#neutrals dni



Damn. 83 times? Like, you counted? Did you count on your fingers oooorr…? Maybe you tallied on a sheet of paper? 83 time, folks. Welp. Guess we’re in trouble now.

I’m curious. What did you think the case was about? Because it’s listed as a defamation case. Meaning the op-ed is pretty important… yikes, bestie.

Kept their names in so everyone can go ahead and pre-block them ❤️. Please don’t send hate! I don’t think anyone would but just in case a rogue sends them something, I covered my ass.


“That’s why I wrote the op-Ed because I knew how many people would come out of the woodwork for him.”




You just admitted the op-ed was about Johnny.


“Quit wiping those fake ass tears, bitch, you got hay fever or something.”

-My wife while watching AH fake cry during Johnny’s cross with Rottenborn who doesn’t know drug street names.

Yeah I did , because one minute she’s laughing and smirking then the moment the topic changes she’s wiping nothing from her dry ass eyes. She’s crazy man, she’s the girl who flips a switch at the drop of a dime and gets scary then after laughs like the wicked witch of the west.


“After the DeppWaldman statements?”



“Yes, after the Waldmanstatements.”

Fucking love it.



Apparently if anyone talks bad about Elon it’s in connection with Amber.

Of course because it’s impossible for things to not involve AH! She’s the main character!

“Objection! Relevance!”


“As I sit here now, I can’t think of a Marvel type movie that I’ve worked with no.”


Aquaman man man


AH writing notes like they have the time to call her back on the stand.

Or maybe she’s working on her next op-ed! I can see it now… “I Was Sued By My Ex-Husband for Defamation and Felt the Full Force of Our ‘Horrible’ Legal System”
