuckled, rubbing his back slowly. Fíli sighed again, relaxing into you.

“Thank you, love.” You felt him turning his head as he looked around the room. “What have you been working on up here?”

“Oh, just some records,” you said nonchalantly, turning to point to the stack of papers you’d been writing on. “All the valuables we found and how much we think it’s worth, that sort of thing.”

His eyes widened as he looked at the various artifacts strewn around the room. “Smaug really was into the whole hoarding thing, huh?”

You nodded, stepping back and stretching your arms over your head. Fíli frowned as you tried and failed to suppress a yawn.

“Maybe we’re overexerting ourselves,” he said. You chuckled.

“Maybe? Oh, Fí, we most definitely are.”

Fili laughed. “I say we go to bed early tonight, and wake up late tomorrow.”
“A fantastic plan,” you cheered, twirling around the room deliriously. Sleep deprivation was definitely taking a toll on you.

When you turned back around to face Fíli, you found that same wonder-filled look on his face that he’d sported that day in Lake-town. You tilted your head to the side. “What is it?”

Fíli cleared his throat, took a step closer to you. “Have you ever…you know, thought about having kids?” Your eyes widened.

“I mean sure, loads of times,” you replied, a little startled by the topic of conversation. “Why do you ask?”

“I just…we’ve never discussed it properly,” he said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

You bit your lip. “Well, we’re married, I guess I figured it would just happen eventually when the time was right.”

Fíli chuckled and nodded, reached out and pulled you a bit closer to him. “And what if now is the time?”

You blinked once, twice. “I’m sorry?”

“I mean, we just got our home back,” Fíli continued, looking up at the ceiling of the room above you. “We have Erebor, we have a place to live and raise a family. And we’d be great parents, Y/N, I just know it.”

You grinned, watching him adoringly. “We would indeed.”

“And then the other day, with that little girl in that shop,” he sighed, closing his eyes as if relishing a memory. “I just can’t stop picturing you with a child of our own. And I’ve thought about it before, but it’s never been such a persistent feeling as it is now.”

Oh, Fíli.” Your eyes began to tear up as a wave of emotion crashed over you. Fíli met your gaze and gave you a panicked look.

“My lovely lass, what’s wrong?”

“Absolutely nothing,” you sniffed, throwing your arms around his neck and wrapping him in a tight hug. You felt his sigh of relief as his hands made their way to your back.

“I want a family with you,” he murmured into your hair. “I want to make you a mother.”

“And I want that more than anything,” you replied, head whirling with visions of the two of you with your future children.

Full Moon – Chapter 7


Pairing: Modern!Fìli x OCSerala!Werewolf

Warnings: None

Pairings: Fili Durin x Serala

Rating: E

AU: I’m so sorry this chapter is so late! Things have been super hectic between work and planning for my vacation which starts this Monday. I’ll be gone until Sunday possibly next Monday. My plan when I get back is to start the next chapter for War of Hearts then chapter eight for Full moon!  

Summary: A werewolf is a human who has the capability to shift into a wolf, either by sheer will or curse. However, many believe these tales to be myth but what if they turned out to be real.

Serala stepped out her front door just as Fili pulled up, she quickly shut the door to lock it. Her hand remained on the doorknob as the conversation her and Fenrir had was playing on repeat in her mind. A pack war, it seemed far-fetched but then again, the Gundabad pack was notorious for their despicable ways. Taking a deep breath, she decided it was best to just enjoy today with Fili turning she noticed him standing next to the passenger door holding it open a smile adorning his face. She walked down the steps quickly smiling, “such a gentleman.” She slipped into car with ease, the cool leather exterior seeping through the fabric of her sundress. Fili climbed in next to her, his hand reaching over to take hers gently, “you look incredible.” Her eyes met his as a heat rose to her cheeks as she smiled sheepishly. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” Fili wore a grey short sleeve button up, over a maroon t-shirt that exposed the golden curls that adorned his chest, paired with a pair of dark jeans. The site alone was enough to make any womans mouth water. He removed his hand from hers to pull out of her driveway before taking it again as she thought about where he’d gone earlier. “So how was the meeting with Thorin?”  

“It went well, we were just discussing some potential marketing campaigns for the museum.” Fili hoped she’d believe him after all it was just harmless lie. Right?

“Finally. I’ve been telling him for months that he needs to focus on marketing. We don’t see nearly enough visitors as we should.” Serala couldn’t help but glance at him giving him a smile, “I’m glad I’m not the only one that agrees.” The ride fell into a comfortable silence, and she finally noticed how right his hand felt in hers. His thumb absentmindedly brushing over her skin causing a shutter to run up her spine. The affect he had on her was strange, she felt calm around him most of all she trusted him. This was something she’d never thought she’d feel. Even with Jaymes it felt as though the relationship revolved around sex, with Fili it was more than that.  

“You’re staring.” Fili snapped her from her train of thoughts, a ghost of a smirk appearing. “Mhmm you’re nice to stare at what can I say.”  

“Oh really?”  

She couldn’t help but scoff, “you’re enjoying this aren’t you?”  

