#natal moon in aquarius



_____________ how they feel _____________

the moon in aquarius individual is emotionally shallow, so they tend to exist in a world of ideas or superficial activity. when called upon to evaluate what they might be feeling in a given situation, they need a long time to process and think things out. what tends to affect them emotionally is what they think about a person or a situation. never given to direct, visceral emotional responses, an individual with this moon sign can be curiously unemotional and tends to talk away what little feelings they do acknowledge.

often they can be emotionally changeable and unpredictable in strange and disturbing ways. seemingly out of the blue they can coldly break off a relationship, walk out on a project or job or sever some other long-lasting commitment, leaving without a backward glance. these puzzling, inexplicable reactions that enable them to leave the past behind with such complete detachment can make them a rather risky friend or lover. all air signs are capable of losing feeling in what appears to be a flash; however, the moon in aquarius can be the most emotionally erratic. it has often been noted that this moon sign is commonly associated with a childhood history of a broken home or is the product of a childhood situation indicative of some type of turmoil, separation, or instability. the correlation between this moon sign and an early development of detachment and extreme independence does often seem to bear itself out in the moon in aquariusindividual.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

the moon in aquarius individual can talk endlessly about feelings, especially if they happen to be unhappy. however, even you might sense that they are strangely detached from themself.

often this person doesn’t know what they really feel, or they truly feel nothing. this moon sign can be very empty in the soul and the person born with it compensates for this vacuousness and disconnection through such things as a strident commitment to a cause, a self-destructive rebelliousness, drugs, alcohol, a compulsive breaking of rules, or a compulsive lack of commitment to creating anything lasting and meaningful.

the moon in aquarius individual tends to repress deep old painful moments and often has inappropriate emotional responses as an adult. they may be amazingly cold in a situation that calls for some human compassion. they may suddenly erupt in anger or violence at some misperceived slight, and they may appear strangely detached over something that would cause someone else emotional upset. often when they talk about some emotional experience, they might get the odd feeling that it is some story they read somewhere in passing. the positive side to their detachment is that it allows this individual to function in disturbing, high-stress situations. it can pose a lot of problems, however, in personal relationships where more is required than human efficiency.

who they are emotionally


________ who they are emotionally ________

the moon in aquarius individual is the most emotionally detached of the twelve signs. independent, freedom-loving and something of a rebel, this is an individual who most wants to live life on their own terms.

emotionally restless and intellectually free-spirited, the moon in aquarius individual is often ahead of their time. they dance only to their own beat and are best off when immersed in their own internal music. many controversial philosophers, radical thinkers, and progressive public figures share this moon. although this is a moon sign often seen in political reformers and activists, it is interesting to note that it is also unusually prevalent with psychopaths and serial murderers.

although the moon in aquarius individual is superficially friendly, they can also exhibit profound emotional detachment in this sign. individuals with this moon sign tend to be cut off from their deeper feelings, frightened of any degree of emotional intensity and ready to flee in the face of any sort of emotional constraint. they have a deep anxiety and sense of dread at the thought of being tied down to anything or anyone and only come to a relationship slowly and even then always seem to have one foot out the door.

often more interested in ideas than people, the moon in aquarius individual gravitates toward the unusual in both. valuing their own freedom and individuality above all else, they are also attracted to others whose wild ideas, statements, and attitudes define them. the moon in aquarius individual usually has a very challenging, rebellious attitude and can frequently be seen daring any sort of constraint to defy them.

cool and sometimes downright cold, this is not an individual suited to a conventional relationship. platonic connections suit them well, and their ideal in a lover is someone who is first and foremost a friend. like all air signs, they are most attracted to someone exciting to talk to. easily bored by anyone or anything too “normal,” they are often attracted by someone who seems to offer a lot of surface or intellectual excitement. usually cut off from their feelings, they neither understand nor appreciate the feelings of others. their style is to keep everything light, friendly, and not delve too deeply into any intense personal or emotional territory. too much emotional intensity will feel overwhelming and confining, and confinement of any sort is just the thing to make this individual take flight.

how they feel and show their emotions
