

Joe posted at his Twitter lyrics/name of the song of all the songs of the EP, and we had no idea…. Sneaky

We only need to discover the lyrics he posted for ‘Your Blood’



Did not see that end coming

Also, why does Conor’s outfits are always so AMAZING?? I want to wear all of his clothes, he looks so comfortable on them

I made my peace with sorrow
It kept it all inside
It’s all inside

Yesterday was Broken Machine’s birthday. 4 years now that we have this masterpiece among us <3

I don’t own any of these pictures, my source is pinterest lol



me: sees something problematic/shady 

me and my squad in the group chat: 

Them whole fandom every time NBT would drop some clue on Twitter/Instagram

Our thoughts and prayers shall

salvage the Earth

Honest opinions

Hold equal worth

One day we’ll get

what we deserve

It’s such a beautiful lie

Still don’t know what you expected of me

i updated my spotify playlist of my favorite songs, and there’s something every time and NBT song comes up. It just hits me differently.

And I feel is because of this:

I love this user name because is so fucking true nbTEARS