“Maybe.” A deep chuckle rumbled through him and Serala turned to sink lower into the leather seat as she stared out the windshield. “Well now I’m not going to stare anymore.”  

His hand squeezed hers gently as his blue eyes looked between her and the road, “awe I’m sorry, I like when you stare at me.” She couldn’t help the heat that crept up her neck as she gave a small smile, “maybe I’ll keep staring then.”  


The rest of the ride went by quickly as they pulled up in front of Bilbos. Serala noticed that everyone was there, and she groaned inwardly knowing Kili would question why Fili had not returned to their shared apartment last night. She heard the driver’s side door open and close quickly watching as Fili practically ran to her side to open the door. She stepped out as he shut it behind her before his hand instantly found hers, their fingers intertwining together. Her heart fluttered at the small gesture as they walked up to the front door ringing the doorbell. Bilbo appeared before them holding a wine glass, his eyes looking to her and Fili’s hands and she could see the ghost of a smirk grace his features. “About time you two got here. Come in!”Serala stepped inside Fili right beside her as she heard soft jazz music playing, the smell of food greeting her keen senses. “It smells divine Bilbo.” He stepped around her smiling as he began leading them to the kitchen. “I wish I could say that it’s my cooking you’re smelling but it’s not. Thorin offered and I didn’t have the heart to tell him no.” Serala raised her eyebrows as she smiled, “oh really?”  

“Don’t go there.” Bilbos cheeks were flushed as he took a sip of his wine. As the three stepped through the threshold Kili sat up straighter smiling at his brother and best friend leaping off the stool he sat on. “Sera!” He practically tackled her, her hands wrapping around him as she laughed, “hey Ki.” She pulled herself away from the brunette as he turned to hug Fili. The dynamic between the two always surprised her, especially with how close they were. Nothing like the relationship she had with Fenrir.

“Where were you last night Fi? You didn’t come home.” Serala felt her cheeks flush as she felt everyone’s eyes on both of them. Fili gave a breathy laugh as he shrugged, “just hanging out with Sera. We watched her favorite movies and ate pizza. Ended up passing out on her couch.” Nice Fi she thought, knowing full well Kili did not believe it with how he was looking between the two of them. Bofur spoke up turning everyone’s attention to him, “I suppose the movie was a romance, eh?” Laughter filled the kitchen and dining room as Fili’s face flushed slightly. Bilbo clapped his hands together, “anyway! Sera want to help me grab more wine from the wine cellar?” She had never been more grateful for the curly haired man as she nodded, “of course, lead the way.” She silently followed Bilbo down the wooden steps as they walked past rows of wine he had collected over the years. Suddenly he turned towards her, “spill. I know you two didn’t just watch movies.” Serala groaned as she rubbed her face before inhaling through her nose. “We may or may not have… slept together.” Bilbos eyes widened slightly as he gripped her shoulders, “and you didn’t bother to call me to tell me you and Fili were together?!” Cocking her head, she raised an eyebrow as she stared at the crazy eyed man before her, “what do you mean call you to tell you? Am I supposed to inform you about my sexscapades besides I’m not even sure what we are at this point.” It was Bilbos turn to raise an eyebrow as his hands released her, “not sure what you are? Have either of you even discussed it?” Serala sighed as she leaned against one of the shelves, “no. Not really. I’m not even sure how to bring it up, I mean what if he isn’t looking for something serious not to mention Jaymes and I split not that long ago.”  

Bilbo crossed his arms one of his hips jutting out, the sass clear in his tone, “didn’t you tell me not that he hated Jaymes? Why should that matter?” Serala knew he was right. It was no secret how much Fili disliked her ex-boyfriend, always having something to say. “I hate when you’re right, but it still doesn’t change the fact I’m hesitant.”  

“It’s no secret how you both feel about one another honestly. Everyone sees how you both look at each other, it’s almost sickening.” Serala smirked at Bilbo, “sickening like you and Thorin eye fucking each other or?”  

“We do not eye fuck each other!”  

“Oh, you totally do, and you for one know I’m right.”  

Bilbo scoffed as he rolled his eyes, “listen, I’m not saying right now but maybe you  should talk to him about it and see how he feels. Let the chips fall where they may kind of deal.”  

She gave a huff before pushing herself off the shelf, “maybe you’re right. I’ll think about it, but in the meantime, we should probably head back up.” Bilbo nodded before reaching over to grab a random wine as they made their way back up the steps and into the kitchen. Serala noticed Fili standing beside Thorin while he cooked, her eyes darting over to Kili who sat with Dwalin and Ori. Making her way over to the three men she pulled one of the chairs out before sitting down. “So, what are you guys talking about?”  

Kili looked to her, “we were just discussing what Dwalin here overheard this morning at the museum.” This made her perk up as she placed her arms on the table leaning on them, “yeah Fi told me he was discussing marketing campaigns.” Dwalin gave a smirk as he shook his head, his beard swaying slightly, “that’s what he told you? Seemed to me Fi was interested in some of the history that revolves around the Durin bloodline.” Serala licked her lips, her heart hammering against her ribs. Her mind going back to the conversation she had with Fili the night before, “Thorin used to tell Kili and I tales about the Loup garou. It’s a werewolf legend, right?” She took a deep breath trying to calm herself as she narrowed her eyes at Dwalin, “what do you mean? What about his bloodline?”  

