#nakajima atsushi


Characters: Nakajima Atsushi, Izumi Kyouka, Tanizaki Naomi

Pairing: Izumi Kyouka/Nakajima Atsushi (Atsukyou)

Tags: Fluff, Crush, Valentine’s Day, Chocolates, Tanizaki relationship (implied), headcanon

Rating: Teens and up

Word Count: 2.2k+

Read it on AO3!

Summary:  For her first Valentine’s Day, Kyouka makes chocolates for Atsushi (with help and guidance from Naomi).

A/N 1: Heavily implied that Kyouka has a crush on Atsushi, please scroll past if you’re not comfortable. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Since it’s a short piece, I’m also posting this in full here. 

Feb 14, 1.08am

Kyouka listens to the soft, steady breathing from behind the closed door of the wardrobe. Satisfied that he’s sound asleep, she slips out of their apartment and pulls the door close with a soft click. Guided only by the thin strip of moonlight, Kyouka makes her way to Haruno’s house, where Naomi is waiting. Excitement thrums through her veins and she hurries, eager to start. Kyouka knocks, two soft taps that resounded in the dead quiet of the night. The door opens, and she’s pulled into the house by Naomi.

“You’re so late! I had to start or we wouldn’t have enough time to finish. Here, here, Haruno-san left this for you.” Naomi slips a light pink apron over her, tightens it around her waist, then pulls her along while babbling “So, I’ve already prepared the chocolate. All you have to do now is to shape them!”

Kyouka nods, earning a beaming grin from Naomi. Naomi drags her to a table, its top crowded with chocolate making ingredients and tools. Kyouka’s eyes widen slightly as Naomi points out each item to her.

“Pick a mould and then you can get started too.” Naomi says, a cheerful lilt in her tone.

Kyouka casts a quick glance at the moulds, searching for the one she has bought. She finally finds it at the bottom of the stack and eases it out gently.

Naomi peeks over her shoulder and giggles. “That’s perfect for Atsushi-san! Here, just pour the mixture into the mould and if there’s anything you want to add, like sprinkles or nuts, just sprinkle them.”

Kyouka follows Naomi’s instructions and fills up the mould. Excitement flows through her as she adds chopped nuts in half of the cavities and rainbow sprinkles in the rest, while thinking of the smile he would make when he receives the chocolates. She thinks of his bright smile that always sends a rush of warmth through her, a spark of happiness igniting in her. She couldn’t wait to give them to him as she eyes her finished mould, while waiting for Naomi.

“All done?” Naomi asks, minutes later. Kyouka nods and Naomi picks up her mould in response and places it into the fridge, next to hers. A vague worry of the chocolate turning out bad flutters across her mind, pulling her lips down in a slight frown.

“Kyouka-chan, what’s wrong?”

“The chocolate, I’m worried.”

“Ah, don’t worry, they look fine to me. I’m sure they’ll turn out perfect!” Naomi turns her smile on her.

“Mm, I hope so too.” Kyouka mumbles.

A short laugh pops out of Naomi and she teases, “Don’t worry too much, he’ll like the chocolates no matter what, since it’s you who made them.”

A flush creeps across her face at Naomi’s teasing. “Mm.” She agrees, her voice soft, barely a whisper as Naomi’s eyes twinkle.

“Have you thought about how you’ll give them to him?”

A small shake of her head.

“That won’t do! You have to have a plan for this, what are you going to do and say? And when are you going to give them?” The questions and advice firing out of Naomi stuns Kyouka. She has never given much thought to this. Judging from Naomi’s babble, this step seems as important as making the chocolates. Kyouka’s eyebrows crease in thought.

A moment of silence draws her gaze back to Naomi, whose eyes spoke of only encouragement.

“Take some time to think about it first. I have some craft paper in my bag too, if you feel like making a card. I’ll start on the cookies first, so join me when you’re done, okay?”

“Okay, thank you.”

Naomi nods and heads off to her side of the table, starting on the mix for the cookies.

