#nanami x gojo


gojo likes cuddles and smoochies while giggling and nanami likes lazy but deep kisses.

gojo: hey.

nanami: sorry, can’t talk right now.

gojo: why not?

nanami: i already talked to@ someone today.

gojo: things are better with you.

nanami: what things?

gojo: me.

gojo: i’m better with you.

nanami: i need a day off.

gojo: you bet. i’ll take you somewhere to relax.

nanami: i said a day off.

gojo: yeah, i heard you. a day off.

nanami: away from you.

gojo knows he’s at fault why nanami’s pissed so he would just throw himself to nanami and give him a hug. nanami would just let out a defeated sigh.

nanami, preparing the kids breakfast: satoru, the can opener isn’t working.

gojo: oh, so it’s can’t opener now.

gojo: nanami—

nanami: no, stop.

gojo, hurt: wdym, i just want to say hello.

nanami: i’m… *guilty*

gojo: i don’t think mine’s bigger compared to yours.

nanami: what’s bigger?

gojo: your chest is bigger compared to mine.

nanami: i don’t think so, yours is bigger.

gojo: can i touch it?

gojo staring at nanami

nanami: you want trouble?

nanami staring at gojo

gojo: you want a kiss?

nanami: gojo is annoying.

nanami: —but very impossible to hate.

nanago in a song—

Youngblood thinks there’s always tomorrow.

I miss your touch on nights when I’m hollow.

I know you crossed a bridge that I can’t follow.

I hate to wake up every morning knowing beside me is hollow.

Since the love that you left is all that I get.

I want you to know that if I can’t be close to you.

I settle for the ghost of you.

I miss you more than life.

I’ll settle with all memories in me and our pictures on my phone.

And if you can’t be next to me.

Your memory is ecstasy.

I miss you more than life.

I miss you so much.

nanago is not canon and it’s sad

nanami: fuck… so tight.

gojo: squeeze it harder. now it’s spilling!

yuuji, carefully peeking into the kitchen: what are two doing?

nanami: we’re preparing your snacks but this jar won’t open.


yuuji: would you rather stay single or date?

nanami: why not include date gojo?

gojo: i knew it nanami.

yuuji: okay so would you rather stay single or date goj-

nanami: stay single, i’d rather stay single.


gojo: hey wanna be my boyfriend?

nanami: no.

gojo: sorry that was utahime.

nanami: *peacefully breathing in one corner*

gojo, being extra: i like the way you breathe.

gojo: did you sit in a pile of sugar?

nanami: why?

gojo: because you got a pretty sweet ass.

gojo: i wish there’s something between us.

nanami: me too.

gojo: really? like what?

nanami: a wall.

gojo: rise and shine, nanami. ily. <3

nanami: who is this?

nanami: *quickly took a screenshot*

nanami: please delete my number.

nanami x gojo during weekend

it’s friday, gojo would usually come home late. even though he’s playful, he never missed to get his admin tasks done before ending the week.

nanami would be the first to arrive home, which is obvious. he will watch his early evening news for a good ten minutes and will soon prep their dinner.

will text gojo, “i cooked what you requested.” which basically the latter just blurted out randomly for the sake of being cute in front of nanami.

“you’re the best. can’t wait to taste you.”

“i meant the food. well, you’re also food so—”

half smiling and half embarrassed, he’ll just ignore the text message and will proceed in filling the tub with water.

Q: What is your boyfriend’s cutest personality?

Gojo: When he seems uninterested whenever I’m talking but he’s actually paying attention.

Nanami: When he’s too enthusiastic talking about random things.

nanami: i’m going to mcdonald’s. do you want anything?

gojo: i want large fries but i also want you so i’ll have you instead.

nanami: i am asking yuuji.

yuuji: why’s nanamin so grumpy today?

gojo: he took one of those “which jjk character are you?” quizzes.

yuuji: oh, and?

gojo: he got me.

Saw a kinktober prompt for today on ig which was “Marked” and I couldn’t help myself
