


Modern Formal Wedding Dress for Myanmar Brides.

“ We are Not Happy, We’re in Coup ”

See #WhatsHappeninginMyanmar In Twitter to Follow up with Current Myanmar Coup Crisis.

Dar Khuang Buttons

An instrument called “Dar Khuang” in Chin dialect, “မောင်း" in Burmese, is a kind of traditional instrument which our Chin people most treasure. It is especially used only on significant and special days of Chin people such as on the day of celebration for a hunting man, on the day of “Kuang Cuai” celebration for a young lady, on the day of paying homage and congrats to elders, and on the day of a lady’s betrothal ceremony. For this sacred and valuable reason, we would like to introduce you with our “Dar Khuang” buttons in collaboration with a beautiful costume from #TLS Collection as our special design for Christmas.

Photo & Text Via :

Nika Jewellry Facebook

This Dress is Attribute to Dar Khuang.


Out of 3.905 billion women all over the world, 7.8 million were diagnosed with breast cancer.

Doing the math, it seems like too tiny percentage to give the attention.

But the frustration and anxiety of women with breast cancer is beyond numbers.

It is not the end of the world. You can beat it, survive it and thrive from it. But at the same time, it is serious,severe and fatal if you were late to get treated.

In 2020 alone, breast cancer caused 685000 deaths globally.

It is only the best if we as women take care of ourselves from the very beginning and are well aware of our bodies.

As women, we share common pros and cons, risks and benefits.

We need to look after ourselves, look after one another and help each other.

If you think you have any sign leading to breast cancer, go see a doctor as soon as possible. If you see a woman with breast cancer, encourage her and help her beat it.


we can rise past it.

Breast Cancer Awareness for Our Beauties.


ThaDinGyut Festival time is Normally Held as Most Wedding Events Everywhere in Myanmar.

But for This Year,

“Save Myanmar People”

Is Our First Priority.


Happy Thadingyut Everyone ❤️❤️❤️

Happy Thadingyut with Baby SawLaPyaeWon

Every Myanmar Girls Deserve To be Happy

But, as for girls from IDP Camps,

they were facing live or death situations, despite of normal girls living peaceful at big Towns.

International’s help should focus on Myanmar IDP Citizens.

Featuring : NawPhawEhHtar

We Wish to Get Peace & 100% Federal Democracy in Near Future of Myanmar.

May the Gods Protect Our People’s Defense Forces.

Featuring : HanLay FB

Disclaimer : These Photos were taken before the Coup.

Myanmar women will have peaceful times only after winning revolution over Dictatorship.

Now We’re still struggling.


May the Lord bless you and keep you, and may the Lord shine upon your face and show you mercy. Amen

Today is Our Mother of Democracy AungSanSuKyi’s 76th Birthday.

We Celebrate “ Flowers Strike” with Freedom from Fear.

We Miss Our @maytoekhine & All Myanmar Girls Who were Still Detaining in Prison.


Last Saturday, Our Beauty Thuzar Participated in Youth of Myanmar Funding Event at Minnesota.

This event made it happen as Water Filter for Karen IDPs & also to Other States which require supplies.

Love you Our Queen ❤️

Another Sad Story happened in Myanmar

Attribute to : MayThitSarMaung

She was Miss International Queen Myanmar 2020. ( She was Transgender Beauty.)

She died in an Car Accident happened last Monday. (The Rent Taxi where she inside was hit by the Car which even across red light)

( Now hearing that the accident maker boy is underage, drinker and his parents are super rich enough to cover his crime.)

What a Shame!

Now We Mourn for Our Lost Beauty….

She was also NUG Government Supporter.

She was Stand for Democracy.

Rest in Peace May.


International Women Day

Attribute to Both Ukraine & Myanmar Women in Defense Forces ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Stay Strong


It’s been in a year

Since our life fell into deepest darkness. Some people cannot come home anymore and some people are still away from their families. Some people sacrificed themselves for the truth and some people praying for the best days to come..

အားလုံးနဲ့ အမြန်ပြန်ဆုံချင်ပြီ…

လိုချင်တဲ့ လွတ်လပ်ပျော်ရွှင်ခြင်းအစစ်မှန်တွေ

အမြန်ဆုံးပြန်ရပါစေ ဆုတောင်းပါတယ်…

Now365Days Long of Brutal Coup in Feb 2022

Help IDPs in Myanmar

Don’t Support Myanmar Military Terrorists