Kyouka sorts through the different scenarios swirling through her mind, before settling on the best plan - breakfast, chocolates, speech. A hum from Naomi drifts toward her, as she works out the details. Chazuke, his favourite for birthday. Give it in a casual manner. Wish him. Thank him, but so many things to thank him for, where to start? Thank you for everything?  A small sigh escasps her. Thank you for saving me?   Kyouka shakes her head, worried about the pressure it would give him. Thank you for being by my side? A flush heats her cheeks. She puts her head in her hands, her cheeks growing hotter. That wouldn’t work. Thank you for being my friend? Thank you for being my friend. That would work and it wouldn’t be a pressure on him. Kyouka lifts her head up and meets Naomi’s gaze. A knowing smile plays around Naomi’s lips.

Kyouka returns a quick smile before she pulls a baking tray to herself to start on the cookies. They hurry through this, shaping the cookies as fast as they could and 30 minutes later, the first batch is in the oven.

The exhaustion that has been creeping up on her finally overwhelms her, pulling her down to a seat. Naomi sinks into a seat next to her, her face lined with tiredness. Silence stretches between them, broken only by the rhythmic ticking of the clock on the wall. She keeps her eye on the clock, watching the minute hand tick closer to 2.55am. She sneaks a glance at Naomi who has slipped into a light nap, wishing she could take a nap but the excitement swirling in her keeps her up. Ten minutes… Five minutes… One minute… 2.55am and the ding from the oven chimes, waking Naomi up. Closer, Naomi takes the trays of cookies out of the oven and places them on the table. The fragrance of the freshly baked cookies permeates the air. The cookies are baked to perfection, its brown surface cracked like dry earth in the hottest summer. She feels her hunger sneaking up on her, encouraged by the smell and the looks of the cookies. Before she could decide if she should take one cookie to try, Naomi has pulled her into a hug.

“They look so good, we did it, Kyouka-chan!” Naomi exclaims. “While I’m putting in the next batch, can you help to take out the chocolate? It’s been an hour already, I think.”

Kyouka nods. She places the chocolates on the table and waits for Naomi, who comes over a minute later.

“Wow, they’re done! Kyouka-chan, yours look so cute! I still can’t believe you manage to find this paw print mould.” Naomi squeezes her in another hug. A shy smile crosses Kyouka’s face at the compliment and she lets Naomi hugs her for another minute. When Naomi lets go of her, she removes the chocolate from its mould. After checking the pieces, she puts them in the bag that she has prepared and seals it with a red ribbon. A surge of unexpected satisfaction warms through her.

A giggle bursts out of Naomi. “Are you going for a white tiger theme this year, Kyouka-chan? Even the bag, I can’t believe you managed to find this! How hard did you search for this?”

“I actually bought it months ago.”

Naomi’s eyes widen, and another bout of giggle ensues. “You’re pretty excited for this, aren’t you?” Naomi teases again.

Kyouka gives a shy smile. “It’s fun.” She pauses. “But I wonder if he will like them.”

“Don’t worry, he will! No matter what happens, just give them to him. You put in so much effort, he’ll definitely like - no, he’ll love them!”

Naomi’s confidence brings a smile to her face and she thanks Naomi with a small hug. The small pat on her head sends a small wave of encouragement and reassurance through her.

Another ding from the oven. Naomi lets go of her to take the trays out. “Kyouka-chan, let’s finish this quickly so we can have some rest!”

Kyouka hurries over to her side and packs the cookies into small pink bags, tying them up with ribbons. She counts the bags, making sure that there are ten before putting them away.

By the time they’ve finished cleaning up the kitchen, it’s already after four. They hurriedly make their way back to the dormitories. Naomi gives her a quick hug in front of her door before slipping through a small crack she has opened. Kyouka crosses the short distance back to their small apartment with quick, hurried steps. Once through the door, she takes the bag of chocolate out from her bag and hides them in the fridge behind some jars. She snuggles into her futon and within seconds, sleep pulls her under.


Feb 14, 6.14am

Clang clink-

Her hand instinctively reaches for the sword she has hidden under her futon. She bolts up, pausing to listen.


The sound dies down after a few seconds. An exasperated sigh reaches her, its familiarity draining away the tension in her. She tucks her sword up her sleeve and steps into the kitchen.

“Good morning.”

Her voice, though only a whisper, manages to shock him, and the metal bowl that he has just picked up crashes to the floor again with another loud clang. He spins around with widened eyes and an opened mouth.


