#valkyrie x reader


Pairing: Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) x gn!Reader


Summary: As a Queen, Valkyrie is always busy. You find a way to get her away from royal duties.

Word count:256

Prompt:@flufftober2021 Day 2 - Sneaking Out Together

A/N: This one turned out super short, but it’s cute.

Main Masterlist

Flufftober 2021 Masterlist

As Queen of New Asgard, Valkyrie was always busy. She had to constantly available to solve conflicts and make decisions. Some of her actions were vital, but some were way less important than the people searching for her thought. It was hard to spend quality time with your girlfriend when date night was interrupted  by the urgent need to know who owned the goat who ate Birger’s carrots.

After the fifth date cut short by bickering neighbors, you decided to take action. You sneaked into Val’s room an hour before the time you were supposed to arrive, immediately dropping to one knee when she saw you.

“Your Majesty, there is an emergency. This loyal servant of yours needs your expertise for the rest of the night. You see, I have prepared a private banquet that can only be consumed in Your Majesty’s presence, and a series of activities that will require your full attention until the morning.”

Valkyrie laughed out loud, walking slowly towards you to play along.

“Should I alert my advisers to clear my schedule for the next twelve hours or so?”

She gestured for you to stand up, and you did, with a wicked smirk.

“That won’t be necessary, Your Majesty. It’s way easier if the advisers simply don’t know where to find you until you want to be found again.”

Val closed the distance between you, pulling you into a playful kiss.

“I like the way you think. Give me ten minutes, love. It’s about damn time we disappear for a bit.”


You never could’ve expected a celebration to go so, so wrong. The land was foreign, too warm compared to the Cold Lands, and filled with horrible people. Horrible people that planned to sell you to the highest bidder — who, as you’d come to learn, was the ruler of the stupid seaside city. She was a beautiful empress, the high priestess and war general her consorts and evidently, your new masters. Human beings shouldn’t be given as gifts, much less called ‘pets’, and you found the ship that was your life sinking so much faster than you ever could’ve expected.


rating: M | 18+
chapters: at least 7, not sure
chapter: 2/?
relationship: dark!carol danvers x dark!natasha romanoff x dark!valkyrie x reader
warnings: noncon&dubdon, pet play, degradation&humiliation, kidnapping, slavery, detailed warnings to be included per chapter; read more and CTRL+F to search ‘content warnings’ to skip to the more detailed tags at the bottom of the chapter.

note: hey guys, this story was inspired by @scarlettwlw​ who helped me come up with the idea! i’m technically back from hiatus. oh and im not doing tag lists anymore, if you want to be alerted when i post a fic you can follow me over on a03, same handle. enjoy!

It was the resolve in her eyes that made Carol wary. She wasn’t sure if Natasha recognized it or not, wasn’t sure if Natasha had ever felt the same kind of resignation and grit their kitten had settled into. Carol and Val had courted the redheaded priestess in the form of constant military barrages on her home city until their council had relented and traded the woman for peace, and Natasha’s reaction had been more along the lines of begrudging capitulation. She was fully aware the blonde and her General would’ve rained Hell on her home for as long as it took, would’ve murdered hundreds, and conceded despite her irritation.

Keep reading


You never could’ve expected a celebration to go so, so wrong. The land was foreign, too warm compared to the Cold Lands, and filled with horrible people. Horrible people that planned to sell you to the highest bidder — who, as you’d come to learn, was the ruler of the stupid seaside city. She was a beautiful empress, the high priestess and war general her consorts and evidently, your new masters. Human beings shouldn’t be given as gifts, much less called ‘pets’, and you found the ship that was your life sinking so much faster than you ever could’ve expected.


rating: M | 18+
chapters: at least 7, not sure
chapter: 2/?
relationship: dark!carol danvers x dark!natasha romanoff x dark!valkyrie x reader
warnings: noncon&dubdon, pet play, degradation&humiliation, kidnapping, slavery, detailed warnings to be included per chapter; read more and CTRL+F to search ‘content warnings’ to skip to the more detailed tags at the bottom of the chapter.

note: hey guys, this story was inspired by @scarlettwlw​ who helped me come up with the idea! i’m technically back from hiatus. oh and im not doing tag lists anymore, if you want to be alerted when i post a fic you can follow me over on a03, same handle. enjoy!

It was the resolve in her eyes that made Carol wary. She wasn’t sure if Natasha recognized it or not, wasn’t sure if Natasha had ever felt the same kind of resignation and grit their kitten had settled into. Carol and Val had courted the redheaded priestess in the form of constant military barrages on her home city until their council had relented and traded the woman for peace, and Natasha’s reaction had been more along the lines of begrudging capitulation. She was fully aware the blonde and her General would’ve rained Hell on her home for as long as it took, would’ve murdered hundreds, and conceded despite her irritation.

