

Tristan and Anna in Spain: Part One

Tristan hurried back to the hotel where he had left Anna. He nearly burst into the room. Brimming with excitement, he found Anna naked, just as he had told her to be upon his return.

“Good, sweet girl. You obeyed me,” he said.

Anna replied, “Tristan, I love you. I always try to do as you say, no matter how vile or demeaning.”

“And that is why I love you. You will do whatever I wish.”

Anna was silent.

“But come here. I have arranged for you to meet the famous Sir Stephen. He will be waiting for you at 9 pm tonight. I will take you there.”

“But, Tristan, want will he do to me? I have heard from other girls at Roissy that he can be quite cruel.”

“That is of no concern. I have promised you to him for the night.”

Anna began crying.

“Quit crying. It’s decided. If he wants your rear, you’ll take it. If he wants to whip you, you’ll bear it. It’s what I promised, what I want.” And to himself Tristan thought, “And I’ll be paid handsomely.”

Anna looked up. “Then at least you make love to me. Do it before I go to Sir Stephen. Do it so I’ll know you really love me.”

And Tristan took her, alternating between Anna’s vagina and rectum, before finally spilling himself in her mouth. Afterwards, Anna hugged him. “I do love you, Tristan. I hope you know that.”

He replied, “Of course I do. Now just wear heels and a collar. You will not need anything else.”

A Conversation between Tristan and Sir Stephen

While Nathan saw to it that Uta was placed in the dungeon below the main level of the villa, Tristan sought out Sir Stephen. He found him in the library of the villa perusing a book illustrated by Georges Pichard.

“Excuse me, Sir Stephen,” Said Tristan.

“Yes, what is it?” the older man replied.

“As you may know, I convinced my lover to go to Roissy. Her name is Anna. I believe you were there last year when Anne Marie branded her.”

Sir Stephen looked non-committal. “Describe her. Anne Marie has branded several slaves while I watched.”

“Anna is quite pretty. Young. Brunette. Grey green eyes. Large tits. I had her branded on her belly, just above her sex. I think you were there with O.”

“Oh yes, I remember now, Branded just above her sex. Unusual. Normally it is done on the thigh, shoulder or buttocks.”

“Well, I had it placed there so she could continue to model bikinis without a brand showing on her rear or elsewhere.”

“And you are telling me this why?”

“I was wondering if you might want to ‘rent’ Anna for a bit. She really is very good.”

Sir Stephen nearly burst out laughing. “Anne Marie told me that you are an enterprising young man. As you are not a Master of Roissy, you may charge Masters a fee for usage of your slave. Very smart of you. Bring her to me. I’ll try her out. If she’s good, I’ll pay a hefty fee. None of the slaves who came down from Roissy appeal to me and I will not get O back for another day. Bring Anna to my room here tonight. Nine pm should be good.”

“Yes, Sir,” said Tristan and he bowed obsequisely on his way from the room.

In the Hospital at Malaga

Zuri followed the doctor into the room where Anne Marie lay in bed. As Zuri looked at her older cousin, Anne Marie raised up and spoke, “Dear cousin, it seems that I will live. I owe my life to Sir Stephen who carried me to the car, and now I fear he may have paid the ultimate price for his gallantry.”

Zuri interrupted, “But the doctor said there is a chance he may yet survive.”

“Ah, a consummation devotedly to be wished for,” murmured Anne Marie. Then she said to Zuri, “Zuri, I will be here recovering for several weeks. I fear that Pierre, while a good valet, may be overmatched trying to manage Roissy, especially with the new girls I purchased. They are probably already there. The Masters will not be pleased if things are not run smoothly.”

Again, Zuri interrupted, “What are you getting at?”

“I would be forever grateful if you would take a leave of absence from Haus der Sklavin and assume day to day management of Roissy until I get back. Of course, you would be well compensated.”

“Why, Anne Marie, I would be flattered,” said Zuri.

“So. It is settled. You will go to Roissy. Please take Anna with you. Yvette will stay here with me. And would you also take O. If Sir Stephen lives, he will likely have a long recovery period. And O needs a firm hand. As will the new girls likely.”