Her gaze drops to the bowl. “What are you preparing?” She points at the bowl, drawing his gaze to it.

A sheepish smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “Nothing much, just an egg roll and miso soup.” He glances away, his fingers ruffling through his hair absentmindedly.

“Do you need some help?” Her gaze flits across the kitchen, and lands on the counter top with various ingredients scattered atop it.

“Ah, no. I can manage.” A smile fleets across his face before he hurriedly says, “Why don’t you go take a bath first? Breakfast will be ready by then!”

He fidgets under her long stare.

“Go on, go on!” He insists, while giving her a small shove.

Kyouka relents and heads to the bathroom. The silence in the bathroom quiets the buzz of surprise in her, giving her time to think. The fridge door was open just now so the plan to bring the chocolates to him during breakfast might not work if he sees the bag, she reasons. A new plan is needed; she has to get the bag of chocolates out. She plays out various scenarios but couldn’t shake off the feeling that he has found out. A sigh slips out of her. Maybe she should have just stayed awake, it would have been easier.

“Kyouka-chan, is the water warm enough?”

The warmth in his voice fizzes through her, and she decides that there would be no plan good enough. Naomi’s advice from a few hours ago resurfaces in her mind, “Just give them to him!” She takes a deep breath, clearing the uncertainties in her. No plan needed, she just has to give it to him.

“Kyouka-chan? Is everything okay?” A tint of concern colours his tone.

Kyouka pulls open the door and crosses the short distance back into the kitchen.

“Eh? Kyouka-chan?” She gives him a quick glance before crossing over to the fridge. Atsushi follows her and asks, “Is something wrong?”

Kyouka shakes her head while she pushes the jars away to reach the small bag of chocolates she has tucked away. She pulls it out and turns to see Atsushi, his face just inches from hers. A flush warms her cheeks and she backs a few steps to the fridge before standing up.

“What’s that?” Atsushi asks, his eyes alight with curiosity.

Kyouka holds it out for him, her gaze meeting his. “It’s for you, a Valentine’s Day gift.”

His eyes blink a couple of times before widening. He points at himself, as a bewildered “me?” slips out of him.

Kyouka nods. She feels a slight quiver running through her as she waits. His hand stretches towards her before stopping just within reach of the bag.

“Is this … is this really for me?”

Kyouka nods again and pushes the bag into his hand. His fingers close over the bag and lift it from her hands. Her gaze drops to the ground.

“Thank you, Kyouka-chan. I… I’ve nev- ah, I…” He pauses. “Thank you, Kyouka-chan.”

She looks up at him at the crack of his voice, his eyes brimming with tears. He sniffles and smiles a small, shy smile at her. Her gaze shifts away from his face again, as her heart drums to a faster beat against her chest. “Thank you for everything in the past year.” Kyouka manages to choke out before her flush forces her to look away. She mentally scolds herself for not sticking to her script, but her mouth clamps shut, unable to correct herself.

A sniffle draws her gaze back to him. He hugs the small bag of chocolate close to his chest, his hand swiping at the tears that are leaking out of his eyes. Her heart constricts with joy at the wide smile brightening his face, the tiredness draining out of her.

“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Her voice comes out in a whisper. Their gazes lock. She feels her cheeks heat up, sure a blush has appeared in her cheeks

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Kyouka-chan.” He says, a smile in his voice as a blush rises to his face.

A/N 2:  Thank you for reading this! I’ve never posted an Atsukyou fic set in canon but alas, this is the piece and I’m happy with how it turned out. I hope you’ve enjoyed this too! Please reblog or like this if you like it, and I’m always open to comments! :) 


“Yes, this is a natural phenomenon.

Noone can stop it. Noone can fight against it.

Even me.

The only thing I can do is to love it.

The truth that this world is just one big lie.”


“What’s the point in measuring the true intention of the flood?”

Mainly a report on the additional scenes or scenes that hugely differ from the movie


Tag spoiler posts, Credit as necessary 

All photos come from the official press release

Please read these points before proceeding! ↓ ↓ ↓

Summary of the BSD Stage Dead Apple Synopsis


Under the cut for Spoilers!


