#astrology natal moon



_____________ their dark side _____________

when immature, they can be arrogant and headstrong, cruel and argumentative. when the moon in aries individual is unevolved, they can be a big baby. reckless, restless, petulant, and impatient, they can act like a race car headed for a brick wall.

their irritability can completely control them and their impatience and desire for novelty consume them. when emotionally immature, they can be faithless and full of so much restless energy that they will never finish anything they start. selfish, shallow, insensitive, and self-indulgent, they live only for self-gratification, not noticing who they hurt and certainly not caring. having poor self-restraint, little self-awareness, and a very quick temper, this is an individual who can be like a bomb going off. however, it must also be said that their little explosions never last long.

_____________ their bright side _____________

they can be wildly romantic, masculine, and courageous. they are also self-confident. they know what they want, and they’ll get it no matter what. rushing in where heroes fear to tread, they can be the biggest dragon slayer.

the moon in aries individual can be exciting, enthusiastic, and brimming with life. sexual, passionate, and full of energy, they know how to direct it to get the desired results. for the right person, they can be a challenging, highly charged lover who electrifies life.

who they are emotionally

how they feel and show their emotions


_____________ how they feel _____________

like the moon in gemini individual, this person thinks before they feel. the moon in libra individual is rational and reasonable, rather than deeply emotive. therefore, their emotional range is fairly limited and their feelings can be fleeting.

because they tend to be more cool and friendly than deeply feeling, they can also be uncomfortable with the feelings of others. being an air sign, which rules thinking and communication, the moon in libra individual is more at home with clever conversation than an intense outpouring of emotion. they can be charming when flirting but are often a bit detached when it comes to taking into consideration the feelings of others. when cornered, they can cut themself off and seem like someone who is not quite as charming as they initially appeared.

all air sign moons seek freedom, and they demonstrate that in how they respond to life. this person may seem easygoing and fully capable of handling most anything that comes their way, but they can be easily suffocated and intimidated by too much intensity. the moon in libra individual may mask this under their easygoing veneer. however, this need will surface in time, and they will see to it that it is honored. as a result, this person has their own sense of space and timing. if pushed for too much closeness too soon, they will be so acutely uncomfortable that they will probably back off. like all air sign moons they need breathing space, and they will see to it that they get it, no matter what they have to do and where they have to go to find it.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

the moon in libra individual is very romantic and communicative. when in love, they are big on beautiful gestures like flowers and nights out at fine restaurants.

they will compliment you over candlelight and offer clever cheery conversation. on special occasions, they may break out the champagne and think up magical things to do that will make the evening unique and really memorable.

in the case of a quarrel, they will talk things out reasonably, trying to come to the most agreeable solution. because they are able to see both sides of a situation, the moon in libra individual can also be a convincing and non-threatening communicator who keeps things so clear that they seem to be easily resolved. at all costs they will maneuver the conversation away from meanness and ugliness, sorting out differences and keeping everything civilized.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

the moon in virgo individual doesn’t tend to feel emotions deeply. logical, practical, and realistic, they think and feel along utilitarian lines. both critical and discriminating, they are always seeing the imperfections in a situation or person and spends a lot of time trying to sort them out or eradicate them altogether.

with what is often a narrow, judgmental outlook and a value system that puts an emphasis on efficiency and productivity, they are not at home with the feelings of other people. likewise, they are not in touch with their own.

the moon in virgo individual’s feelings are deeply buried. they are out of touch with old childhood wounds and painful moments that evoked in them deep embarrassment or vulnerability. consequently, as an adult, they have little compassion for the feeling realm. they put their emphasis on trying to make small things perfect, on being efficient and turning out a product without a single flaw.

their sensitivity to “flaws,” both material and physical, often makes the moon in virgo person someone difficult to be with. also health and diet-conscious, they will notice those five extra pounds and won’t be shy about constructive criticism.

they are without sympathy for a person who persists on a path not focused on the goal of perfection. essentially intolerant of other ways of thinking and feeling, they will criticize and act as if they have the power to make everything that is too fat, flawed, excessive, or emotional go away.

the moon in virgo individual likes things to be clean, tidy, cut-and-dried. heavy emotional displays disturb them. emotional demands provoke in them the need for distance. seeing the world from a singular dimension, they don’t understand the complexities of other people. therefore, they are often out of touch with the words or behavior that a person might need most.