As Zuri left the room she turned to Anne Marie and said, “Get well soon, dear cousin. Do not worry about Roissy. I will take care of it.”

The Morning After: Part Seven

The doctor looked at Zuri, Anna, and Yvette. “So you brought in the two people who have been shot?”

Zuri answered, “Yes. Us and our valet. He is out at the car. How is my cousin, Anne Marie?”

The doctor said, “She will live. The bullet just nicked her head. That accounted for the massive bleeding. The wound to her shoulder broke her clavicle, but she will recover.”

“Thank Goodness,” blurted out Yvette. “My Mistress will be OK.” Zuri nodded and asked, “And the man, Sir Stephen?”

The doctor answered, “His is more serious. He was shot twice. One punctured a lung, the other penetrated his liver. Our surgeon removed both bullets, but it is still touch and go for him.”

“May I please see my cousin, if she is awake.”

“Yes,” answered the doctor. “I will take you to her.”

Zuri turned to Yvette and Anna, who was still in shock from seeing Tristan shot, and said, “You two wait here.”

Yvette answered, “Yes, ma'am.”

And back at the villa, O was still unaware of all of this.

O at the Amphitheater: Part Three

O’s reverie was broken by the sound of Chloe, “Oh look. Here comes the man in black, pulling that whore along on a chain attached to her sex. You’re pierced like that aren’t you. O?”

Rene answered, “Yes. O is pierced. Stephen had Anne Marie pierce her. She wears my half brother’s insignia on a pendant hanging from sex. He also had Anne Marie brand her with his initials. O is truly his property now, aren’t you O?”

“Yes, I am,” she answered. This seemed to end the conversation.

Chloe was silent for a while then asked,“What is that girl’s name. Is she branded, also?“

Rene answered. Her name is Uta. She used to belong to a man I know named Rolfe. He took her to Roissy and enslaved her. But now he has sold her to Tristan and Nathan, Ari’s younger brother. They are having her crucified.”

Chloe turned to O and asked, “O, have you ever been to a crucifixion before? I haven’t this is my first time.” Then turning to Rene, she said, “Oh Rene, this is so exciting! I think I am already wet!”

O watched as the man led Uta to a large cross lying on the ground in the center of the arena. Two of Anne Marie’s trusted valets were standing by it. The crowd applauded. Nathan got up from his table and went to Uta. Then he turned to the audience and said, “Shall we spare her or crucify her?”

Voices responded, “Crucify her!” A tear ran down O’s face as she looked at poor Uta.

O at the Amphitheater: Part Two

Sir Stephen shook Rene’s hand and said, “So glad you could make it. I thought this event might interest you.” Then turning to the young woman seated with Rene, Sir Stephen asked, “And who might you be?” Before she could respond O spoke, “She is Chloe. She is Rene’s new lover. He was ‘kind’ enough to bring her by to meet me while I was staying at the Colonel’s estate.”

Chloe said, “Yes. Rene was kind enough to introduce me to his old flame.” Then she added archly, “O, I like this dress more that what you had when we met before. It is a little less revealing.” O remembered that she was naked and chained in a cell when she last saw Rene. He had told her then that Chloe was his new lover.

“Now, ladies. Play nice,” said Rene while Sir Stephen chuckled at the exchange. Then he said, “Rene please look after O. I must go and speak to Anne Marie about something. Then he left. O, somewhat red-faced, sat down across from Rene and Chloe. Chloe spoke first. “Rene was just telling me how he convinced you to go to Roissy and how afterward he gave you to his brother.”

“Half-brother.” Corrected Rene. “Much, much older half-brother,” laughed Rene.

“They are already drunk,” thought O.

O spoke to Chloe, “So, you have been to Roissy?” “Yes. Rene took me there. But just for a visit. I could never be a whore like that. Like you were, or is It ’are’ my dear?”

O didn’t answer and Chloe went on. “Is it true the girls there at Roissy are whipped daily? He says some of them like it. Even look forward to it. Are you like that O?”

“I believe she is,” said Rene. I know I always liked watching O being whipped. I couldn’t bear to do it myself, but Stephen rather enjoys it. But I do remember when I first found out that O liked pain. Do you remember, O?”