The play starts with Atsushi looking for Dazai (as tasked by Kunikida to attend the ADA mtg) Differing from the movie, he doesn’t find him. 

Atsushi meets Shibusawa on the street instead when Shibusawa saved an elderly crossing the street, making him think that Shibusawa is a kind person.

Atsushi thinks that they have met somewhere before but can’t remember it exactly.

Kyouka then meets Atsushi about the Ability Users Suicide Case.

▼Akutagawa pursues Shibusawa

Chuuya and Akutagawa are talking on the phone. Akutagawa is tasked to pursue Shibusawa as the perpetrator of the Dragon Head Conflict. 

However, Akutagawa was physically attacked by Dazai from behind - he snapped Aku’s neck, then stepped on him - causing him to lose consciousness (though he recognizes Dazai before passing out).

Dazai then comes with Shibusawa.

▼Chuuya and Akutagawa scene

The day when Dazai took Akutagawa to the Port Mafia is shown. Akutagawa wakes up from the dream and remembers Dazai attacked him.

An Ability user suddenly comes out of nowhere. Akutagawa fights him and realizes that he can’t use Rashomon.

Chuuya comes to save him. Apparently, it’s an Ability that got separated from its user.

Chuuya then explains Shibusawa’s Ability and says that the mist engulfing Yokohama is actually the breath of a dragon.

Akutagawa then asks why Chuuya’s Ability doesn’t separate from him.

Chuuya answers that his Ability is quite special and isn’t something small that can be taken easily by this fog. And if his Ability happens to separate from him, it will be the end of Yokohama.

Chuuya gives Akutagawa a new mission - to kill Dazai, because he’s the one who took Shibusawa to Yokohama.

Akutagawa laughs, saying that he doesn’t believe that because the Dazai now wants peace in Yokohama.

Chuuya laughs at him. He says that he’s known Dazai for 7 years and were once partners so he knows Dazai - he knows that no one can tell what Dazai is thinking. There’s a monster inside Dazai that no one can understand.

Aku claims that he can understand Dazai so Chuuya asks him why Dazai left the Mafia, but Aku couldn’t answer. Chuuya says that he doesn’t care if Aku looks up to Dazai but as for him, he’s never looked up to Dazai even once. He then tells him to his face that Aku going all “Dazai-san, Dazai-san” and accepting everything he says - is probably the reason why Dazai doesn’t approve of him.

Aku gets mad and attacks him to no avail. Chuuya taunts him further saying that if he doesn’t do something about this mist, he’ll remain weak.

Rashomon appears in the background. Chuuya says that Rashomon is just looking at him and not attacking him as if putting Aku to a test.

Chuuya says that without his Ability, Aku can never land a single punch at him.

Aku accepts the mission and says that he will beat Chuuya right after.


▼White Trio at Mukurotoride

Dazai walks to the center. There’s a voice-over of Oda when he told Dazai that the good or bad side doesn’t make much difference to him.

Shibusawa arrives.

Dazai says he’s happy working with him.

Fyodor arrives saying that Shibusawa shouldn’t believe Dazai. (Fyodor does a mini violin performance, talk about grand entrance lol)

It seems that Dazai didn’t know beforehand that Fyodor is part of the plan.

Fyodor says that he’s just a rat on the side that will help a bit.

Dazai realizes that Fyodor’s role is to keep him in check.

Shibusawa says that he can actually accomplish all his plans on his own without them, but it would be boring.

Dazai agrees that it indeed wouldn’t be boring because no one knows who will betray who.


▼Atsushi, Aku, Kyouka in the Mafia passage

Atsushi argues with Aku on the way, saying things that it’s his fault that Kyouka suffered in the Mafia. He told them that he should never come close to Kyouka ever and talk as if he knows her.

Aku then retorts back asking Atsushi what he actually knows about Kyouka.

Atsushi says that he knows a lot stating things like Kyouka likes tofu and bunnies, and hates lightning.

Aku asks him about her past but Atsushi wasn’t able to answer. Aku narrates that Kyouka’s parents were killed by Demon Snow and she was picked up by the Mafia, and was then trained by a Port Mafia Executive known as the best Assassin in the world (in reference to Verlaine).

Aku then adds that he also knows that Kyouka hates flies and dogs, and likes ghosts and hydrangeas. He knows more about Kyouka so it’s his win.

