#good vibes

whenever I see my crush post a shirtless pic, I go like this

whenever I see my crush post a shirtless pic, I go like this

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good vibes

Something I’ve always wanted to do…is to create a small clothing boutique with my own designs. But the twist would be that each collection would be based off of an original story prompt written to show the various beauties of how our humanity can be expressed alongside the elements of nature and different places and time periods, and to empower those who wear the outfits with their stories in mind.

A way to further spread positive magick and influence through collaborative creativity, if you will!

“So I made good use of my face and I smiled."

My future wife will only have sex with black men


I was tagged by @akindofmagictoo​ and given the words assist,avid,airy, and adorn. Thank you!

FromOpen Seas:


“I can’t undo my stays,” she said, wincing as she pressed a hand to her side. “Could you please assistme?”

“Of course, dear.” Thana unlaced her with deft fingers and placed the stays with her other layers.


Tess rolled her eyes. “Is this your way of buttering me up before asking to come with me when I call on him?”

“Was I too obvious?”

“May I come, too?” Flora asked eagerly.

“You didn’t even know who he was two minutes ago,” Lina shot back.

“You’re the one who made him sound interesting,” she pointed out.

If I bring anyone with me, I’ll bring both of you,” Tess cut in before the bickering could escalate. If they were together, they would at least be able to balance each other out a bit. They would also be able to distract each other while Tess spoke with Caspian.


“I wasn’t trying to find trouble.”

“And yet once again you stumbled into it,” Petra teased. She bounded to her feet and offered a hand to Tess, easily pulling her upright despite her small stature. “Come on, it’s almost sunrise. Nothing’s better than the first sunrise out at sea.”

Tess didn’t argue and allowed Petra to lead the way to the steep staircase in the middle of the room and up to the gun deck, where there were more crew members sleeping or lounging, then up the ladder to the main deck. The water was calm, the air crisp, and there were only a handful of crew around operating the sails.


Lina had kept with the Polperro style and had only darkened her eyelashes, but did look very nice in her yellow dress. Her dark hair was loose around her shoulders, the front bits kept out of her face by a decorated clip at the back of her head, and she was only wearing a gold cuff on her left wrist.

Flora had ended up halfway between Tess and Lina’s looks. Her green dress had a natural waistline that was accentuated by a ribbon, her light brown hair was in a simple updo, and she’d gone with a minimal amount of makeup that included darkening her lashes and eyelids and adding a touch of red to her lips.

“Is everyone ready?” Aunt Eugenia asked, bustling about the room. “Are you sure you don’t want more colour on your face, Lina? You look so washed out next to Tess.”

“She looks her age, you mean?” Flora countered.

Oops, none of the male characters appear in these snippets. The first one is very short as I recently shared it!

I tag @spacetimewraithwrites​,@sleepy-night-child​,@starry-sky-stuff​, and anyone else who wants to play! Your words are wrinkle,drop,green, and leave. As always, no pressure!

Hey guys! After the long hiatus, I’m finally back in this blog! It’s been 7 months, I th

Hey guys! After the long hiatus, I’m finally back in this blog! It’s been 7 months, I think, since I last updated this blog. I’ve been busy with school and stuff at home and it has been a tough 7 months for me. I’m on my senior year and I’m quite not doing well and it scared me.

First quarter has passed and I’ve decided to do focus this time during second quarter which means I may not regularly post in this blog. But one thing’s for sure, I’ll try my best to keep this blog alive for you guys. :)

If anyone of you wants to tell me something, good or bad, just go message me and I’ll reply as soon as I can to ALL OF YOU.

It’s good to be back, love you guys! :)

- K x

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