#nest x cassian



Nessian: Momma

In which to soothe Nesta’s fear of being a bad mother, without directly calling it out, Cassian reassures her. Most commonly in the form of calling her “Momma.”

Because@frecklesandfiction is having a tough week and @thecrispypotatochip asked

  • She’s a little embarrassed when she’s the first one of them to bring it up, but after summoning some courage, four decades after being mated, Nesta finally asks him.
  • In the most roundabout way…
  • “I… I’m ready.”
  • Cassian raises his brows from his seat on the sofa. Nesta is curled up on the rug by the library fire, a book in her hand.
  • “Me too,” he replies apprehensively. “But what for?” Cassian adds with a smirk.
  • Nesta can’t bring herself to meet his eyes so she stares into the hearth. “For a baby.”
  • And he’s silent. She still can’t make herself look at him. Gods after so many years she’s finally rendered the male speechless.
  • But he finally interrupts her in the softest of voices: “You’re… you’re sure?”
  • Nesta’s head whips in his direction, her expression carefully blank. “Yes.”
  • And he smiles wider than she’s ever seen him smile before. And it sets her heart on fire.
  • And Nesta thinks that the worst is over. She’s breeched the topic. Now all they have to do is conceive.
  • And that’s the fun part, right?
  • Cassian can tell that Nesta is relieved. He can tell because the tense line of her shoulders has relaxed and because she unconsciously releases a heavy exhale.
  • And while making the baby is the fun part… he is prepared for what will certainly prove to be the most difficult aspect of this pregnancy.
  • The doubts that will arise in Nesta.
  • He knows they will surface because they’ve already surfaced for him.
  • He had an irrational fear that he would suddenly develop the urge to abandon his family. Like father like son, right?
  • No. Rhysand had helped him disperse of that fear quickly.
  • Whenever Cassian had watched over Nyx, his brother would casually remark: “Keep being so good with him and he may assume that you’re his father.”
  • Or even going so far as to say: “You’ll make a fine father some day, brother.”
  • And over and over and over again he said such things to Cassian till Cassian realized that all his preconceived fears of being a poor father were foolish.
  • After all, what sort of a poor father consciously promised to ensure his children never felt unloved or unwanted?
  • “Should we… get started?” Nesta asks apprehensively, bringing him back to the present.
  • Unable to wipe the smile from his face Cassian replies: “Oh yes. Right away.”
  • They get lucky. It only take a few months before Nesta is pregnant. Cassian scents it one morning when Nesta is exiting their bathing chambers.
  • She’s drying her hair with a towel when the scent hits him like a freight train.
  • Nesta meets his eyes and his face splits into a smile before he starts laughing.
  • “Really?” Nesta says, stilling before him.
  • Cassian nods and tosses aside the reports he had been reading, clambering out of bed to embrace his mate.
  • As he holds her he feels the bond between them tremble. She’s nervous. It hurts his heart.
  • So he presses a kiss into her hair and whispers fondly. “Congratulations, Momma.”
  • And then the bond is humming and glowing and he smiles to himself, self-satisfied.
  • He places a calloused palm over her flat stomach, and murmurs a word of thanks in her ear.
  • And makes a silent promise that he’ll call her “Momma” every time he feels the bond waver with insecurity. He’ll reaffirm her every chance he gets.
  • “Good morning, Momma,” he says when she joins him for breakfast.
  • “Sorry, Momma,” he says as she wretches into the basin and he holds back her hair.
  • “Here you go, Momma,” he croons, handing her a cup of ginger root tea for her nausea.
  • “Rest, Momma,” he whispers as she lays down for a nap.
  • “Look at you, Momma,” he grins when he catches her looking down at the lump between her hips.
  • “Aw, Momma,” he murmurs, when she cries over the soup she spilled.
  • “Come here, Momma,” he smiles admiring her noticeably larger breasts.
  • “Looking good, Momma,” he remarks, watching her decorate the nursery — because there’s something very beautiful about her folding that baby blanket.
  • “What’s this, Momma?” he whistles when he discovers her examining her now noticeable bump in the mirror.
  • “What’s wrong, Momma?” he asks softly, drying the tears she can’t explain.
  • “Feel that, Momma?” he chuckles when they feel the baby kick.
  • “Hey, give me that, Momma,” he grumbles, grabbing the heavy jug of water she is trying to carry.
  • “Lift your legs, Momma,” he commands, prompting her to place her swollen ankles in his lap so that he can massage them.
  • “Are you ready, Momma?” he asks the night before the baby is due.
  • “Great job, Momma,” he half laughs half cries as she finishes pushing.
  • “She’s perfect, Momma,” he sniffs, cradling his daughter.
  • “Here you go, Momma,” he says handing her their baby.
  • “You both are beautiful, Momma,” he smiles as she nurses the baby in their home.
  • And when his daughter’s first word is “momma” Cassian couldn’t be happier.
  • Because Nesta’s eyes are immediately tearing up and she’s applauding her daughter, and telling her that she’s right.
  • But then Nesta turns to Cassian and points, her daughter follows her mother’s finger and she meets her father’s eyes.
  • Nesta inclines her head and says “Now can you say: Papa?”
  • And Cassian chuckles gruffly, because he knows it will be a little while longer before her vocabulary expand—
  • “Paw-puh,” his daughter says.
  • And Cassian smiles.

Reblogging because I’m in my Nessian feels…
