#nct christmas


Taeil has decided that since you are always busy during the holiday season that he is going to bake you some Christmas cookies and give back to you what you are always giving to others. He just didn’t think baking cookies would be so hard. 

Part of the long term couples series. This can be read as a stand alone. 

           Taeil stood in the kitchen with a giant bowl of cookie batter in front of him. Smoke was still coming from the oven and scattered remains of charred Christmas cookies were over the counter and tabletop. Taeil had thought that it would be a good idea to make you some Christmas cookies. During this time of year your bakery was always busy and because of this you never had the time to make cookies for yourself and enjoy the holiday goodies. Because of this Taeil had taken it upon himself to make you some Christmas cookies and give you what everyone else got from you. Delicious holiday treats.

           Though looking at the cookies in front of him Taeil wasn’t sure he would call them delicious. He wasn’t sure what had happened. He followed the directions exactly. He looked down at his phone to read the instructions again then at the oven that had betrayed him and the burned cookies that were everywhere. Thankfully he had used his old cooking pans and not your good ones. Because the pans were ruined, and he didn’t want to think about having to replace your good cooking pans. But being someone who didn’t give up. Taeil read over the directions again and started to roll out more dough. This time his was going to get it right.

           Placing the new cut outs onto the baking sheets he wondered if he cleaned the pans good enough or if the new cookies were going to soak of the remains of the burnt cookies. Not having many other options Taeil hoped that he got the burnt cookies off enough and slides the pans into the oven and sets the timer. As the cookies baked Taeil went about cleaning up his mess. While he was cleaning and letting the cookies bake, he heard the door to your place open and you calling out to him.

           “Taeil why does it smell like something burned?” Taeil turned towards your voice and watched as you came into the kitchen. Your eyes widen in shock at what you saw.

           Taeil glanced around and while the place was a mess it was far better than what it had been earlier, and he wasn’t sure why you had such a look of horror on your face. Your eyes slowly moved to him, and you took cautious steps towards him. Your eyes continuing to scan the kitchen.

           “Taeil please tell me you didn’t use any of my good baking pans.” You demanded as you came to stand in front of him your hands bunching up his shirt.

           “Don’t worry I didn’t use your baking pans,” he assures you and your grip on him relaxes and your forehead connects with his chest.

           “Thank goodness. I was worried that I’d have to break up with you.”

           “Funny Y/n real funny,” Taeil laughs. You pull your head away from Taeil’s chest and give him a serious look.

           “I’m being completely serious Taeil. I would end our relationship if you destroyed any of my good baking pans.” Taeil thinks about teasing you more about this but sees the seriousness written on your face and thinks better of it. Instead, he moves towards the oven to check on the cookies. Opening the door, he peeks in at the cookies and sees that they are starting to get that golden look to them. Shutting the oven door Taeil turns back towards you with a proud smile on his face.

           “The cookies are almost done, and I promise that this batch is perfect.” He declares.

           “What happened to the other batches?” you ask looking around for the other cookies.

           “It’s probably best if you don’t know. Your bakers heart probably couldn’t handle it.” Taeil informs you.

           “Taeil…” you start but Taeil jumps in before you can finish.

           “Y/n just know that I made them with love, and they are in a better place now.” You don’t buy that, and your eyes find the garbage can. Looking back at Taeil you see a guilty look on his face.

           “You didn’t!” You start to move towards the garbage, but Taeil blocks your path.

           “Y/n seriously it’s just better that you don’t know what happened to them and instead think that they are beautiful cookies that are in someone’s home or stomach.”

           You don’t agree with Taeil and dive under his arms and lift the lid to the garbage can. What greets you makes your bakers heart cry, and you gasp at the sight of the burnt cookies. Turning back towards Taeil you can’t believed how badly he had burned them. How long had he had them in the oven and what was he baking the new cookies on?

           “Taeil I’m only going to say this once. Move away from the oven and the Christmas cookies.” Taeil doesn’t move but instead crosses his arms over his chest and pouts at you.

           “No, I may have messed up the first batch, and the second, and possibly the third! But this batch is going to turn out right and I’m going to decorate those cookies and give them to you. Because you always make people delicious Christmas cookies, but no one ever makes them for you, and you deserve to have some made for you.” Taeil demands. At this statement your heart warms and while you want to step in and save the cookies you also appreciate that your boyfriend wants to do this for you.