Keep reading

You never could’ve expected a celebration to go so, so wrong. The land was foreign, too warm compared to the Cold Lands, and filled with horrible people. Horrible people that planned to sell you to the highest bidder — who, as you’d come to learn, was the ruler of the stupid seaside city. She was a beautiful empress, the high priestess and war general her consorts and evidently, your new masters. Human beings shouldn’t be given as gifts, much less called ‘pets’, and you found the ship that was your life sinking so much faster than you ever could’ve expected.


rating: M | 18+
chapters: at least 7, not sure
chapter: 2/?
relationship: dark!carol danvers x dark!natasha romanoff x dark!valkyrie x reader
warnings: noncon&dubdon, pet play, degradation&humiliation, kidnapping, slavery, detailed warnings to be included per chapter; read more and CTRL+F to search ‘content warnings’ to skip to the more detailed tags at the bottom of the chapter.

note: hey guys, this story was inspired by @scarlettwlw​ who helped me come up with the idea! i’m technically back from hiatus. oh and im not doing tag lists anymore, if you want to be alerted when i post a fic you can follow me over on a03, same handle. enjoy!

It was the resolve in her eyes that made Carol wary. She wasn’t sure if Natasha recognized it or not, wasn’t sure if Natasha had ever felt the same kind of resignation and grit their kitten had settled into. Carol and Val had courted the redheaded priestess in the form of constant military barrages on her home city until their council had relented and traded the woman for peace, and Natasha’s reaction had been more along the lines of begrudging capitulation. She was fully aware the blonde and her General would’ve rained Hell on her home for as long as it took, would’ve murdered hundreds, and conceded despite her irritation.

Her full submission had been easy to gain— the Goddesses Natasha was devoted to were those of pleasure and riches, and they could provide those in spades, could easily prove themselves worthy of the priestess. They’d fucked the pretty redhead six ways to Sunday every day for weeks,offered her gifts that became more and more lavish as time went on. Natasha fell in line like a dream, taking on the role of Empress’s Consort with an almost uncanny skill.

Their kitten was several years younger than Natasha had been and yet somehow held herself with battle hardened fortitude despite her immaturity. She wasn’t acquiescent, she was enduring.There was a strength of will about her person, a disquieting sort of resilience that implied patience and tolerance and biding.

Those eyes flicked down to her injured leg, bound in sturdy bandages that would be traded for a splint in several days, and the nerve in her eyes only hardened. It was a break, or a fracture at the least, and she wouldn’t be going anywhere fast for the foreseeable future. Carol was somewhat surprised at the woman’s state—covered in bruises and lash marks and sporting a blackened, half closed eye, she looked nigh unsellable when you considered the state of her leg. The slavers must’ve been banking on how fucking lovely she was to drive her selling price up despite her deplorable state of health.

Washed and dried, the war paint gone from her face, she looked like a broken doll sitting in the middle of the bedroom. The state of her form had both herself and Natasha hesitating, if only slightly—fucking her into submission could potentially cause damage considering her already fragile state. There would need to be another method in bringing about her submission, if only for the next few weeks while she healed.

“Kitten’s more beat up than I anticipated,” Natasha voiced her thoughts with a small, considering hum. “Couldn’t see the bruises under the blood and powder back in the plaza. And with that ankle, she won’t be able to walk for months.”

“No, she certainly won’t,” Carol’s fingers tapped idly over her lower lip, the gears in her head beginning to turn in thought. “And she doesn’t speak our language, you’ll be the only one who can understand her.”

Those from the Cold Lands were notoriously private and they didn’t do business with outsiders. They were entirely independent, minus the raiding, and Carol just knewthey must’ve had more resources than they knew what to do with (personally, she also believed they had more warships than they knew what to do with, hence the constant fucking raiding). For them to share their language was as uncommon as them trading and the only reason Natasha could understand and speak it was because her Goddesses wanted her to.

“I can teach her,” Nat walked a circle around the sitting girl, smiling when she tensed at the predatory action.

But Carol’s brain had finally churned out an answer and she felt a slow smile cross her lips. “No, I don’t think she needs to learn. Kittens only need commands, after all.”

A light went on in the redhead’s eyes and Carol immediately held up a silencing hand. “Be a good girl and run down to the market, grab everything we’ll need. In the meantime, I’m going to start with some… simplecommands before Val gets home.”


“Are you arguing with me, darling?” Blue eyes flickered over the redhead’s pale face, teeth flashing intimidatingly. “I need to work on training our pet, but I can take the time for a quick punishment if you want to push me.”