nevertheless, this individual is conscientious in their own way and wants to be of help in most situations. they can be counted on in a crisis, and even if their responses may seem completely emotionally inappropriate, they do mean well. the moon in virgo individual simply thinks that the entire world should live as they would, and seeing the world from a small place that seems very secure and controllable, they are hard put to have a more profound emotional response. the moon in virgo person’s ignorance is their bliss, and their personal opinions they see as their present to the world.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

the moon in virgo individual doesn’t really show their feelings. they live on the surface in a comfort zone of controlled and controlling activity, details, deadlines, disciplined regimes, and perhaps exercise.

although they can occasionally be high-strung, when angry this person usually tends to be passive-aggressive, preferring to communicate through omission.

when in love, the moon in virgo individual is more comfortable giving a practical little gift than talking about their feelings. they can be physically affectionate but shies away from deep emotional displays. often articulate, they can be witty, clever, and constantly offering their constructive advice. as annoying as their comments may seem, they are sincere about trying to improve a situation, person, or predicament.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

scorpio is a passionate and deeply erotic sign and certainly the person with this moon sign is capable of exhibiting both to the partner in their life. when deeply anxious about intimacy, they can be a fly-by-night player. however, their soul yearns for a much deeper connection, where they are able to respond with passion and intensity.

in general, this is one individual who is not easy to know. they may seem extremely slow to someone who doesn’t know them. this is because they have an all-or-nothing attitude to a romantic relationship. if a partner doesn’t deeply click into their psyche, they can be extremely cold, detached, remote, and ambivalent. this is a person who is not only very complicated but who also tends to make matters complicated - in their own mind. having a very calculating mind and a horror of any kind of vulnerability, they are deeply self-protective and would never venture forth in a romantic situation if there was a chance that they might get hurt. as much as they might like an intensely passionate, erotic relationship, they are not at all comfortable surrendering to it until they know that they can either trust their lover completely or else control them successfully. this person knows this sort of surrender means possible loss of control and mental clarity, which is exactly what they need for survival. therefore, it is not uncommon to see moon in scorpio individuals who are emotionally dead, living off their smarts and successes, carefully compartmentalizing the time and energy spent on a relationship, which, as a result, becomes empty and meaningless.

some individuals with this moon sign completely repress their feelings and project their own darkness and hostility onto their partner. in this case, it is the partner who either carries the weight or becomes the sole source of their emotional problems. other people with the moon in scorpio are very moody, and the darkness from their unconscious will leak through and bring them deadening bouts of depression. this person may attribute these emotions to any number of external factors but will usually never admit that they have anything to do with something inside themself.

it is not uncommon for a moon in scorpio individual to be so cut off from others and themself that they don’t really know what they feel. often their anger over a situation doesn’t surface for days, and when it does, it shows itself in the form of a mood swing or depression. this is an individual capable of great emotional extremes. on the surface they always seem perfectly in control. however, what is going on underneath the surface is another story. in the extreme, when pushed, this is a person capable of cold violence and emotionally vicious acts.

this is the sort of individual whom you can ask “what were you feeling then?” and get the response “I don’t know.” it might be that they don’t want to know, and it might also be that they don’t want to know, and it might also be that they do know and they don’t want to talk about it. emotionally, this person can be a very secretive, closed person who would rather put up a happy front than honestly reveal what they are really feeling.

the moon in scorpio individual is so uncomfortable with their own feelings that they hold them in and hope they will magically disappear. even if they are madly in love, they are often very distrustful and cautious about expressing themself. they play their cards very close to their chest to maintain their safety. they are also uncomfortable around heavy emotional displays, gushing sentimentality, self-pitying behavior, and violent or hysterical anger. instinctively, they know the latter can trigger their own anger and violence, which is just waiting under the surface, should something or someone provoke it at the right time. because they are not comfortable with their deeper feelings, they do not communicate them. they are intensely private and prone to pushing emotions further down so that they will be able to sustain and display a steely kind of control. emotional vulnerability is what their suspicious mind fears most. should they be brought to their knees through some emotional devastation, they will be very slow to recover or may never do so fully. instead they may simply become more contracted, controlling, and suspicious over time.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

the moon in scorpio individual may be both passive-aggressive and very critical. however, when they trust, they can also be passionate and talk from the depths of their soul. they are potentially a very deep person when they are not living through repression, control, and defense mechanisms. perhaps the way they they are most comfortable expressing their feelings is through sex. their is a deeply sensual and erotic nature that craves the kind of stimulation that allows them to lose their mind to the act. because they are so instinctively sexual, they can be a sublime lover with an erotic sensibility that is boundless.

