#naberius kalego

Eggies for Easter 

Eggies for Easter 

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Balam: Valac has failed this practical exam horribly. Please tell her to read the instructions carefully next time.

Kalego: Bold of you to assume she can read.

Robin: Are you sure you aren’t dating Balam?

Kalego: If I am, I certainly wasn’t informed of it

Raim: To be fair, if any of us were dating someone without realizing it, it would be you

Kalego: What are you doing with your life?

Clara: It’s a surprise

Robin: Sarcasm doesn’t get you anywhere

Kalego: Well, it got me into the Sarcasm World Championship in Peru in ‘98

Robin: Really?

Kalego: No

Kalego: Ask me why I love you

Balam: Ok, why do you love me?

Kalego, pulling out a two hundred slide presentation: I’m glad you asked

Kalego: Your existence is confusing

Robin: How so?

Kalego: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me

Robin: What’s the weirdest thing the kids have ever asked you?

Kalego: “What is your favorite leg?”

Kalego: I used to be a very happy person, like a few months ago, before I met you

Robin: You used to be happy?

Dali, to Balam: Was Kalego ever happy?

Balam: When?

Dali: That’s what I’m saying!

Kalego: No one ever believes me

naberius kalego
naberius kalegonaberius kalego