#new asgard


MCU | Valkyrie/Brunnhilde x F!Reader


Summary:After Thor names her leader of New Asgard, Brunnhilde asks you an important question.

Warnings: Domestic fluff, established relationship, kissing | Mention of a deleted scene between Thor & Valkyrie in Endgame.

Thank you @bamposworld​ for requesting this! I hope you’ll like it. I’m sorry this turned out so short


The wind whips around you, making you shiver as the tall grass sways on the hill around you. You watch in awe as the huge spaceship disappears into the endless sky, beyond the somber grey clouds.

Eventually, your eyes shift to the woman standing a few feet in front of you, at the edge of the hill overlooking the town. Her head is tilted to the sky, her hands stuffed deep into the pockets of her cozy vest while her long, raven hair cascades down her back.

After saying your goodbye to Thor, you left to give the two old friends some space of privacy to say their own farewell.

When Brunnhilde finally turns around to face you, you notice her shoulders heave when she sighs heavily, a gloomy smile on her closed lips as she approaches you.

You can see the torn look in her dark eyes; sad for her king leaving, happy that her friend is ready to start the journey of finding his new purpose.

“I didn’t mean to be nosy, but should I be worried about him leaning in to kiss you?”

Brunnhilde snorts, baring her perfect teeth as she smiles before leaning in to peck your lips. She wraps her strong arms around your midst, and your heart flutters violently as you close your eyes; it always does when she kisses you.

“Never”, she mumbles against your lips, chuckling softly. “I think he got hit in the head one too many times”

“Good”, you retort, reciprocating her hug. “but just so you know, I’d definitely fight a literal God for you”

“Of course you would” Brunnhilde pulls back just enough to nuzzle your neck. “my fierce, little human”

Your heart swells with warmth and pride, and you hug her a little tighter, grinning to yourself.

“Thor named me ruler of New Asgard”

It’s a quick confession, and her warm breath tickles the side of your exposed neck. You’re speechless for a moment, distracted by the way she kisses your pulse point. You swallow hard, inhaling through your nose.

“Then he finally made a right choice after five years of wasting away”, you answer finally. “You’ve been the one leading and taking care of the people since you got here anyway”

Suddenly, Brunnhilde pulls back, and her deep-brown eyes gaze up at you with a mischievous glint.

“Aye, true that”

She takes your hand and you let her lead you down the hill, back towards the town of Tønsberg.

“I could use some good people on my council, reliable people”

“I’m sure you do. I don’t know much about ruling, but I heard it’s not an easy job”, you chuckle, stopping when she squeezes your hand lightly. “What?”

Brunnhilde is looking at you, one eyebrow raised as she grins.

“I’m talking about you, dummy –”, she retorts, shoving your shoulder with hers. “a great Queen needs at least one clever advisor”

“And have your people think that I only slept my way to the top? Nu-uh, thank you, your grace”

You snap your fingers in a sassy gesture and earn another playful shove.

“Well…you did, but come on –“

Brunnhilde half-whines, half-laughs, and you pull her closer as you stop mid-walk. You try your best to look serious and stoic as you speak.

“I know nothing about advising people, honey, let alone a Queen, but I’ll support you on this journey the best I can. Will that be enough?”

She tilts her head to the side as she studies your face, and when you open your mouth to repeat your question, her lips move faster.

“Move in with me then”, she suggests, shrugging, and her voice holds a challenging edge to it. You’re very familiar with that tone of hers already. “We’ve talked about it before”

Uh –“ Your eyes flutter as you process her words. “We – we’ve never talked about moving in together”

“In my mind I have”

Her answer is bold, and her witty remarks are proof enough that she has thought about this conversation before. “So, what say you?”, she asks, playing with your hands absentmindedly.

Yes”, you answer under your breath; your heart now pounding in your chest.

“Yes”, Brunnhilde repeats, grinning triumphantly as she cups your face. You pull her closer by the waist and you let your hands roam over her curves.

Despite the breeze sweeping across the grassy hill, you feel nothing but hot in her embrace. As always, her kiss oozes dominance; she guides you the way she wants, and you gladly let her. Opening your mouth with a soft groan, her tongue slips past your lips then teases your own.

“Be aware that you cannot get rid of me afte I’ve lodged myself in your place, your grace”, you chuckle against her lips.

Brunnhilde nips at your bottom lip before pulling back, smiling.

“Luckily, I don’t plan to”
