#neurogender spectrum


Hategender, or Angender: A gender that you can’t describe with any word but hatred or anger. Usable only by neurodivergent people with mental illnesses that cause anger or hate.

Term coined by: Unknown

[Image: Flag with dark reddish-gray background and a large X over the whole thing. The X has 7 stripes on it which fade from brick red, to very dark red, back to brick red].

Full size [Here]

Another version that’s just the stripes without the X [Here]

Designed by: Unknown

Color meanings: Dark red for the color of hatred/anger.

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!

Ludogender: A gender which has a core, but the individual “tries on” different genders because they are mirroring another individual.

A neurodivergent only gender.

See also: Amaregender, Amorgender, Amicagender, Copygender, Mirrorgender, Reflectigender.

Term coined by: Unknown



[image description: a flag with seven vertical stripes. the center stripe is three times as wide as one of the others. from left to right they are: dark blue, purple, light pink, white, light pink, purple, dark blue. a purple circle outline is centered on the center stripe]

Full size [Here]


[image description: same as above, but the circle outline is yellow]

Full size [Here]



[image description: same as above, but the circle outline is light pink]

Full size [Here]



[image description: same as above, but the circle outline is blue]

Full size [Here]

Designed by:Pridearchive

Color meanings: 



White: Lack of gender

The circle in the middle represents one’s “core” gender in this case being nonbinary.  The stripes are vertical and mirrored to represent the mirroring aspect of ludogender

Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!