And O thought back: “Yes. I remember. I always hated that time of month. The swelling, and bloating. My normally slim build seeming to swell, especially my lower belly – giving me a small pot belly. My vagina seeming to turn inside out. My breasts swelling, being feverish and sore. And my nipples – hard as diamonds and painfully erect. All I could think about was how my body betrayed me once a month. And to what end? I had an anomaly that prevents me from becoming pregnant.

“And Rene loved to take me when I was like that. One early morning as I was asleep on my back, I felt his hands push my legs apart. Then I felt his mouth on my swollen sex. His tongue inflaming me. I came quickly, but when I did, it was painful. I must have moaned more loudly that usual because Rene then said, ‘Roll over. Get on your keens, ass in the air. I’m going to take you from the rear.’ I did and felt his stiff member push against the entrance guarded by my swollen labia. It hurt, but he pushed harder, forcing his way in. I heard him say, ‘You’re so tight now. Does it hurt?’ I could only groan as it felt like he was hammering my cervix. I began to cry, trying to hide my sobs by burying my head in the pillow. Then I heard him say, ‘Lift up so I can get to your breasts.’ I rose up. He pressed the sides of my breasts by my ribs. I moaned, ‘it hurts.’ Then he slid down and pinched my nipples hard, rolling them between thumb and forefinger. Then with one hand, he took my hair and pulled my head up, maintain a death grip on my right nipple. He pounded me as tears streamed down my face. Finally, with a loud groan Rene came. And pushed me aside. He said, ‘That hurt, and you loved it.’ Still sobbing softly, I said ’yes.”

O at the Amphitheater: Part One

Most of the guests took advantage of the vans that would transport them from the villa to the old Roman amphitheater where the final act of Uta’s humiliation would play out. But Chen and Sir George’s friend, Matthew, chose to follow along with the man in black and Uta. Chen took his video camera and recorded Uta struggling along being pulled forward by the leash attached to the heavy ring that pierced her labia. Sir George took the van along with Sun-yi and Matthew’s friend Cindi. Once at the amphitheater they were escorted to a table actually in the arena of the building. There were also tables for the VIP’s. Nathan, Tristan and Anna were at one table, the obnoxious American and his companion at another. Muriel and Marc were seated with that couple. The wealthy Arab who had purchased one of the girls the night before was also in the arena. He had his hand on a leash attached to the young girl he had branded the night before.

They were all seated when Sir Stephen, O, Anne Marie and Zuri made an entrance. O noticed that the rich Arab had a group of steely eyed men surrounding him and his newly acquired slave. “Body guards,” said Zuri knowingly. Anne Marie and Zuri made their way to one of the more prominent tables and Sir Stephen, taking O by the elbow, led her to a table off to the side. O noticed a man and woman already sitting that table, but their backs were to O as she approached. Then she heard a familiar voice as the man turned around and said, “Brother, how good to see you and how nice of you to invite us to this event.”

It was Rene.

What Uta Remembered…

Yvonne led Uta down the hallway at a slow pace. Unlike the valets, Yvonne did not unnecessarily tug on the leash connected to the ring that pierced Uta’s labia. After all, Yvonne knew what it was like to be led on a leash and did not want to add anything else to Uta’s discomfort. Anne Marie, arm in arm with Uta’s lover. Rolfe, led the way with Uta and Yvonne following. They entered the room where Uta was usually laid out for a whipping. The whipping table was in the center of the room. Yvonne led Uta to a couple of small upright posts off to the side of the room. Uta had been tied there many times before, watching while Yvonne or another girl was laid on the whipping table, tied spread eagle and flogged between her legs. Now Uta was tied upright, but spread between both posts – hands secured slightly above head height and legs spread with ankles secured near the post’s bases. Yvonne still held the leash connected to Uta’s vulva. Only after Uta was securely tied down did Yvonne unhook the leash. Over her shoulder, Uta was able to see Doutzen. She had been brought by James to witness Uta’s branding. From the corner of her eye Uta saw a small table with a burner on it and the branding iron to be used on her. It was smaller than she had thought. She heard the hiss of flame as Anne Marie lit the burner and placed the iron over it. “It should be red hot in about five minutes,” Anne Marie said to Rolfe. Uta looked at the wall in front of her. There was a large clock that read 11:52. Anne Marie continued, “Yvonne, kneel in front of Uta and tongue her. Give her pleasure and make her moan, but do not allow her to orgasm. We will mix the pleasure with pain.” Yvonne looked at Uta, said “I am sorry. Forgive me,” and knelt down. As Yvonne’s tongue enflamed her, Uta saw Role and Doutzen, the beautiful blonde, move in front of her. Rolfe kissed Uta and caressed her breasts, the he said to Doutzen,“Kneel down, unzip me and take me in your mouth,” Rolfe commanded. Doutzen did as she was ordered. “I want Uta to see.” Uta was overwhelmed. Her eyes went from the burner, to the clock, to Doutzen’s head working up and down Rolfe’s shaft, Rolfe’s face in obvious pleasure. She felt Yvonne’s tongue become more urgent, Uta’s hips began to move, she thought she might come. Then…

