#needed that gif





as much as i love the trope of a character falling fast and hard for someone, i also love the subtle descent where they don’t really think about it; where that person is just kind of there until one day they realize that person is so ingrained in their lives and they cannot do without them. where there is no consciouseffort on either ends to become romantically involved but somehow the thought of them being with someone else is disconcerting. where “i enjoy being with you” unwittingly turns into “i want to be with you”

Tony and ziva, ladies and gentleman

“Couldn’t live without you, I guess”

“Out of everyone in the world who could have found me, it had to be you?”

“Ziva David, do you really consider me to be in your life?”

May I direct your attention to one Special Agent Jacqueline Sloane in Musical Chairs realizing that Gibbs is her go to… let’s remember Leon was still in the building, she could’ve gone to him but nope, she wanted Gibbs so she went to one of his oldest friends when he wasn’t available because she knew Ducky would give a similar (albeit much gentler) perspective. Those two are slowly realizing that they couldn’t live without each other and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