when their anger is aroused, however, this person’s emotional display is equally boundless and potentially terrifying. they are capable of cold withdrawal. they are also able to display the sort of vicious acting out that, chances are, will never be forgotten. from scathing verbal abuse to cruel, calculated manipulations designed to destroy the perceived enemy, this person’s anger can be extremely painful. it is also highly effective. the moon in scorpio individual knows how to hit deep and hard and when they are angry usually won’t be able to stop themself from striking out in any other manner. having emotionally sadistic tendencies, they can derive a great deal of satisfaction from how horribly they can wound and destroy. this ability, which is as instinctive as their sexual prowess, makes them feel safe and separate from their own potential emotional pain. when operating from an unevolved level, this moon sign is a psychological killer. when evolved and operating from a spiritual consciousness, this person has great compassion and depth of intuition, intelligence, insight, and feeling. the difference is usually dependent on how much this person is willing to work on themself psychologically to truthfully and courageously face their own demons and grow into a human being who lives life more openly without the single goal of control.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

the moon in leo individual has a tendency to be romantic, flamboyant, and indulgent. having a big heart that embraces everything important to them, this individual finds many ways to bring that to bear in life.

their heart has to be in everything they successfully undertake. leo is the sign ruling the heart. therefore, they are at their best when they are warm rather than prideful and deeply feeling for others rather than needing to attract admiration to themself.

optimistic and sometimes emotionally naive, they can be fooled by flattery because they want so strongly to believe it. craving feedback and ego enhancement from the outside world, the moon in leo individual may assign too much power to how their performance is being viewed by others. this individual has a drive and determination to succeed in anything they seriously undertake. however, when they use their success as a prime factor in determining how they feel about themself, they are setting themself up for a potentially bad payoff.

the moon in leo individual needs to establish strong spiritual and humanistic values that become personally important to them in their life as opposed to valuing only those experiences that make them look good to the world. this might involve some sacrifice. however, gaining this insight and using it successfully will make their relationship with themself authentic. what can come from this discovery is something so truly inspiring that it can change the entire course of their life for the better. when they are able to live more fully from their higher ideals, the quality of the love that they are capable of experiencing and attracting will also be of a higher, richer quality.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

they are open and demonstrative and often bold and dramatic. if deeply wounded, this person may hold their feelings inside and hide them away from the world. however, they can be very expressive about what is positive and moves them.

emotionally speaking, the moon in leo individual is pure and uncomplicated. at times their ego may interfere with the higher flow of their feelings, but in the long run, their heart will come through. when it does, there is a warmth here that can be extremely penetrating. the heart of the moon in leo individual can radiate like the sun. if directed at you, you may have the experience of a deep, soulful contact. this can be a subtle feeling that is still very powerful.

the moon in leo individual won’t hold their emotions back unless they are hurt and their pride demands it. they show their positive feelings with words, flowers, flamboyant gestures, physical affection, and passion. a person of their word, they come through with what they promise and won’t give mixed messages like a lot of other moon signs. usually prepared to follow through on what they promise, the moon in leo individual is a person of their word. straightforward and to the point, they put themself on the line and has enough of a sense of honor that compels them to stick to their word.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

inspirational and enthusiastic, this individual has lofty aspirations and flights of fantasy that may never get grounded in reality. they often long for the intangible as their heart soars skyward. the soaring experience is what they like best, and whether they are in love or living for some ideal, they never want to come down. they find the earth too dark and depressing.

the moon in sagittarius individual moves fluidly through their feelings. they easily let go of the negative and move on to a new positive outlook in record time. however, because their feelings are so mutable, they often don’t dive very deeply beneath the surface of any situation, encounter, or relationship.