The Landing

Before the cocktail party had begun, a ship containing the two dozen or so women that were to be auctioned off as slaves landed on a nearby beach. The slavers began herding the women off the boat and onto the beach. The women were from all over, but mainly from the Caucus and Eastern Europe. Some had been working in the mean brothels of that area or had just been kidnapped. Most of them were apprehensive about their fate, but some were looking forward to escaping the crushing poverty of their native countries.

O at the Cocktail Party: Part One

Sir Stephen had given O only twenty minutes to get ready to go to the cocktail party. Fortunately, O knew just the type dress she wanted to wear. It was a short white dress; she had been wearing one the night she first met Rene and a like one at the party where she thought Paul might propose to her. Fortunately, old Norah, Sir Stephen’s Haitian maid had laid out one quite similar – mostly white with gold accents and short enough to show off O’s long legs. As O tried on the dress, she thought back to Paul. True, she had loved Rene, but he tired of O and gave her to his half brother Sir Stephen. And now she was Sir Stephen’s willing slave. But in a portion of her mind O wondered what if Fate had been different. Over a year ago Sir Stephen had given O her freedom, perhaps because he too had tired of her. O returned to her work as a fashion photographer and had met Paul. Unlike Rene and Sir Stephen, Paul had not been overtly cruel. Over time, O fell in love with Paul and he seemed to love her also. They had gone to a party. O was sure he was going to propose, but Paul had been kidnapped. Only later did O learn that he was actually working for the American CIA. Heartbroken, she had eventually gone back to Roissy and Sir Stephen. Anne Marie told her that it was Fate’s way of saying that there was a fork in the road of your destiny. You could have become a fat housewife, but free, with Paul or you could have found your true destiny as a slave with Sir Stephen. Fate took your choice away, but you are what you deserve to be, what you need to be.

O’s thoughts were disturbed by her Master who said, “Come on, O. It’s time.”

Sir Stephen came into the party with O on his arm. He quickly left O standing there alone while he went to speak with Anne Marie. O looked around the cocktail party seeing girls from Roissy with rich powerful men. Girls who looked glamorous, but were at heart nothing but whores. O thought, “We are all whores. All slaves. Slaves to Love. Are they happy? Am I truly happy?”

That Evening

It was nearly six o’clock in the evening. Large cars began to pull up in front of the villa near the small village outside Malaga. Anne Marie, flanked by her younger cousin Zuri and her ‘girl’ Yvette began welcoming guests to the pre-slave auction cocktail party. As instructed, the Roissy slaves that had been transported to Spain began circulating among the guests, looking for the wealthy men who had come stag to the party. They were, as Anne Marie had directed, dressed, but barely so.

Other couples also were arriving: Sutton and Alessa who looked stunning as always. Chen and Sun-yi, as well as Marc and Muriel. Towards dusk, a large BMW arrived; the chauffer stepped out and opened the rear door. Sir George, his friend Matthew and Cindi, looking blonder than ever, got out. Then another car drove up. Tristan, Nathan and Anna emerged. Anna had recovered from her earlier night with Sir Stephen and had on a lovely red dress.

Zuri whispered in her cousin’s ear, “It looks as if this will be a rousing success. But where are Sir Stephen and O?” Anne Marie answered, “I’m quite sure they will be here soon. Probably wanting to make an entrance.”