           “Alright, I’ll leave you to it but just let me peek at the cookies and see how they are and then I promise to leave you to it.” Taeil relaxes and gives you a nod. You look in at the cookies and can tell that they are done. You’re also worried that they are going to be black on the bottom but don’t bring up that to Taeil.

           Instead, you turn off the oven and move towards your boyfriend. You wrap your arms around his neck and go up on your tip toes to give him a quick kiss before informing him, “The cookies are done. That’s it for me interfering. I’m leaving the rest up to you. Let me know when the cookies are ready to be eaten.”

           You then give Taeil another quick kiss and exist the kitchen. You hear Taeil moving about in the kitchen and smile to yourself. You can’t remember the last time someone baked for you. You were always the one doing the baking and while you were almost positive that Taeil’s cookies were slightly burnt you had already decided that you were going to eat and enjoy them. Because they were made by Taeil.

           An hour later you’re called back into the kitchen. As you walk in you notice that the kitchen is spotless. The burnt pans are sticking out of the garbage, and you have to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing. Taeil is standing by the table with an assortment of cookies laid out and a giant smile on his face. You don’t bother to look at the cookies and instead move quickly to Taeil. He opens his arms to you and pulls you in close to him.

           “Thank you for making me Christmas cookies,” you tell him as you give him a squeeze wanting him to know just how much you appreciate it.

           “Don’t thank me just yet you haven’t tried them yet. They might be awful.”  You tilt your head back to look up at Taeil who is studying his cookies with a worried look on his face.

           “I don’t care about how they taste.” You tell him. “I’ll like them anyway because you made them for me, and I can’t recall the last time someone has baked something for me and not the other way around. So, thank you for my Christmas cookies.” Taeil eyes soften, and he leans down to kiss you. You taste frosting on his lips and smile into the kiss. At least he tastes good, you could care less about the cookies.

It’s yours and Yuta’s first Christmas together and you are not sure what to get him. Then you have a brilliant idea and you hope that Yuta will love the idea as much as you do. 

Part of the long term couples series. Can be read as a stand alone. 

           Walking through the mall the glance at the shop windows wondering what to get your boyfriend. It was your first Christmas together and you wanted to get him the right gift. Something that represented your relationship and something that he would always remember. But nothing was right, nothing screamed our first Christmas, and this is something you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Sure, you could have gotten him the Our First Christmas together ornament or some other various gift with that wording. It just didn’t feel like you though.

           Giving up on buying Yuta a gift you wander into a lingerie store and started to browse the racks. You needed some new lingerie and Yuta always appreciated what you were wearing underneath your clothes. As you thought about it the start of your relationship with Yuta was spend with both of you mostly unclothed. You still laugh at the idea that either of you thought that you could only be people who slept together. From the very first night you spent with him it was anything but a random hook up. It’s as your moving to the next rack that an idea pops into your head on what to get Yuta.

           Smiling to yourself you quickly grab all the lingerie that is Christmas themed to try on and hurry into one of the dressing rooms. As you’re trying them on you send a quick text to your friend to see if your Christmas idea is crazy or corny. Although the two of you are corny and doing something like this would fit the two of you. As your debating between a green pair and a red pair you get a text back from your friend.

BF: OMG I’m dying. Do it he’ll love it and find it funny as well.

           With your friend’s approval and your decision made on which lingerie you were going to buy. You grab your items and head off to the check out counter. After making your purchase you go in search for your next items the ugliest Christmas sweater that you can possibly find and a jewelry store. You are so excited about your gift idea that you worry that you won’t be able to wait until Christmas to give it to Yuta. You hope that he likes your gift as much as you like the idea of it.

Christmas Eve

           “Are we opening present tonight or are we waiting until tomorrow morning?” Yuta ask you. The two of you are curled up on the couch. Your back to Yuta’s front, soft music is playing, and the only light is coming from your Christmas tree and other lights you have set up around the house.

           “Let’s open them tonight. I’ve been waiting what feels like forever to give you your gift,” you admit. Your body is practically vibrating with excitement. Yuta must be able to feel your excitement as he laughs and release you so he can grab your gift.

           Yuta grabs your gift from under the tree and walks back towards you. You sit on the couch crossed legged and bouncing in place. Yuta hasn’t given you many gifts since the two of you started dating but each one you have received from him has been perfect and you can’t wait to see what he has gotten you this time. Yuta settled back into the couch next to you and places the small gift on your lap. He leans over and gives your cheek a kiss.

           “Merry Christmas Y/n.” You lean over and quickly kiss his lips and return a Merry Christmas to him before you open your gift.