Unable to come up with other things about Kyouka, Atsushi resorts to bickering.

Atsushi: You’re a sore loser!

Aku: Orphanage castaway!

Sushi, visibly hurt from Aku’s comeback: You don’t change clothes!

Aku, visibly hurt from Sushi’s comeback:  I wash it every time!

Sushi: Huh? Do you also wear that when sleeping?

Aku: I’m gonna kill you!

They were then stopped by Kyouka.

Before they go out of the passageway, Kyouka attempts to check if her phone can connect somewhere. 

Aku gently stops her telling her that that phone is the one used to control her Ability and would be bad if it connects. 

Kyouka says that there’s nothing to worry about because there’s no signal. 

Kyouka asks him if Aku tried the Mafia’s communication device and Aku says that it can’t connect too.

(Note: When Aku talks to Kyouka his voice is calm and softer than usual)

Atsushi, feeling out of place, silently watches them from the side. “You two, you actually get along well, huh…" 


▼Demon Snow Battle

The trio go back outside the streets and comes to face Demon Snow. They ran back to the Mafia passageway but Demon Snow just follows them and slices the door. Byakko then also appears.

Kyouka’s phone rings. When she answers it, the scene flashbacks to the time when her parents died (same scene with the manga) with her mom explaining what truly happened, and then advises Kyouka how to control Demon Snow.

They were able to beat Demon Snow after and the Ability goes back to Kyouka.

▼More Aku, Atsushi, and Kyouka

Aku, Atsushi, and Kyouka continue to walk in the mist-covered street. Atsushi suggests to Kyouka that they should hold hands so they don’t get separated. Kyouka agreed and held out her hand, but then asked Atsushi about Aku.

Sushi: Eh?


Sushi: Eh?

Kyouka: Should I hold his hand?

Sushi: No way!

Kyouka: Then you should hold his hand

Sushi: Ehhhh, t-there’s no way I would… i-it’s Akutagawa…


Sushi: Aahh, there are no other hands in here so fine!

Atsushi settles to offer the dangling part of his belt for Aku to hold on to (lol he’s pointing his ass in the process because the belt is on his back like a tail). Aku reaches for it, but was taken away by Rashomon before Atsushi and Kyouka can see him

▼Aku vs Rashomon Battle

Aku uses his gun to fight against Rashomon. Just when he thought he won, he is then caught and pierced by Rashomon. At first Aku thought that Rashomon is fighting him to test if he’s worth it as Rashomon’s "owner”, but then realized that Rashomon is actually filled with wrath - Aku’s wrath towards his weak self.

Scenes flashback to Chuuya telling Aku why Dazai doesn’t approve of him, of Atsushi telling him that he lost against him and is still not recognized by Dazai, and of Dazai telling him that his new subordinate is better and he doesn’t need Aku.

Aku makes Rashomon remember all these, of what they went through, of what they are mad about, of what they both desire. If Aku doesn’t beat Rashomon then he will be a part of Shibusawa’s collection and will never get what they desire.

Before Rashomon ends Aku, he sets the bomb off and beats him eventually.

Aku returns to Atsushi and Kyouka thereafter, and Atsushi was surprised to see him covered in bruises.

▼White Trio Betrayal Scene

Fyodor sees Dazai suspiciously trying to enter the Draconia room. They went inside after Fyodor tells him that Shibusawa is not there. Dazai reveals his motives to Fyodor, and Fyodor hands him the crystals. Before Dazai can touch them Shibusawa stabs him from behind. Dazai dies. (scenes are almost the same as the movie)

After Dazai dies, Shibusawa also kills Fyodor, grabbing him on the top of his head, lifting him up, and then breaking his neck.

Shibusawa laughs (like a villain) saying that his plans succeeded.

▼More Aku, Atsushi, and Kyouka

Aku, Atsushi, and Kyouka are riding an elevator, standing side by side. Because the ride is taking quite long, Atsushi tries to make small talk to relieve the awkward atmosphere.

Sushi: Your Ability has returned to you, right? How does it feel?

Aku: None of your business.


