#nct johnny oneshot


When you send Johnny an emergency text you don’t think about how he might think that it is an actually emergency instead of a Christmas Emergency. Luckly for you Johnny likes you and doesn’t stay angry with you for long.

Part of the Long Term Couples Series. Can be read as a stand alone. 

             “Y/n!” Johnny’s worried voice calls out as he comes rushing into your apartment and stops dead in his tracks when he sees you.

           You’re standing in the middle of your apartment. Bags of Christmas decorations scattered about. You’re dressed in a Christmas sweater, with an elf hat sitting atop your head and garland is in your hands. At seeing Johnny’s worried express you think that you maybe should have rethought your text that you sent him. You had quickly realized while decorating that you were not tall enough to hang a lot of your decorations, but you did know someone who was. This had led you to sending a text worded “Emergency come quickly” and nothing else. Upon further reflection you realize this was probably not the smartest thing to send Johnny.

           “Tell me the emergency does not have to do with you needing help decorating,” Johnny demands as he does a scan of your apartment and doesn’t see any signs of danger.

           “Lying would get me on the naughty list so I can’t say that that isn’t the emergency,” Johnny narrows his eyes at you, and you quickly start to explain why it is an emergency.

           “Johnny it is an emergency. I’m short and can’t reach high places and if I do it on my own, I could fall and break something. And what if I need to call for help but can’t because of said broken body parts. So, I needed you to be here to help me and to make sure that I don’t break anything. And you’re tall and can safely reach out the places I can’t.”

           “I left the recording studio because I thought you had a real emergency,” Johnny states. You cringe and take a tentative step towards him. Johnny doesn’t lose the tight stance and he just glares at you as you make your way towards him.

           When he continues to glare at you, you stop about halfway to him and study him. You’re not sure if he’s mad because you made him leave the studio when he was working, if it’s because he thought something serious had happened to you, or if it was a combination of both. One thing you do know is that you don’t like him being angry at you. Letting out a sigh you drop the garland you were still holding onto and rush towards Johnny before he can have a chance to stop you.

           Your arms encircle his waist, and you practically mold your body to his. Johnny keeps his hard stance and his arms do not wrap around you. Your cheek is pressed tight to his chest, and you can feel his heart beating fast. Squeezing him tight you pull your face away from his chest and tilt your head back to look up at him. Johnny looks down at you and there isn’t the usual warmth in his eyes that you have become accustomed to seeing.

           “I’m sorry that my text made it seem like a bigger emergency than it really is. I wasn’t thinking when I sent it and I didn’t mean to pull you away from work,” you whisper. Johnny doesn’t say anything, and you rest your chin on his chest as you continue to look up at him.

           After a few moments his eyes start to soften, and his arms come to wrap loosely around you. His one hand glides up your spine and finds it’s way into your hair. He gives it a gentle tug to pull you away from his chest. His head comes down to rest his forehead against yours and he lets out a deep breath and closes his eyes for a few seconds. You watch all of this silently waiting for him to speak.

           “Next time you have a vertically challenged emergency put that in the message as well. I was worried Y/n. I know how accident prone you are and thought something serious had happened.” Johnny’s voice sounds horse, and you wonder if it’s from anger or worry that is causing it to sound like that.

           “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you worry next time I promise to add if it is a real emergency or a Y/n emergency.” Johnny chuckles at that and pulls slightly away from you. You give him a hesitant smile before asking, “Are you mad at me?”

           “No, I’m not mad anymore,” Johnny tells you and you relax in his arms.

           “Do you have to get back to the studio?” You know that he has to work but he’s here and you don’t want him to leave. You want him to stay and help you decorate. You want him to put on a Santa hat and you flirt with him while the two of you decorate.

           “Lucky for you I already recorded all my parts. But I do need to call and let them know that everything is okay.”

           “Alright, call who you need to, and I’ll make you some hot chocolate?” Johnny nods his head and let’s you go so he can make his phone call and you can go make him his hot chocolate.

           When you return from the kitchen with his mug Johnny has already finished his phone call and is digging through the many bags you have piled on your couch. He glances up at you as your making your way towards him and gives you a heart stopping smile. He looks at you from head to toe and this time its with warm eyes.

           “I like the elf hat,” he tells you as he takes the mug from your hand and takes a sip.

           “Thanks, I have a Santa hat for you,” you tell him as you go in search for the hat that is hidden in one of the bags. When you find it, you proudly hold it up in the air for Johnny to take. He grabs the hat and places it on his head. He then reaches out for you and pulls you into him. Johnny smirks down at you before leaning into you and for a moment you think that he is finally going to kiss you but at the last minute he changes directions and his lips are at your ear.

           “Are you going to be Santa’s good little elf?” you gulp and know that Johnny is teasing you, but you also can’t help being slightly turned on by him. You push Johnny away and give him a half-hearted glare. Johnny for his part just laughs.

           “Don’t be a bad Santa!” you scold him as you pull a box of lights out of their box and give Johnny your back.

           As your working on unraveling the string of lights you feel Johnny’s hands slide over your waist and stomach. He pulls you back into his hard chest and feel his nose glide along your jawline and down your neck to where your neck and shoulder connect. There Johnny gives you a light nip followed by a kiss, causing you to shiver.

           “You know you like me being bad,” Johnny teases before he lets you go and grabs the lights out of your hand. He saunters away from you and looks around your apartment.

           “Now where do you want these lights up?” You stare at him for a moment and can’t decide if you want to kick him or kiss him. You don’t do either and instead go with telling him where you want the lights and will decide what you are going to do with your naughty Santa later.