Before Dwalin could say anything, Ori spoke from beside him, “Apparently, he is interested in the Loup garou legends. Old stories about men who had the ability to shift into wolves who protected the line of Durin or fought beside them. That was a long time ago, not sure why he’s interested in it now.” It was as if the wind had been knocked out of her lungs as she stared at Ori. Fili had lied to her but not just that he had gone to Thorin, and she wondered if he had told him what she had shown him the night before. “You okay Sera? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Her eyes turned to Kili his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at her. “O-oh yes, I’m fine. Fili mentioned something about that when we were watching the wolfman last night. I had no idea his bloodline had its own legends is all.” Kili nodded as the three men fell into another conversation. Serala was unable to focus on what they were even saying as she sat there, her mind reeling at what Ori had just said. She figured if Fili had wanted to know more, he would have asked her, but clearly, she was wrong. Pushing herself away from the table as she stood up, “I’m going to go talk to Fili, I’ll be back.” Her eyes looked to see him still speaking with Thorin, her body moving on its own towards the two. “Hey Thorin, can I steal Fi for a moment. I need to talk to him.” A smirk made its way to Thorin’s face as he nodded, “sure Sera. You two don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Before Serala could hear the jokes being thrown at Thorin she grabbed Filis hand leading him out the back door as she closed it. Tugging him away from the glass out of  view of the others her brown eyes meeting his blue ones, “you lied to me.”  

“What do you mean? What did I lie about?” He knew instantly she knew.  

She couldn’t help but scoff as she ran a hand through her hair, “you weren’t talking to Thorin about marketing campaigns, you met up with him to talk about the Loup garou legends. God Fili, I trusted you.” He raised his hands as he took a step forward, “Sera listen I know how this looks but I didn’t say anything about you, I swear. I just wanted to learn more about it is all.” She didn’t know if what he was telling her was the truth at this point. Every fiber in her being wanted to believe him, yet she couldn’t shake the hurt that felt like sting as if someone had slapper her the face. “I want to believe you’re telling me the truth Fi; I fucking do but I just don’t know if you are. You could have talked to me if you wanted to know more. I feel so stupid.”  

“Please Sera-”  

“No. Just stop Fili. I need time to think, I’m going to see if Kili will take me home.” Before he could say anything else Serala opened the door and walked back into Bilbos. Her eyes found Kili talking to Bofur as she gave tight lipped smile walking over to them, “hey Ki I hate asking but would you be able to take me home. I’m not feeling the greatest all the sudden.” He stared at her slowly nodding, “sure Sera, you okay?” She nodded slowly, “yes, I’ll be okay. I’m going to let Bilbo know.” She looked to see Bilbo standing beside Thorin both men’s attention turning to her as she approached, “Sera what’s wrong?” Bilbo set his wine glass down as he stepped towards her his hands cupping her cheeks. “Nothing love, just don’t feel the greatest. I’m going to head home I’m sorry I know I only just got here.”  

He shook his head at her, “you have nothing to apologize for sweety. Just please call me when you get home. Just so I know you’re okay.”  

“Of course.” She gave him a quick hug as she turned to say goodbye to the others before heading to the front door to wait for Kili. A warm hand wrapped around her wrist as she looked back to see Fili his blue eyes not as bright as they had been this morning. “Serala at least let me drive you home. Please.” She sighed as footsteps sounded behind Fili, Kili standing there looking between the two keys in hand. “Everything okay?”  

“Yup, I’m going to be taking Serala home instead Ki. Thanks, anyway.” Before she could say anything to the younger Durin Fili was tugging her out of the house and towards his car. She slowly climbed inside as he shut the door behind her walking to the other side to climb in. Turning the ignition over her pulled away from the curb the air inside the cab thick.  


The ride back to Seralas house seemed to drag on. Neither she nor Fili had spoken since leaving Bilbos, not that she particularly had a problem with that. She watched as he pulled into her driveway, unbuckling her seatbelt ready to bolt as soon as he put it in park. As her door swung open, he gently gripped her wrist again the warmth of his fingers causing her to shiver, “I know you’re pissed at me, and I completely understand but I just want you to know I meant what I said. I didn’t tell Thorin anything.” Feeling his grip release she stepped out of the car closing the door before making her way up the steps. Unlocking her door, she stepped inside not bothering to look back as she closed it quickly locking it. Tugging her phone from her pocket she dialed the one person she never thought she’d speak to again. The dial tone sounded in her ear before a gruff voice spoke over the line, “hello?”  

Taking a deep breath Serala spoke, “Dad… We need to talk.”  


Just Dean and Adam having fun while getting ready on the set of the Hobbit

There must be a line in either LOTR or The Hobbit that was so obvious it pissed you off

My choice is “if there’s a key, then there must be a door” by none other than Fili

What’s yours?