Sushi: Looking from this angle, your nose looks nice. (literally “you have a high-bridged nose” used as a compliment in Jp)


Sushi: Aahh, with this three the talk is going nowhere..

Kyouka: *tries to narrate Momotaro (a popular Jp folklore)*

Sushi: Ah, I’m sorry Kyouka-chan, I didn’t mean to force you

▼Chuuya at the Special Ability Dept

Chuuya arrives at the Special Ability Department Office. He is stopped by the guards but Chuuya beats them all (fight scenes were shown).

Chuuya arrives at the main office, but Ango is only showing up in the scene via a video screen. Tsujimura is in the office btw.

Chuuya and Ango talk about the government’s involvement with Shibusawa (same with the movie).

Chuuya threatens Ango that he will kill the people in the office if Ango doesn’t tell him about the case of Shibusawa now.

▼White Trio

Shibusawa takes Dazai’s Ability crystal, but realizes that it is not the one he’s been looking for.

Fyodor suddenly appears from his back, shooting Shibusawa with a gun.

Apparently, the one Shibusawa killed earlier was not Fyodor himself, but his separated Ability.

Fyodor then kills Shibusawa with a knife, making him remember his death (same with the movie).

▼Dragon Appears

Fyodor does his poetry speech about the dragon lol

The dragon appears as animation in the background.

Deadly Drive plays as bg music after!

Ango asks Chuuya to fight the dragon, believing that only his Ability can do it just as when they fought Guivre in the past.

Chuuya complains that the government just always does nothing but order people around while not getting their hands dirty.

He accepts the mission and asks Ango’s life in return.

▼Chuuya vs Dragon

Plane scene with Tsujimura is almost the same as the movie. Chuuya throws his gloves and activates Corruption.

This scene involves his actor Uechan flying in a harness, where he did flips a few times. On his background is an animation of the levitated rubbles and the building he used to throw at the dragon.

Bless Uechan’s throat for all the screaming


▼Soukoku scene

Chuuya shouts Dazai’s name, and punches him waking him up. Dazai touches his cheek to deactivate Corruption. (Same lines with the movie, yes Dazai is still Snow White)

Chuuya asks him to let go but Dazai refuses saying that the place they are in is where the mist is the most concentrated and Arahabaki will end up separating from him.


▼Atsushi reflection with Byakko

Atsushi realizes that the orphanage director must have known that he killed Shibusawa, but wondered why he never told him.

The orphanage director appears at the end saying that he hid the truth from Atsushi because he thought Atsushi wouldn’t be able to accept it and would be crushed (mentally) once he knew about himself.


Bokura plays in the bg

Aku leaves

Dazai arrives saying that Atsushi was saved because of them

Atsushi butts in saying that Dazai was the one who did

(same lines with the movie)

After Atsushi says the “more beautiful” line, Oda’s voice-over plays when he told Dazai to go to the side that saves people because that’s a little bit more beautiful.

▼Aftermath Chuuya

Ango calls Chuuya saying that the battle is finished thanks to them, and now he’s ready to give his life in return.

Chuuya just laughs at him saying that his life isn’t enough to pay for this. He also tells him that he understands that Ango was just a small fry in the government six years ago so wasn’t able to do anything about the Shibusawa case. Ango thanks him but still tries to insist but Chuuya hangs up.


Akutagawa shows up, but he doesn’t bow at Chuuya (unlike in the movie) and just continues walking after Chuuya told him that Dazai is alive. Chuuya calls him to lend his shoulder because he can’t move and gestures him to come closer.

Aku does and Chuuya laughs at how unwilling he looks and asks if Aku is still mad that Chuuya called him weak. Aku says that he’s not bothered at all.

Chuuya tells him that he shouldn’t worry because they’re both included in Dazai’s plans, which means that Dazai thinks that they are essential in beating Shibusawa.

Aku remains silent. Chuuya then tells him that as Dazai’s ex-partner, he’s gonna say it - that Dazai approves of Aku. At the very least, Chuuya does approve of him too.

Aku just says that he’s nothing compared to Chuuya.


▼Days after

Atsushi and Kyouka are back at the Agency, where they wave off to everyone as they go on a new mission.

Voice-overs of the ADA stage play cast were played sending them off.

Tanizaki: Take care!

Naomi: Stay safe!