Nat shook her head immediately and Carol could see the way her pretty thighs pressed together under the shifting fabric of her skirt, instinctively trying to protect her delicate cunt from the threat of one of the blonde’s punishments.The redhead was quick to turn tail and run, figuratively speaking, only throwing a quick, baleful glance over her shoulder at the woman on the floor.

“Now, let’s see how fast you learn, precious,” the blonde cooed, watching Kitten tense as the attention locked on her gained several degrees of heat, and patted her thigh. “Come.”

The young woman obviously didn’t understand, a confused glance passing from the blonde’s hand to her face and back again. Carol cleared her throat and patted her thigh again, pointing at the floor in front of her feet for good measure.

“Come, Kitten.”

Still she didn’t move and Carol’s smile, already filled with teeth, became more sinister. It was exactly what she was expecting and definitely what she hoped for. The blonde walked forward, not giving their kitten time to retreat, and latched a hand around her throat. Immediately the young woman’s hands came up to ring hers and Carol was almost startled by the strength of her grasp—not strong enough to remove the hands on her neck, fortunately, but stronger than expected.

“You’re a dumb little cunt, aren’t you?” The tone she used transcended languages, so condescending that the girl on the floor shrunk back as much as she was able even as Carol shook her by the throat. “Let’s try this again.”

Carol let go abruptly enough that their kitten was disoriented and lost balance, nearly hitting the floor while the blonde took several measured steps backward and pointed at the floor in front of her again. “Come, Kitten.”

She looked around desperately this time, eyes locking on her injured leg for several seconds, flashing to the nearby furniture before she began trying to push herself to her feet from her position on her hip. The blonde groaned in disgust and immediately shoved her back onto the ground. The younger woman had to brace herself on both hands to avoid a second black eye.

“So fucking dumb,” Carol grabbed the back of her neck and forced her forehead to the ground, her lower body shifting until her bruised knees pressed into the mosaiced floor. “A kitten who needs to be taught how to walk? Stupid little pussy.”

With their kitten on her knees, face pressed against the floor, Carol took advantage of her unprotected ass and thighs. Wary of the already present bruises, the blonde rained hits down across the delicate flesh until half suffocated cries began to escape and the girl tried to squirm away, pretty legs parting as she tried to gain traction. The blonde used the shift to her advantage, laying open handed slaps over her exposed asshole and pussy.

“Now, this is how a kitten crawls,” Carol shoved three fingers deep into the young woman’s cunt, eliciting a high-pitched cry as she tried to press her thighs together to prevent further intrusion. Blue eyes lit with excitement and she lifted their kitten with the hand on the back of her neck, bringing the young woman back to her hands and knees. “Come.”

She tugged on their kitten’s neck, shoving her fingers to the hilt in her pussy to jolt her forward. The blonde continued, forcing the young woman to crawl forward several paces before she removed both hands and stood back. The kitten was teary eyed from the rough treatment, pretty face twisted with fear and humiliation that practically flooded the blonde’s cunt with desire.

“Come, kitten,” she pointed to the floor in front of her feet once more and immediately the young woman crawled on her hands and knees until her body occupied the correct space. “Good girl, kitten!”

Carol smiled at the way the young woman’s face twisted at the praise,looking disgusted and shamed. The resolve in her eyes was holding strong, resilient despite her mortification and Carol was almost proud of the kitten. The blonde continued moving away and forcing the girl to crawl to her several more times, until she was sure their kitten was keeping her injured leg raised properly.

“It’s not so much that you need to learn to come,” Carol enjoyed the small hint of frustration that showed on her face as the blonde continued to speak, the words meaning absolutely nothing. “But you need to learn that from now on you crawl because you’re just a little kitten. Just a little pussy,you understand? A pretty little pussy that belongsto us.”

Their kitten’s lower lip trembled just slightly as Carol moved towards the window, once again not understanding the words but easily able to read the tone.It was salacious and threatening and uncompromising; it was filled with promise. The blonde’s smile sharpened again as she lifted one leg and set it on the trunk beside her, shifting the airy layers of her dress until her wet cunt was visible.


With the intent so clear, their kitten was practically paralyzed with indecision and Carol could see it in her face; the determination to endure was at war with crippling humiliation and the need to fight back. Her lips twisted, eyebrows furrowing in frustration and helplessness. It was precious.

“Do you really want to see what happens when you disobey?” The blonde hummed derisively before gesturing the young woman forward again, generously giving her a second chance. “Come.”

Carol gave her several seconds before clicking her tongue and advancing forward, fast enough that the other woman couldn’t scramble back. She had their kitten prone on her back in a blink, whining in pain as her injured leg was jostled in the process—the blonde would have it reset before she allowed their pet to act out.