they can be something of a butterfly who moves from flower to flower. they can also turn emotions into abstractions that have philosophical weight and seemingly eternal value. in distancing themself from all darkness, they often lose track of the feelings of others and can be terribly insensitive. the moon in sagittarius individual can be more impatient than sympathetic. in general, they need a lot of thinking and breathing space and can be more detached than emotional, depending on their personal plans and how consumed they are by them in the moment.

when bad times do besiege them, they don’t stay down for very long. they will think things out and try to find some silver lining. before long, they can be seen bouncing back and is once again soaring above the clouds. the moon in sagittarius individual cannot tolerate negativity and prolonged depression, whether it’s in themself or someone else. therefore, they’ll do their best to turn a dark situation around and gain something positive from it.

impulsive and having a tendency to live in the moment, they can fall in love in about fifteen minutes and out of love in about four. the moon in sagittarius individual thinks in superlatives and wants all their experiences to be peak ones. the little significant moments and subtle feelings fly by them until they learn to slow down and really listen.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

open and honest, they hold nothing back. the moon in sagittarius individual often speaks before they think and shows everything on the surface. their is a no-holds-barred sort of style. throwing caution to the wind, they are capable of sharing their heart and mind with all their friends as well as the general public. this person is not at all frightened of their feelings.

positive and open-minded, they will often express themself through their sense of humor, which can also be an armor against fear. affectionate and filled with enthusiasm, they will embrace everything around them. the moon in sagittarius individual is very self-expressive and leaves little to the imagination. they love to bare their soul and, in the process, set the world on fire. generous, outgoing, and wanting to befriend the world, they can bring a lot of light to a lot of people and in the process provide themself with the sort of higher-minded satisfactions that their heart desires.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

they are sensitive and emotional, sentimental and deeply instinctive. they are so in touch with their own feelings that they are completely comfortable with the feelings of everyone around them.

warm, affectionate, loving, and caring, the moon in cancer individual is fully present in emotional situations. their emotions can go very deep and, whether positive or negative, are long-lasting.

when hurt, they may withdraw for a bit to lick their wounds and brood about how slighted they feel in the situation. however, unlike a lot of other moon signs, they won’t cut themself off. at a certain point they will emerge from their shell and be willing to communicate. the moon in cancer is very similar to the moon in scorpio in that it may forgive, but it will never forget. in between, both can hold a grudge like a torch that inflames their own sense of justice.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

when deeply connected, the moon in cancer individual is openly affectionate and will share their feelings in their own time and way. quite conscious and sensitive to everything around them, they know what they feel and it simply flows forth.

unlike a number of other moon signs, they don’t repress painful moments or erect elaborate defenses to cope emotionally. when hurt, they will withdraw for a time. when angry, they may be passive-aggressive or piercingly sarcastic. the moon in cancer individual can have a lacerating sense of humor that they use to express hostility.

whatever the situation, they usually make their emotions felt by those around them. the moon in cancer individual is so full of feeling that there is nowhere they can really go to hide it. whether positive or negative, their feelings often overflow, and they are suddenly at the mercy of the rushing current.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

the moon in gemini individual thinks before they feel. their life is one long thought that keeps changing through time and space. their nature is cool and detached and their emotions superficial. because of this they are acutely uncomfortable with intense emotional displays.

life can fly past them since they don’t hold on to feelings for very long. the positive aspect of their nature is that they can let go and move on after a bad experience. the negative aspect is that they can also be emotionally fickle. unless there are other influences in their chart, the moon in gemini individual has a tendency to not be very compassionate. basically, this is because they don’t have the depth to really understand other people’s feelings, and they also don’t want to get trapped by any pain.

this individual is very mercurial and can’t really understand emotional consistency. therefore, if they promise one thing in one moment and days later finds their circumstances have changed, they will change with them and most likely will not deliver. needless to say, this person is not the most emotionally dependable. usually, they also don’t feel guilt or remorse about putting people in painful predicaments. their emotional range doesn’t extend to include strong empathy. it is too fast moving and needful of freedom and space.

