#neighborhood building

Campus Layout for the Sims 2: University by Brian White This is pretty cool–I don’t think I’ve

Campus Layout for the Sims 2: University by Brian White

This is pretty cool–I don’t think I’ve ever seen environment concept art for the Sims 2 before.

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51 - Building Calamity Hills Part 5We take care of a ton of Lot Adjuster projects, earn 30K for the

51 - Building Calamity Hills Part 5

We take care of a ton of Lot Adjuster projects, earn 30K for the town in the process and purchase, decorate and move the Ottomas family into their new house.

Lot Lighting by Hood at MATY (last post)

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48 - Building Calamity Hills Part 4A very laid back and relaxed episode we spend fixing up the path

48 - Building Calamity Hills Part 4

A very laid back and relaxed episode we spend fixing up the path to the ruins.  There’s more to be done to make it something special but it’s a good start. 

Simple Walkways Setby@criquette-was-here

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47 - Building Calamity Hills Part 3New Roads Everybody!  A quick decision to add roads and placehold

47 - Building Calamity Hills Part 3

New Roads Everybody!  A quick decision to add roads and placeholder houses works out and the lower neighborhood starts to take shape.  Also trees.  More and more trees…

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45 - Building Calamity Hills Part 2We decide on new trees, edit the roads with Hood Replace (and Sim

45 - Building Calamity Hills Part 2

We decide on new trees, edit the roads with Hood Replace (and SimCity 4), use the Lot Adjuster to add our bar lot, buy 3 more houses and try out a Maxis Match horizon.

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Road — Anything that connects two points.
Way — A side street off a road.
Street — A public way with buildings on both sides. These often run perpendicular to avenues.
Avenue — Also have trees or buildings on both sides.
Boulevard — A wide street in a city with trees or greenery on both sides. There’s generally a median in the middle of a boulevard.
Lane — A narrow road, often in a rural area.
Drive — A winding road that has its route shaped by natural features such as a lake or mountain.
Terrace — A road that runs along the top of a slope.
Place — A road with no throughway.
Court — A road with no throughway that ends in a loop or cul-de-sac.
Plaza or Square — An open public space that’s surrounded by businesses or streets.



On a North/South Street:

Standing facing North, all houses on the Right, or East side of the street, are ODD Numbers. Those on the Left, or West side of the street, are EVEN Numbers.

On a East/West Street:

Standing facing East, all houses on the Right, or South side of the street, are ODD Numbers. Those on the Left, or North side of the street, are EVEN Numbers.

