#natal moon in aries



_____________ their dark side _____________

when immature, they can be arrogant and headstrong, cruel and argumentative. when the moon in aries individual is unevolved, they can be a big baby. reckless, restless, petulant, and impatient, they can act like a race car headed for a brick wall.

their irritability can completely control them and their impatience and desire for novelty consume them. when emotionally immature, they can be faithless and full of so much restless energy that they will never finish anything they start. selfish, shallow, insensitive, and self-indulgent, they live only for self-gratification, not noticing who they hurt and certainly not caring. having poor self-restraint, little self-awareness, and a very quick temper, this is an individual who can be like a bomb going off. however, it must also be said that their little explosions never last long.

_____________ their bright side _____________

they can be wildly romantic, masculine, and courageous. they are also self-confident. they know what they want, and they’ll get it no matter what. rushing in where heroes fear to tread, they can be the biggest dragon slayer.

the moon in aries individual can be exciting, enthusiastic, and brimming with life. sexual, passionate, and full of energy, they know how to direct it to get the desired results. for the right person, they can be a challenging, highly charged lover who electrifies life.

who they are emotionally

how they feel and show their emotions


_____________ how they feel _____________

quick to anger, they also calm down in record time. feelings don’t linger too long with the moon in aries individual. they suffer the risk of moving and thinking and feeling too fast.

sometimes irritable, insensitive, and shallow, they blowtorch their way through a bad moment. when busy, impatient, or seriously emotionally compromised, their words can be both clipped and cutting.

the moon in aries individual doesn’t brood about the meaning of things. they fly past them and vice versa, and before they know it, it’s all a new experience and the past has been forgotten. because they are so fast-moving and impulsive, this person can promise things in one moment and forget them the next. they can also behave like a completely different person from one day to the next, all depending on how much their moods affect them.

usually, the moon in aries individual is competitive, not compassionate. heavy emotional scenes annoy them and emotional demands can make them shut you out completely. needing a lot of space, they can’t bear to feel confined. at all times they need to be freed up to do their own thing and feel the wind in their face thrusting them in a completely new and exciting direction.

_______ how they show their feelings _______

honest, direct, and very much to the point, the moon in aries individual can be blunt, tactless, and have the kind of candor that can wreak incredible damage. this is not a person who walks around brooding and holding feelings inside. they tell it like it is. whether anyone really wants to hear it or not is completely beside the point.

sexual and impulsive, this individual finds the bedroom to be a comfort zone. the moon in aries person gives their all to their passion of the moment, and in that moment it may all seem like the very first time. as enthusiastic as a teenager just given a car, they will hold nothing back when they believe that they’re in love. however, how long these passionate feelings last depends on how mature they happen to be and how much they yearn for change and variety.

who they are emotionally

their dark and bright side


________who they are emotionally ________

the moon in aries has a wild, restless spirit that spurs them on impulsively toward the first direction that happens to occur to them. impulsive, impatient, and often possessing little staying power, they seek excitement and tend to put their needs first before all other considerations. a rambunctious child at heart, they are always revved up and ready to go. hot with life and their own anticipation, the moon in aries wants to burn.

ambitious, aggressive, assertive, and enterprising, they have emotional energy to give away. the moon in aries doesn’t look before they leap and loves living that way. courageous, competitive, and always primed for a challenge, they give off sparks and sometimes strokes of lightning. a thrill seeker who can’t sit still for very long, they are someone who must always test new ground. entranced by novelty and caught up in momentary satisfaction, they may be poor at following through on a previous commitment, should something sparkly snag their attention.

fearless and full of wild initiative, the moon in aries makes a great fighter pilot; however, as a person, they are often more primed for excitement than sensitivity. they want exactly what they want when they want it. since they have a low frustration tolerance, they are not prepared to be patient and to wait things out. putting immediate gratification at the top of their list of priorities, they can be something of a caution when they don’t get their way. sometimes reckless, self-centered, and certainly very testy, they can have the speed and unpredictability of a ricocheted bullet. where did this sheer velocity come from? it is likely that both their temper and their interest will be gone before you can come upon an answer.

in the area of love, they love the chase but often gets bored with the prize. the moon in aries is fired up by conquest. the excitement of a hot new sexual encounter can make them forget what time it is or where they’re supposed to be. a new fling is one of their favorite things. the moon in aries is turned on by chills and thrills and needs a strong dose of constant excitement. as a child, they probably had to be tied down. as an adult, they won’t allow it. wild and full of wanderlust, they want to feel the flame - if only for a little while.

even if they are the virgo sun, shy type, this individual will be attracted to wild fire sign people who will be restless and provocative. however, should they have an aries sun, they could be double trouble. whatever their sun sign, the moon in aries wants nothing less than the world on their own terms, and given their ability to make waves, they often get it.

how they feel and show their emotions

their dark and bright side