The ‘unfortunate event’ is the terrorist attack in Malaga. For those who do not regularily follow my blog - Tristan, Anna’s lover, and Nathan had bought Uta from Rolfe with the intent of crucifying her in an old Roman arena in Malaga, Spain via 'pay per view’ (in person) in a scheme to get rich. Many of our characters were in attendance, including a Saudi Prince. Unfortunately a group of terrorists got wind of it and attacked in hopes of assinating the prince. There were several casualties - both Sir Stephen and Anne Marie and others were wounded, and several characters were killed. In the melee Rene and his then love, Chloe, were separated. She and several others were captured. Uta was taken down from the cross and spirited away with them.

Details are found in posts from December 2017.

The New Slaves

Remember that at the slave auction before Uta’s crucifixion Anne Marie purchased four for Roissy, including the redhead she had seen whipped earlier. Zuri purchased two for Haus der Sklavin. The remainder went to the various brothels or individuals. What became of those individuals?

The valets who had come from Roissy took the four that Anne Marie purchased as well the two that Zuri had, and transported them back to Paris, being careful to avoid any law enforcement or customs officials. All six were then housed at Roissy where word of the terrorist attack and Anne Marie being shot had not yet arrived.

But what was the fate of the other girls auctioned off? The ones purchased by other brothels and sex slavers?

The Morning After: Part Five

Uta lay there in the sand on the beach just south of the old Roman coliseum where she had hung on the cross. Her mind was clouded. At first, she was sure she had died and gone to Hell, but then gradually her memory of the last day and a half returned. She remembered being in a cell and five or six men had brutally used her all night. Then another man had attached a chain to the heavy ring that pierced her labia. She had been led on the leash like an animal into an old Roman coliseum. There, in front of a crowd, she had been secured to a cross and crucified. The pain was horrible; it was difficult to breathe, and there was some sort of rod in her rectum. Uta had suffered greatly all day. As night was beginning to fall she remembered the young girl Anna coming to the foot of the cross. Her lover, Tristan, who along with a man named Nathan had bought Uta from her true love, Rolfe, for the purpose of making her suffer for the entertainment of a crowd. Uta remembered the crowd watching her. As she felt she was near death, Tristan had Anna masturbate her. She had asked Uta for forgiveness, but as Anna looked down from the cross, she saw Tristan’s head explode. Then Uta passed out. “Or did I die,” she thought.

But no. She was still alive. Two men dressed in baggy pants and with Their faces covered had lifted Uta from the cross. They half carried, half dragged her from the coliseum. At the edge of the building they met up with other masked men and four people from the audience who had watched her agony on the cross. Uta saw Nathan and thought, “This must be Hell because I see the Devil.” But the Devil looked small and scared. Uta decided she was alive, but just barely. The group was herded to the beach, but her strength gave out. Uta fell onto the sand and lay there. One of the men kicked her.

“Get up, Christian whore!” said the one called Abdul.

The one called Jaso said, “You should have left her on the cross.”

“No, she like the others may be ransomed. She is a whore. She is valuable to someone. As are the others. If we cannot ransom them, perhaps we can sell them all as slaves.”

Of course, Uta nor any other of the captives understood a word he was saying.

The Morning After: Part Four

Sir Stephen’s chauffer had brought both O and Norah, Sir Stephen’s Haitian maid, back to the villa where Sir Stephen had been staying. Both had left before the attack started and were completely unaware of the events that had transpired at the coliseum. Once back at the villa Norah took O into the bedroom of suite Sir Stephen had been occupying. She told O to undress. Once O was completely nude, Norah gathered up her clothes. Then she said, “I think Master would like for you to be naked when he comes back.” Then Norah, with O’s dress in her hands, left, being careful to lock the door behind her. O tried the door. It didn’t budge. She thought to herself, “Here I am. Naked and locked in a room. I might as well be in a dungeon cell at Roissy.”