           Opening the gift your eyes widen and you let out a choked laughed you couldn’t believe what was laying in the box. Laying in the velvet box is a necklace and hanging from the necklace are two small charms. One is in the shape of an omelet the other is in the shape of French toast. You look over at Yuta who is smiling brightly back at you, and you launch yourself at him. Yuta let’s out an umph in surprise before catching you and laying his back down onto the couch with you sprawled out on top of him.

           “I love it,” you tell him as you start to cover his face in kisses. “This is the best Christmas gift I have ever gotten.”

           “I’m glad you like it!” Yuta smiles up at you, you bring the box between the two of you and ask if he’ll help you put it on. Once the necklace is in place you sit up and head towards the Christmas tree to get Yuta his gift.

           “You gift has some instructions that go with it. First wait to open this until I’m out of the room and then follow the next instructions inside your gift.” Handing over the gift you hurry off towards your room leaving Yuta sitting on the couch in confusion.

           He watches you disappear down the hallway and then into your bedroom before he looks down at the gift you have handed him. It isn’t large and he gives it a gentle shake to see if it makes a sound. Once he’s sure that you are in your room Yuta unwraps the box. Inside is another smaller box and a letter.


           I wanted our first Christmas as a couple to be memorable, special, and to remind you of our first night together. Who would have thought that a one-night stand would turn into breakfast, and then into something more? Open your gift and then come to the bedroom for the rest of your gift.

           Yours always,


           Reaching out for the small box Yuta unwraps it to find a smaller velvet box than the one he gave you. Opening it he sees a ring and a slot for another. He pulls out the ring left for him and looks it over. On the inside he sees some engraving and upon closer examination he sees the date from your first night together and then a small picture of a French toast. He laughs at how much the two of you think alike. He slides the ring on before heading towards your bedroom.

           Pushing open the door to your room Yuta isn’t sure what to expect but what he finds causes him to laugh even more but also makes his heart swell because only you would be standing in the middle of your room with nothing but a giant ugly Christmas sweater. Your hands are on your hips and you’re beaming at him as he walks into the room.  Yuta notices the ring that is now on your finger and glances down at his before he makes his way towards you.

           “Merry Christmas Yuta,” you tell him as he pulls you into him. Your arms instantly wrap around him, and his hands settle on the small of your back right above your butt.

           “Are you giving yourself as a gift to me?” Yuta questions as his hands start to roam and pushing you back towards the bed.

           “I thought the rings would have made that obvious but, yes Yuta I’m giving myself to you.” You stop moving once the back of your legs hit the bed. Yuta smiles down at you and reaches around his back for your hand with the ring on it. He pulls that hand up to his mouth and kisses the ring. Your heart melts at the action and you lean further into him.

           “Best Christmas gift ever and I haven’t even unwrapped all of it yet,” you laugh but are cut off by Yuta connecting his mouth to yours and gently lowering you onto the bed. His hands start to roam and as he starts to lift up the sweater his pulls away from you and pauses. You furrow your brows at him wondering why he’s stopped.

           “As much as I love the sweater, please tell me that what’s under it is some sexy lingerie and not granny panties.” Bursting out into laughter you pull Yuta back down towards you and wrap your arms and legs around him.

           “You’ll just have to unwrap your gift and find out.” You tell him. Yuta smiles at you and then gets back to what he had started and is pleased to find that the rest of his gift is not in fact grannie panties.

When you send Johnny an emergency text you don’t think about how he might think that it is an actually emergency instead of a Christmas Emergency. Luckly for you Johnny likes you and doesn’t stay angry with you for long.

Part of the Long Term Couples Series. Can be read as a stand alone. 

             “Y/n!” Johnny’s worried voice calls out as he comes rushing into your apartment and stops dead in his tracks when he sees you.

           You’re standing in the middle of your apartment. Bags of Christmas decorations scattered about. You’re dressed in a Christmas sweater, with an elf hat sitting atop your head and garland is in your hands. At seeing Johnny’s worried express you think that you maybe should have rethought your text that you sent him. You had quickly realized while decorating that you were not tall enough to hang a lot of your decorations, but you did know someone who was. This had led you to sending a text worded “Emergency come quickly” and nothing else. Upon further reflection you realize this was probably not the smartest thing to send Johnny.

           “Tell me the emergency does not have to do with you needing help decorating,” Johnny demands as he does a scan of your apartment and doesn’t see any signs of danger.