this is an individual who can be emotionally cool or even cold, depending on what is coming at them. any strong emotional demands or heavy emotional displays have an adverse effect on them, making them close up and cut off. on the other hand, humor and quick-wittedness expand their feelings and free them to be themself in the moment. a butterfly of sorts, they soar through mental space and settle wherever it seems convenient. emotionally, they will stay there until they get bored. then they move quickly on to a new person, place, idea, or possibility. the moon in gemini individual is in love with novelty. it brings little bursts of excitement through their heart that have a way of playing with their brain, the center of their natural focus. to get to their heart you have to go through their mind and make them feel fully alive.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

because they have a tendency to think rather than feel, the moon in gemini individual is logical, articulate, and reasonable in most situations. they will try to talk things out and make sense out of nonsense and are often amazingly successful at doing so. this can be a great plus to their personality since it can cool down an argument and create a workable compromise. in general, they are not one to get lost in the eye of the emotional storm. the moon in gemini individual does not easily lose their mind to either minor or major differences.

sometimes they can’t feel, especially if drowned out by someone else’s emotional maelstrom. raw, angry emotion can make them cut off, and teary-eyed episodes take all their patience. the moon in gemini individual can be frosty when they feel forced into places they don’t want to be. their emotional comfort zone drives them to keep things cool, light, and breezy. this emotional reaction is their escape hatch and it’s something they need to have at all times.

when emotionally involved, they’ll communicate by talking about their plans and ideas or by sharing activities that are stimulating or fun. the moon in gemini individual likes to have a good time and keep it light and lively. for them loving someone’s company means falling in love. however, they won’t get down on their knees and make dramatic declarations. they’ll just keep calling.

it must be mentioned that this individual can also be emotionally changeable and run from hot to cold in record time. if they feel bored, closed in, or that a situation is getting too predictable, this is the time when the air around them may cool and they may disappear. the moon in gemini individual can be quite ruthless about this sort of behavior and curiously devoid of guilt or compassion. their disappearing acts are knee-jerk responses to situations they find boring and unbearable. the moon in gemini individual’s emotional survival mechanism sometimes renders them so detached that they aren’t capable of making a strong connection with anyone. they tend to be a peter pan type who needs a lot of time to grow up and become comfortable feeling more deeply.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

the moon in aquarius individual is emotionally shallow, so they tend to exist in a world of ideas or superficial activity. when called upon to evaluate what they might be feeling in a given situation, they need a long time to process and think things out. what tends to affect them emotionally is what they think about a person or a situation. never given to direct, visceral emotional responses, an individual with this moon sign can be curiously unemotional and tends to talk away what little feelings they do acknowledge.

often they can be emotionally changeable and unpredictable in strange and disturbing ways. seemingly out of the blue they can coldly break off a relationship, walk out on a project or job or sever some other long-lasting commitment, leaving without a backward glance. these puzzling, inexplicable reactions that enable them to leave the past behind with such complete detachment can make them a rather risky friend or lover. all air signs are capable of losing feeling in what appears to be a flash; however, the moon in aquarius can be the most emotionally erratic. it has often been noted that this moon sign is commonly associated with a childhood history of a broken home or is the product of a childhood situation indicative of some type of turmoil, separation, or instability. the correlation between this moon sign and an early development of detachment and extreme independence does often seem to bear itself out in the moon in aquariusindividual.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

the moon in aquarius individual can talk endlessly about feelings, especially if they happen to be unhappy. however, even you might sense that they are strangely detached from themself.

often this person doesn’t know what they really feel, or they truly feel nothing. this moon sign can be very empty in the soul and the person born with it compensates for this vacuousness and disconnection through such things as a strident commitment to a cause, a self-destructive rebelliousness, drugs, alcohol, a compulsive breaking of rules, or a compulsive lack of commitment to creating anything lasting and meaningful.

the moon in aquarius individual tends to repress deep old painful moments and often has inappropriate emotional responses as an adult. they may be amazingly cold in a situation that calls for some human compassion. they may suddenly erupt in anger or violence at some misperceived slight, and they may appear strangely detached over something that would cause someone else emotional upset. often when they talk about some emotional experience, they might get the odd feeling that it is some story they read somewhere in passing. the positive side to their detachment is that it allows this individual to function in disturbing, high-stress situations. it can pose a lot of problems, however, in personal relationships where more is required than human efficiency.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

the moon in taurus individual is more practical and task-oriented than emotional. although they can be very loving, their mind gets caught up in the material realm, work, and the tasks at hand, often to the exclusion of conscious feeling.

