



Completed November 10, 2018

Random One Shots:These are little one shot fics just to get you acquainted with the Egos and how I write them! However, a few of the stories might get into more of the lore of the blog, which might require reading some of my other stories first.

Markiplier Ego Imagines

Amy and the Egos

Ego One Shots

Anti Imagines

Disney AU’s

Reverse Prompts

The Good Stuff: Now here’s where things start to get interesting. From here on out, the posts are arranged in a timeline for you to follow. Be warned: there’s a lot!

Keep reading

It’s been a great ride, cutie pies! I’m so excited to start fresh and so sad to see this universe go. I’m going to take a few days to properly get my head together, I think, and then I’ll be ready to start the new stories. Thank you for all the sweet goodbye’s, and get ready, buckle in, because it’s going to be a wild ride from here!

I’m so excited to finally sit down and read ALL of this! This’ll be the serotonin boost I’ve needed!

my new aesthetic is nate slowly losing his mind while opening vivid voltage packs


-Contrary to popular belief, Phantom doesn’t own a normal bar. Phantom is, above all, a showman. He believes people head out into the night looking for a good time, and if he can provide that, he will. Phantom owns one of the city’s most popular burlesque clubs. He’s got pretty showgirls and pretty showboys, he’s good well-mannered bartenders. 

-Mare will sometimes headline at the club. It’s a rare occasion, maybe once or twice a year. Those nights are when the club is the busiest, the making the usual nightlife crowd seem tame. The other performers adore him; he’s quite a character when he’s in his element onstage. 

-All of the showgirls and showboys and bartenders have deals with Phantom, but he still takes care of them. Many of the dancers are young adults he’s taken from the streets. They dance for him at night and in return they’re suddenly attending college with tuition mysteriously payed, finding affordable and stable housing for the first time ever during the day. Sure, he’ll make a deal for someone’s soul now and then, but those are people who deserve it. If he can show some college kids there’s hope for the future and get dancers for his club, that’s good too. The single mom who works as his favorite bartender on the weeknights has the best healthcare for herself and her children, best childcare available when she needs it. It’s her kid’s birthday? She can take the whole day off and he’ll pay her for it. 

-He’s not likely to let just anyone into his club. He runs a respectable establishment, and if he hears about someone taking advantage of his dancers or being abusive towards his staff, he’ll put a stop to it real quick. There was an incident the staff remembers quite well of a man harassing one of his younger female dancers. Phantom had very politely warned him, but he kept it up. Unfortunately, before he could talk to the man again, his body was found in alley downtown. It’s a happy coincidence, according to Phantom, even though most of the long-term dancers know better. 

-I am very tired but had fun writing these. College is killing me, friend. 

Set It Off Uncontrollable || NWTB Enjoy the Show

There’s probably more songs that have a spoken (?) part like the ones shown but I heard the bit in uncontainable and immediately thought of enjoy the show.



fun game: if u listen to a weird variety of things reblog this with 3 bands u like that are completely different from each other and probably shouldnt even be in the same library

also half the people on this post………. y’alls picks are in the whole ass same genre wyd

Shinedown, American Murder Song, Natewantstobattle

Me when ever the finale plays

angels-graceling: I made a little get-well gift for @reverseblackholeofwords to add a little sunshin


I made a little get-well gift for @reverseblackholeofwords to add a little sunshine to her day.

Ive been watching a tone of adventure time lately so i drew Mare in that artstyle (also cos he reminds me of marshal lee hehe).

I hope i got that room layout right lol

I wanted to do a redraw of this boy because the buds and I were being nostalgic and remembering how much we loved the egos. and Mare is just an overall good boy!!! would give hug and fist bump :)

@staygoldsunshine i still adore ur stories bud!! I hope ur doing good! <3

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cieltheanon: marksandrec: Marks and Rec: Misc #1043(The track then includes twelve additional minutecieltheanon: marksandrec: Marks and Rec: Misc #1043(The track then includes twelve additional minutecieltheanon: marksandrec: Marks and Rec: Misc #1043(The track then includes twelve additional minutecieltheanon: marksandrec: Marks and Rec: Misc #1043(The track then includes twelve additional minutecieltheanon: marksandrec: Marks and Rec: Misc #1043(The track then includes twelve additional minutecieltheanon: marksandrec: Marks and Rec: Misc #1043(The track then includes twelve additional minutecieltheanon: marksandrec: Marks and Rec: Misc #1043(The track then includes twelve additional minutecieltheanon: marksandrec: Marks and Rec: Misc #1043(The track then includes twelve additional minutecieltheanon: marksandrec: Marks and Rec: Misc #1043(The track then includes twelve additional minute



Marks and Rec: Misc #1043

(The track then includes twelve additional minutes of Markiplier screaming at snowflakes over the gentle jingling of bells.) (Happy holidays, all!)

This has been queued since August, I love it.

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Forgot to post that little ‘study’ on my fave boys‘ eyes. I was bored lol

Heyo everyone! how you doing?
Been a while since I came here so I’m doing a little art dump, I’m still in the middle of exams here and things still suck lol between the lockdown (got my first dose of vaccine!) and my friends all stopping talking to me altogether, and uni, it’s been tough (I’m on antidepressant now though so its good !)

im still using my iPad cause my cintiq is getting old and the cables are kind of damaged so I need new ones.
so here are the few things I’ve been able to produce all that time lol

Been experimenting with watercolor brushes, and theres a little sketch of Jack which may or may not end in an ego drawing, we’ll see when I have my motivation back lol

See y’a soon !

Last drawing of the year is ✨NateWantsToBattle✨

Sorry for disappearing from here lol