Kunikida: Don’t forget your report after.

Ranpo: Get me sweets on your way home!

Yosano: If possible, go back here with injuries, okay?

Kenji: Let’s eat some gyudon later!

Fukuzawa: Atsushi, Kyouka, take care and come back safely.


Chuuya talks to Mori on the phone, reporting that the mission has been accomplished. 

However, he gets instructed to do the send-off or the farewell greeting to the fans on the stage.

Chuuya, angrily to the audience: What are you looking at, huh? 

Send-off? *takes a sit elegantly and stares at the crowd*

Ugh, okay,, *stands up*

Be careful not to be engulfed by the mist when you go home, okay? See ya.



Thanks for reading! Please support the official accounts and releases as much as possible!

I’m no longer active on tumblr nowadays, so you may follow me on twitter instead @harukaja15

My translations on tumblr are compiled under the tag #bsd translationand#my works


  • Bungo Stray Dogs Keyframe Book Vol.2 Release

- Featuring the Dark Era (anime episodes 13-16) with cover by Character Designer Arai Nobuhiro.

  • Bungo Stray Dogs Wan! Anime

- Here are the congratulatory messages from Kanaineco, Asagiri, and Harukawa-sensei:

Additional tweet from Asagiri-sensei:

Wan! will get animated!

For me who has the perk of being able to read Wan! first before anyone (I check the manga storyboard everytime), I’m just as happy now as when my original manga got animated.

That’s because I’ll get to enjoy the fun of checking anime scripts and storyboards!

Congratulations, Kanai-sensei!

Congratulations BSD fandom!

It’s not very common for spin-offs to get anime adaptations, so we are really blessed! There are so many good things in Wan! and we’ll actually get to watch our BSD characters getting the happiness they deserve!

BSD Wan Chapter 102 Scanlation

*Do NOT repost anything without linking this post

Please make sure to support the original manga legally by visiting the Young Ace Up site and giving it kudos!!

(Original JP link found on replies)

Follow, RT, Like official accounts and posts on twitter!



Bungo Stray Dogs [ch.40]Dazai-san, do you still remember the first time you met me?Bungo Stray Dogs [ch.40]Dazai-san, do you still remember the first time you met me?Bungo Stray Dogs [ch.40]Dazai-san, do you still remember the first time you met me?Bungo Stray Dogs [ch.40]Dazai-san, do you still remember the first time you met me?

Bungo Stray Dogs [ch.40]

Dazai-san, do you still remember the first time you met me?

Post link
Wan! Atsushi redrawhe’s so adorablefrom when i reached 200 followers on twitter

Wan! Atsushi redraw

he’s so adorable

from when i reached 200 followers on twitter

Post link
Atsushithis was a piece I did for Atsushi Week that was held on TwitterDay 7 is Free Day so it’s Ats


this was a piece I did for Atsushi Week that was held on Twitter
Day 7 is Free Day so it’s Atsushi out on his day off ╰(*°▽°*)╯

check out the event here: https://twitter.com/AtsushiWeek

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yet another stupid comic because i have no self control but this time the quotes are from @incorrectyet another stupid comic because i have no self control but this time the quotes are from @incorrectyet another stupid comic because i have no self control but this time the quotes are from @incorrect

yet another stupid comic because i have no self control but this time the quotes are from @incorrectbungoustraydogs

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this is based on my friend’s dream about getting her eyebrows stolen, i just thought the concept fitthis is based on my friend’s dream about getting her eyebrows stolen, i just thought the concept fitthis is based on my friend’s dream about getting her eyebrows stolen, i just thought the concept fitthis is based on my friend’s dream about getting her eyebrows stolen, i just thought the concept fitthis is based on my friend’s dream about getting her eyebrows stolen, i just thought the concept fitthis is based on my friend’s dream about getting her eyebrows stolen, i just thought the concept fitthis is based on my friend’s dream about getting her eyebrows stolen, i just thought the concept fitthis is based on my friend’s dream about getting her eyebrows stolen, i just thought the concept fit

this is based on my friend’s dream about getting her eyebrows stolen, i just thought the concept fits akutagawa and atsushi so much, enjoy  nfjdksnfkjdsf 

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Yes. Yes, she does.