Meanwhile Klaus and another valet were driving a van back to Roissy from Spain. One of them said, “I am so glad we were able to get away when the shooting started. And it’s good that we were able to round up the women.” “Yes,” said Klaus as he looked over his shoulder. “I see Nena, Corrine, Jeanne, Binh and Eurydice in the back of the van. We didn’t have time to chain up the bitches though. Should we stop and secure them?” “No said the valet driving. Give them a little freedom. They will have precious little when we get back to Roissy.”

In the hospital at Malaga, Zuri sat in the emergency room waiting area with Heinz, Yvette and Anna. Anna and Yvette were softly crying. “I cannot believe my Mistress was shot,” sobbed Yvette. Anna did not speak but was clearly still in shock from seeing her lover, Tristan, shot and killed in front of her eyes. As tears ran down her face she thought to herself, “I saw his head explode. My love is gone. What will become of me?” Zuri scowled at the two young women. And then a doctor emerged from the ER and said, “Are you with the two people who were shot?”

And on a beach south of the old Roman coliseum Arab looking men with AK47’s were leading a small group. There were two men and two women dressed in evening attire. And there was one young woman who was completely naked and struggling to keep up. She fell on the sand. One of the men with a rifle kicked her and said, “Get up, Christian whore.” His companion said, “Abdul, you should have left her on the cross.”

Colette did as old Cyril had told her. She knelt in front of him, unzipped his trousers and pulled out his member. She began massaging it without being told. Colette had experience with Cyril. Usually he had a difficult time getting an erection, and once he did if she used her mouth, he usually came very quickly. However, a few times he couldn’t reach a suitable erection and called for a valet to flog her while he watched. That usually did the trick. Colette hoped this morning wouldn’t be one of those days. Colette worked Cyril’s member in her tiny hands, kissing and sucking on it as she did so. But alas, it was to no avail. Cyril looked over at the young valet, Albert. Colette was sure he was going to tell Albert to flog her, but instead he just said, “Old age is a dreadful thing, boy. Would you be so kind as to hand me that prescription bottle there on the table?” The young valet did so, and Cyril took the top off the small bottle. Taking out a blue tablet, he looked down on Colette and said, “It will take about ten or fifteen minutes for the drug to take effect. Why don’t you play with me while it does?” Then after a moment, “And while you’re down there fondling me, tell me a story. An erotic one. Pretend you’re little Scherazde for ‘1,001 Arabian Nights.”

Colette had no idea what the old man was talking about and said, “I don’t understand.”

Cyril sighed, took a sip of his coffee and thought. Finally, he said, “You know I was there in the rose garden when Ari had that model girlfriend – what was her name?”

Colette answered, “Ari’s lover was Doutzen. She was beautiful.”

Cyril responded, “Yes. That’s it. Doutzen. I found it quite erotic watching her slowly expire on the cross while we all sat around and ate strawberries and drank champagne. Anne Marie did a splendid job with that. But I was in the hospital with shingles and missed the show in Malaga with that German girl that young Nathan and Tristan had acquired. Were you there?”

Colette continued to fondle Cyril’s member; it was beginning to show signs of life. She said, “Yes. I was there. Both at Doutzen’s crucifixion and at Uta’s in Malaga. Anne Marie took six of us girls to be added entertainment for the guests.”

“And that was her name? Uta? The German girl.”

“Yes. Her name was Uta,” responded Colette.

Cyril said, “Tell me about it. About her crucifixion. I know it ended up in a disaster; one of the valets told me about the terrorist attack. Start from the time Uta arrived at the arena.”

Colette began, “The night before Uta had spent in an old dungeon nearby. Tristan and Nathan had told the valets that had come down from Roissy – I think there were four of them – to use and whip Uta all night long. They didn’t want her to have any rest. Then that morning, a man dressed entirely in back arrived in the dungeon. Of course, Uta was still naked, bruises and welts forming on her body where she had been whipped. The valets tied Uta’s hands to a wooden post that would become the top bar on the cross. I bet it was quite heavy. The man in black produced a leash – the kind one uses to walk a large dog. He attached it to the rings that pierced Uta’s sex. Then he led her to the old Roman amphitheater; it was about two kilometers away.“

Cyril said, “Oh do go on. And don’t stop fondling me. This is splendid.”

