#national gallery of budapest

Pablo Picasso - The Kiss (1925) - I guess everyone knows Gustav Klimt’s painting, The Kiss. On

Pablo Picasso - The Kiss (1925)

- I guess everyone knows Gustav Klimt’s painting, The Kiss. One of my favorite ever. Lots of artist tried to remake it in their own style and i really admire this piece of Picasso and i’m so happy that i had chance to see this in the National Gallery of Budapest!

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Hi everyone!Few weeks ago, i was in the Pablo Picasso exhibition in the National Gallery of Budape

Hi everyone!

Few weeks ago, i was in the Pablo Picasso exhibition in the National Gallery of Budapest, Hungary. I spent an amazing time there, and i studied a lot about the artist. The name of the exhibition was: transfigurations, it embraced every period of Picasso’s career, paying particular attention to one aspect of his ouvre: the constant transfigurations in his portrayal of the human figure. Most of the exhibited works have been generously loaned by the Musée national Picasso-Paris, which preserves the largest Picasso collection in the world.
I will post my favorites from the exhibition, which touched me and makes me wonder every single time. Picasso’s life was an adventurous journey, and he was a really great artist and man, so i hope i can show you a small slice of it and sou can imagine it!

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