


guys again please please please please please please please think critically about those posts that are like “i didn’t realize [really common or nonspecific thing] was an adhd thing and doesn’t apply to neurotypicals/anyone else at all!!” bc a lot of the time they are completely unfounded (sometimes frankly insane) and give people really messed up ideas about the differences between nd and nt people and how those differences work. and that shit doesn’t help anybody in any way! you don’t have to pathologize and essentialize everything you do, and you shouldn’t build up firm definitional barriers between neurotypes that don’t really exist. i’m talking about that friendship post specifically rn which is a prime example (come on, you can’t characterize how all people of a certain neurotype manage something as infinitely complex as human friendship), but it applies to SO many other things i’ve seen floating around i feel like i make this post every other day. the mental math thing comes readily to mind too.. honestly just think about these things before u spread them like true information, check the sources or go find sources at least.. please

Also sometimes it’s something from another condition, and the spreading of information saying it’s from condition A can cause people to not persue an assessment for condition B.

Sometimes it’s a genuine misinterpretation, mix up, incorrect wording, etc… But it can still lead to people going without the correct diagnosis.

(yea so I ended up with a bunch of misdiagnoses (which does happen, especially if you’re late diagnosed autistic like me!) and took forever before persuing an autism assessment (correct diagnosis) due to seeing all kinds of stuff propping up the incorrect diagnoses from psychiatrists who didn’t spend more than 5-20min talking to me before throwing a label at me. Once I had a proper full assessment for everything I lost like. 5 different diagnoses I’d had it was ridiculous.

Wasn’t until I started seeing a new psychiatrist who looked at my LONG diagnosis and medication list and was like “Uh… Something’s up.” That I started double checking shit and realized things weren’t adding up.)

So yea; seriously PLEASE double check things!!