Colette continued, “It must have been awful for poor Uta. Being led like an animal on a leash. A leash attached to her most private parts. Entirely naked, struggling to carry the heavy wooden post in the heat of the Spanish mid-morning. It was getting towards noon when I saw the man enter the arena tugging on the leash for poor Uta to follow him. She stumbled but didn’t fall as he led her to the middle of the arena where the valets had lain another post down. That one was over three meters in length. Tristan and Nathan were standing nearby. I was in the seats sitting next to an Arab. There were over fifty people also sitting in the stands. I remember Tristan saying to the crowd. ‘We are planning to crucify this woman, but if you wish we will spare her. What do you say?’ Of course, the crowd replied, ‘Crucify her! Crucify her!’ Uta’s fate was sealed. I could only imagine what she must have felt.”

Cyril said, “I’m sure dread of what was to come. Pain from the previous flogging and, of course, humiliation.”

Colette continued, “They laid Uta on the ground and began tying the pole she had carried – the one that her hands were already tied to – to the longer pole making a cross. A notch had been cut in the longer pole to make it easier. Once that was done, the valets tied Uta’s ankles to the long pole. Only then was the leash attached to the ring that pierced her sex removed. Then the valets lifted up the cross and Uta. They set it in a hole that had previously been dug. And there was Uta, hung on a cross in the middle of the arena.

Old Cyril was fully erect now. Colette asked him, “Should I caress you with my mouth now?”

He replied, “Not yet. Tell me a little more about how she suffered. But lick me occasionally as you do so.”

Colette leaned down, breathed her hot breath on the tip of Cyril’s member and continued. “Uta hung there. She would pull herself up as best she could so that she could breathe easier, but her arms would soon tire, and she would slump down. I felt so sorry for her. But,” Colette paused and licked Cyril’s member, then kissed it softly before continuing, “But that wasn’t the worst of it for Uta. Anne Maire at Tristan and Nathan’s direction had a hole drilled in the upright post at a 45-degree angle. A rod with a 23-centimeter dildo was slipped through the hole in the upright post. Vaseline had been smeared on it. It was pushed into Uta’s rectum, impaling her. When she pulled herself up, it almost, but not quite, came out; but when she slumped down, her weight drove it in even deeper.”

Old Cyril sighed at the image and said, “Essentially fucking herself to death.”

As he said this, he grabbed a handful of Colette’s dark hair and pushed her head down towards his crotch. Colette opened her mouth and took his member into it, sucking on it as she worked her hands on its length. A moment later Cyril groaned and discharged into Colette’s mouth.

The Gathering: Part One

The three vans came into the small village near Malaga. They pulled up in front of a very large building inside an enclosed wall. Sir Stephen and Anne Marie were waiting near the portico. One of the valets emerged from the first van and bowed to Anne Marie. She said, “There is a large area on the lower level. Take the girls down there. There is a bathing area and several beds. They can rest for the evening. Tomorrow will be a busy day. “Yes, Madam.” Said the valet and left to supervise the unloading of the van. Another van pulled up a short while later. It contained only five individuals: the driver, Nathan, Tristan, Anna, and poor Uta. Again Anne Marie greeted them. “Good, you have arrived. There is a small dungeon near the bathing area on the lower level. I suggest you put Uta there. Anna can go into the common area with the other girls if you like. There are several valets to guard and supervise them. Come with me and I will show you around the grounds. There is an opening near the back that leads to a dirt road that ends about a kilometer away in an old Roman ruin of an amphitheater. I think it would be suitable to march the condemned down the road and finish things up in the amphitheater.”

Nathan nodded and said, “You know best, Anne Marie. Ari told me you did a splendid job with his that whore of his, Doutzen.” Anne Marie snapped at him. “Doutzen was not just some whore. She was a successful model and by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. It was her pride that was her downfall. She went willingly to her fate.”

Nathan, somewhat cowed, walked away and mumbled, “Whatever.” Anne Marie turned to Sir Stephen, “You know, I really do hate him. If not for the guests already committed and paid, I would call the whole thing off. But the guests. Even Sutton and Alessa are coming.”

Sir Stephen replied, “Oh, they are coming. And the auction is scheduled, as well as the party.”

“And I know you are ready to get O back.”