           “Lying would get me on the naughty list so I can’t say that that isn’t the emergency,” Johnny narrows his eyes at you, and you quickly start to explain why it is an emergency.

           “Johnny it is an emergency. I’m short and can’t reach high places and if I do it on my own, I could fall and break something. And what if I need to call for help but can’t because of said broken body parts. So, I needed you to be here to help me and to make sure that I don’t break anything. And you’re tall and can safely reach out the places I can’t.”

           “I left the recording studio because I thought you had a real emergency,” Johnny states. You cringe and take a tentative step towards him. Johnny doesn’t lose the tight stance and he just glares at you as you make your way towards him.

           When he continues to glare at you, you stop about halfway to him and study him. You’re not sure if he’s mad because you made him leave the studio when he was working, if it’s because he thought something serious had happened to you, or if it was a combination of both. One thing you do know is that you don’t like him being angry at you. Letting out a sigh you drop the garland you were still holding onto and rush towards Johnny before he can have a chance to stop you.

           Your arms encircle his waist, and you practically mold your body to his. Johnny keeps his hard stance and his arms do not wrap around you. Your cheek is pressed tight to his chest, and you can feel his heart beating fast. Squeezing him tight you pull your face away from his chest and tilt your head back to look up at him. Johnny looks down at you and there isn’t the usual warmth in his eyes that you have become accustomed to seeing.

           “I’m sorry that my text made it seem like a bigger emergency than it really is. I wasn’t thinking when I sent it and I didn’t mean to pull you away from work,” you whisper. Johnny doesn’t say anything, and you rest your chin on his chest as you continue to look up at him.

           After a few moments his eyes start to soften, and his arms come to wrap loosely around you. His one hand glides up your spine and finds it’s way into your hair. He gives it a gentle tug to pull you away from his chest. His head comes down to rest his forehead against yours and he lets out a deep breath and closes his eyes for a few seconds. You watch all of this silently waiting for him to speak.

           “Next time you have a vertically challenged emergency put that in the message as well. I was worried Y/n. I know how accident prone you are and thought something serious had happened.” Johnny’s voice sounds horse, and you wonder if it’s from anger or worry that is causing it to sound like that.

           “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you worry next time I promise to add if it is a real emergency or a Y/n emergency.” Johnny chuckles at that and pulls slightly away from you. You give him a hesitant smile before asking, “Are you mad at me?”

           “No, I’m not mad anymore,” Johnny tells you and you relax in his arms.

           “Do you have to get back to the studio?” You know that he has to work but he’s here and you don’t want him to leave. You want him to stay and help you decorate. You want him to put on a Santa hat and you flirt with him while the two of you decorate.

           “Lucky for you I already recorded all my parts. But I do need to call and let them know that everything is okay.”

           “Alright, call who you need to, and I’ll make you some hot chocolate?” Johnny nods his head and let’s you go so he can make his phone call and you can go make him his hot chocolate.

           When you return from the kitchen with his mug Johnny has already finished his phone call and is digging through the many bags you have piled on your couch. He glances up at you as your making your way towards him and gives you a heart stopping smile. He looks at you from head to toe and this time its with warm eyes.

           “I like the elf hat,” he tells you as he takes the mug from your hand and takes a sip.

           “Thanks, I have a Santa hat for you,” you tell him as you go in search for the hat that is hidden in one of the bags. When you find it, you proudly hold it up in the air for Johnny to take. He grabs the hat and places it on his head. He then reaches out for you and pulls you into him. Johnny smirks down at you before leaning into you and for a moment you think that he is finally going to kiss you but at the last minute he changes directions and his lips are at your ear.

           “Are you going to be Santa’s good little elf?” you gulp and know that Johnny is teasing you, but you also can’t help being slightly turned on by him. You push Johnny away and give him a half-hearted glare. Johnny for his part just laughs.

           “Don’t be a bad Santa!” you scold him as you pull a box of lights out of their box and give Johnny your back.

           As your working on unraveling the string of lights you feel Johnny’s hands slide over your waist and stomach. He pulls you back into his hard chest and feel his nose glide along your jawline and down your neck to where your neck and shoulder connect. There Johnny gives you a light nip followed by a kiss, causing you to shiver.

           “You know you like me being bad,” Johnny teases before he lets you go and grabs the lights out of your hand. He saunters away from you and looks around your apartment.

           “Now where do you want these lights up?” You stare at him for a moment and can’t decide if you want to kick him or kiss him. You don’t do either and instead go with telling him where you want the lights and will decide what you are going to do with your naughty Santa later.
