#native culture


There’s been a lot of words said about Line 3, at the United States government, specifically in Minnesota at the Minnesota Government, which is all valid but what I’m not hearing, in our communities, among the tribes, is our anger at our own government because I am livid at the tribal councils who willingly sold our land again. Line 3 already exists in our reservations. This is not the first time they have exchanged what is not theirs for something so fucking trivial as money. I am used to the greed of the white men who run the rest of the world. It is not new, and I don’t have any expectations for how low they are willing to go. The shame I feel for my own people, now, is new. We are taught to look ahead 7 generations in everything we do. We are taught to preserve the Earth, that we are Her guardians. We were created to protect her and we are failing. I thought we were better. I thought that we had learned.


I want to create a blog list of Black, Indigenous & poc “witches” that practice cultural traditions. If you practice a culturally significant tradition/religion or have a culturally centered magical practice please reblog this with what your practice is.   

If you’re non-Black, Indigenous or poc please boost via reblog!!! Thank you. 

I am Ojibwa, and while my religion doesn’t have a name, I do study and integrate the study of my history into my craft.
