#nancys dm adventure


the comedy that was remus getting healed and brought back to consciousness (for the second time this fight) and immediately getting a premonition of a dragon flying overhead and him going “oh there’s a dragon coming right now”


remus pulled a very cool move forcing two NPCs to knock into each other and then fall into a bonfire with a clutch nat 1 portent roll. unfortunately they immediately kicked his ass afterwards but STILL

intense combat with undead soldiers followed by white dragon flying in and blasting the remaining retreating baddies before revealing itself to be one of the chamber members of whitestone


POV you’re a librarian monk and your amnesiac friend Remus finally gets to live in a real house!!

I have two playlists for the whitestone campaign…one full of 20s swing vibes and another that’s just goof songs

finally writing out this lore for next whitestone session and i keep feeling like i am forgetting something important RIP