this is a person who is solid, enduring, and matter-of-fact. they do not delve, probe, brood, or get caught up in convolutions of thought and feeling like some of the other moon signs. when a problem arises, they try to find a sound solution instead of getting caught up in an emotional crisis. stable, logical, and very well organized, the moon in taurus individual never loses their head. during busy times it might overshadow their heart; however, this may also be the key to their stability.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

not terribly emotional and usually very involved with their work and other responsibilities, the moon in taurus individual is generally not emotionally expressive. they live in a world of practical considerations and things that need to be dealt with. they also get caught up in the flow of a repetitive day-to-day routine, which can also work to have a deadening effect on their feelings.

in general, they are more comfortable giving a hug than going into a long emotional dialogue. more physically affectionate than verbally expressive, they are more comfortable in bed than sitting across the table from you, expounding on their feelings.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

they are emotional and sometimes moody, experiencing fluctuations of feeling that they often find inexpressible. the moon in pisces individual can be sensitive and sentimental. they can also be highly intuitive and emotionally tuned in.

impressionable and easily influenced when their emotions are appealed to, the moon in pisces individual can be led in a lot of directions. easily seduced by everything that appeals to their senses, they yearn for the divine highs of life, sometimes regardless of the cost. sensual and searching for something more than a limited earthbound existence, they are most at home in their soul in some creative or spiritual capacity.

dreamy, changeable, and known to vacillate emotionally, they can be an enigma unto themself. because this sign is so connected to the unconscious, it can take this individual a long time to process emotions and know what they are really feeling. for example, sometimes they may not realize they are even angry at someone’s actions, only to be besieged a day later with a bad mood.

from time to time they need to tune the world out and have some time alone to emotionally regenerate. without even realizing it, they can absorb the negativity that surrounds them and suffer through subtle depressions and periods of apathy.

the moon in pisces individual lives in their own world. they are not open about their feelings. it is not that they are intentionally secretive, it is just that they often change so rapidly that it leaves them confused. their emotional style is to go with the flow from moment to moment, never really certain of where that might take them but being open to all that comes their way.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

while at times this person may be curiously quiet and elusive, they are at others open and expressive. there is a strong element of unpredictability to this individual. emotionally subjective - sometimes sad and sometimes happy for no apparent reason - their emotional landscape is constantly changing.

they can be tender, caring, and compassionate. they can also be confused and not able to get in touch with their elusive inner feelings. at times they can be as sympathetic and empathetic an individual as you’ll ever find. at other times, they can be detached, preoccupied, and caught up in a world of their own.

a confluence of emotions, feelings, and impressions run through them at any given time period. therefore, sometimes the moon in pisces individual is not in touch with them because they are confused by the changing nature of them. it is not uncommon for them to also be blocked because so much is going on inside of them that the contents of their mind are like a psychic stew that is bubbling over.

who they are emotionally


_____________ how they feel _____________

quick to anger, they also calm down in record time. feelings don’t linger too long with the moon in aries individual. they suffer the risk of moving and thinking and feeling too fast.

sometimes irritable, insensitive, and shallow, they blowtorch their way through a bad moment. when busy, impatient, or seriously emotionally compromised, their words can be both clipped and cutting.

the moon in aries individual doesn’t brood about the meaning of things. they fly past them and vice versa, and before they know it, it’s all a new experience and the past has been forgotten. because they are so fast-moving and impulsive, this person can promise things in one moment and forget them the next. they can also behave like a completely different person from one day to the next, all depending on how much their moods affect them.

usually, the moon in aries individual is competitive, not compassionate. heavy emotional scenes annoy them and emotional demands can make them shut you out completely. needing a lot of space, they can’t bear to feel confined. at all times they need to be freed up to do their own thing and feel the wind in their face thrusting them in a completely new and exciting direction.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

honest, direct, and very much to the point, the moon in aries individual can be blunt, tactless, and have the kind of candor that can wreak incredible damage. this is not a person who walks around brooding and holding feelings inside. they tell it like it is. whether anyone really wants to hear it or not is completely beside the point.

sexual and impulsive, this individual finds the bedroom to be a comfort zone. the moon in aries person gives their all to their passion of the moment, and in that moment it may all seem like the very first time. as enthusiastic as a teenager just given a car, they will hold nothing back when they believe that they’re in love. however, how long these passionate feelings last depends on how mature they happen to be and how much they yearn for change and variety.

who they are emotionally

their dark and bright side
