#neeb’s oc galore


AHA i guess i should tell you guys about these two too !!

The girl is Nyx !! The guy is Dean. They’re actually just sonas of me and Dan (yes the same Dan who made Tony) but we’re kinda planning to make a mini-comic thingy of them as practice for Starlight !! Bc i like to be prepared and i dont want their story to be wonky aha


They were past lovers. Nyx died first in the middle of a war for a kingdom they rule, and Dean spends the rest of his next reincarnations looking for hers. In the present time, they’re connected via a red string, and it’s up to them to find each other again.

This is Tiffania “Tiffa” Winter

She is a fire witch and she leads a town, Idrys, on her own after her father died protecting it. She’s 22 years old, was born on August 8, 1996, and she’s basically a chaotic dumbass. She’s a lesbian (but it takes her a REALLY long time to realize it because she “had more important things to do”). See more

I don’t really have a ship for her yet !! I also don’t draw her much so

This is Saeth Asterhold.

He’s a tamayori—which is basically someone who sees magical things. He’s 21 and was born on July 16, 1998, he’s still in college and he’s taking Performance Arts. He also does archery and dancing. He plays the guitar sometimes. He’s demirom & bi. See more

Other than starbean(withPolaris), he’s also seen with Tony; the shipname is Smartbean bc Tony is a huge ass nerd. Tony is not my oc btw uwu


This is Polaris Arcady.

She’s a star goddess but she was human before that, despite having no memory of it. She was born on September 14, 1810 (Georgian era) and she died at 19 years old for unknown reasons. She’s also panromantic ace !! See more

Here’s her with Saeth (ship name: starbean)

This is her with Ian (sunstar)
