

AMDCandi’s Dede Diamati Introduces Herself to the World

I was born in Albany, New York. Grew up in between Brooklyn and Miami. My nationality is Jamaican Spaniard (mixed).  My personality can be described as very down to earth and real. I’m unforgivably honest but very understanding and sincere at the same time. 

Overall, I make it a point of priority to give back to my community and help others with any opportunity I receive. I aspire to inspire other young women to use their social media influences for the right reasons rather than just being a pretty face. 

I love to work and travel and learn about new cultures. I enjoy the simplicity of being home with my family or spending a day at the beach and just relaxing. My style is everything that’s me! In addition to modeling I’m also a wardrobe stylist so dressing is well is just a form of good manners.

I could never be with someone who doesn’t compliment my style. I’ve been modeling for the past 4 years and I believe my ambition and drive sets me apart from the other models in this industry. I have goals I know I will attain while setting an example for my daughter as to what it is to be a strong, independent woman. 

I hope to one day be able to be on tv filming my reality for the world. My favorite music is feel good music! One of my favorite artists is The weeknd but I also enjoy other genres of music such as soulful r&b and pop.