“Yes, George is bringing her to the party. Then I will take possession,” replied Sir Stephen.

And on a secluded dock not too far away, a small smuggling ship pulled up.

Don’t forget. There were some survivors of the terrorist attack in Malaga who were taken prisoner.

The ship carrying Michael, Nathan, Uta, Muriel and Chloe docked in a secluded cove in Morocco and the five were taken from the ship and put on the backs of two flatbed trucks – the men on one truck; the women on another. One of the men on the truck with the women looked European rather than Arabic and spoke some Spanish as did Chloe. She asked him, “Where are you taking us?”

The man answered in Spanish, “You Christian bitches are sabaya.” Chloe knew that Arabic word – sex slaves. “You will be like that one,” he nodded to poor Uta who was still naked and had been since she was taken off the cross several days earlier. “You will be either sold or, if you are lucky, given to a sheik. It is your destiny.”

Chloe fought back tears, but said, “And the men with us?”

“They have no value. Things in the desert without value don’t last long.” And then he smiled. “But you have some value. It is found between your legs.” The man then placed metal ankle irons on each woman’s leg and ran a chain through the outside ring on each and secured it to the frame of the truck. Then he got down and banged on the hood and said, “Go on now. The sabaya are all chained. They aren’t going anywhere.”

The truck drove away. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Muriel moved over to the naked Uta and sat close to her providing some warmth in the night air. Muriel attempted conversation, but Uta did not respond.

Chloe looked at them with a disdaining air. “Poor whore is probably still in shock,” she said. But Uta looked up and said, “Not shock. Just disgust. Less than three days ago, you were sipping wine with your friends while I was hanging on a cross, gasping for breath. I hope you enjoyed the show of my slow torture.”

Both Chloe and Muriel were quiet. Finally, Chloe broke the silence. “I did feel sorry for you. But my lover, Rene, told me that you were heartbroken because your lover had abandoned you and you wanted to die. He said you chose crucifixion because the physical pain of it would alleviate the pain of your broken heart.”

“And you believed that?” said Uta. “You believe I would willingly choose to be whipped, then marched naked, led on a metal chain attached to a ring that pierced my genitals to the arena and then hung on a cross with a rod up my ass?”

Chloe responded, “Well, you did choose to be a sex slave.” She was silent for a bit, then added “Now all of us are sabaya. That’s Arabic for sex slave. Now we are all in this together.” And the truck sped southward into the night.

Remember our hardy little group of survivors of the massacre at Malaga?

Sure, you do…

Way back in December 2017, poor Uta was to be crucified in an old Roman arena in Malaga, Spain. It was a scheme of Nathan, Ari’s despicable younger brother and the late Tristan, Anna’s lover. The two had ‘bought’ Uta from Roissy and her lover, Rolfe, with the intent of selling tickets to a discrete, but wealthy, audience who would pay to watch her suffer and writhe hanging on a cross. Or as Tristan, ever seeking new ways of making money, pitched it, “Public crucifixions were widely attended in the past, and many people came to watch when my brother had Doutzen crucified at Roissy.”

Tristan was partially correct. Anne Marie discretely put the word out and about forty people paid enormous sums to watch the spectacle, chief among them a super wealthy Arab emir. Also included were Sir Stephen and O; Rene and his current lover, Chloe; Anne Marie, and some Roissy slaves. Unfortunately, a group of radical Islamists also heard about it, and they had a vendetta against the emir.

To summarize: As Uta hung on the cross and was near death, the Islamists attacked. While the emir wasn’t hurt, several ‘guests’ were killed or wounded, Sir Stephen and Anne Marie among the latter. Anna’s lover, Tristan was among the former. And five were captured by the Islamists.

What has happened to them?

La Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,FOR ArquitecturaLa Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,FOR ArquitecturaLa Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,FOR ArquitecturaLa Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,FOR ArquitecturaLa Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,FOR ArquitecturaLa Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,FOR ArquitecturaLa Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,FOR ArquitecturaLa Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,FOR ArquitecturaLa Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,FOR ArquitecturaLa Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,FOR Arquitectura

La Centinela, Vélez-Málaga, Axarquía comarca, Málaga, Spain,

FOR Arquitectura

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