“Let’s get all those pesky thoughts out of your silly brain, Kitten,” she purred, smile salacious and frightening as she balanced on her knees over the other woman’s face. “You don’t make decisions, you follow fucking orders.”

A pleasured sigh escaped her as she lowered herself onto their kitten’s face, clit rubbing over the nip of her nose while her wet cunt settled over her mouth. Almost immediately the younger woman was kicking out with her good leg, arms wrapping around Carol’s thighs in an attempt to yank her away. The blonde’s head fell back, the desperate, minute shifts of their kitten’s head was rubbing just the right way in combination with the brutal grind of her hips. Her panic made her short of breath, she needed air.

Surprise had Carol’s eyes popping open, not that she’d realized she closed them, when their kitten actually managed to drag her hips back enough that she could catch several gasping breaths. Her lips and chin were dripping with the blonde’s arousal, pretty eyes wide and frightened. The slap that landed across her face made said eyes squeeze shut, their kitten crying out with pain when Carol cracked her hand against the other side of the young woman’s face right after.

“Hey! I decide when you breathe, you dumb pussy,” the blonde gave another pair of sharp slaps. “You don’t fucking move—”

She took advantage of their kitten’s mouth opening as she gasped for air, the burning pain in her cheeks making her heart pound and her brain plead for oxygen. Carol immediately flattened herself over the younger woman’s face, grinding her cunt against the slippery wet heat of her sweet mouth. A loud moan escaped the blonde, finding the perfect position before grinding her clit roughly into their kitten’s nose. Her hips moved with brutal fervor, completely ignoring the other woman’s struggling and cries—until she managed to turn her head again.

“Bad girl!” Carol shifted immediately to kneel above her again, slapping her into a daze before shuffling around to sit facing the opposite direction above her face. She positioned her pussy over her mouth again and settled down just as their kitten was starting to regain her senses.

The blonde used the change in position to pin the younger woman’s arms across her chest with one hand while the other reached between her flailing legs to rain painful slaps against her cunt. Her hips ground continuously into their kitten’s face all the while, chasing the pleasure until she could tell the other woman was getting close to passing out.

“Now you breathe,” the blonde murmured, raising her weight up enough that their kitten could wheeze for several long moments, entire body trembling from oxygen deprivation and fear while she choked on sobs. “Again.”

Carol was determined to find her orgasm while riding her pretty face. Their kitten heaved desperately just before the blonde could lower her weight again but was too weak to truly fight, going limp beneath her minus the fine tremors. The blonde’s hips moved with an assuredness that betrayed the frequency in which she participated in such an act—she knew exactly how far she could push and the goal was to fuck their kitten’s brain out. Feeling the struggles cease below her set Carol over the edge, grinding her orgasm out cruelly while their kitten floated in and out of consciousness.

“No thoughts in that pretty head now, are there?” She cooed, lifting herself up onto her knees and turning so she could look down into their kitten’s face. “Awh, not one. You don’t need to think, you just need to obey. Now, let’s try this again.”

The blonde tugged and manipulated their kitten back onto her knees while she herself stood up, leaving the young woman on all fours while she retreated back to the trunk. This time, Carol shucked her draped dress entirely and stood bare, one leg propped up to spread her cunt.


Immediately she shuffled forward on all fours, unsteadily and slowly but moving without hesitation, nonetheless. Carol’s smile was sharp enough to cut diamonds, all teeth and self-satisfaction as she watched their kitten come to a stop directly in front of her. She grabbed the back of the other woman’s head and forced her to look up, tugging until her face was practically pressed against her cunt once again.

“Clean up the mess you made,” Carol slipped her finger in their kitten’s mouth easily and tapped her tongue deliberately before directing her head once again. “Clean up, Kitten.”

The empress gave her a fair amount of time to try to parse out what was expected of her before the blonde forced her mouth open wide, and tapped her tongue with more force. “Stupid little pussy, you’ve got no higher thought, do you? Clean. Up.”

Her tongue poked out hesitantly and the blonde stroked her hand over the back of her head, pulling her closer. The young woman gave only the slightest hint of hesitation before carefully swiping her flattened tongue up Carol’s slit, jerking back slightly to see the blonde’s expression. Encouraged by the lack of anger or frustration their kitten, pretty eyes devoid of all intelligence still locked on the other woman’s face, carefully reattached her lips and tongue to her pussy.

“Ohh, you’ve eaten pussy before, haven’t you Kitten?” She moaned loudly, almost taken aback by how skillfultheir kitten was with her sweet mouth. “You gonna make me cum again? Yeah? Good girl.”

The blonde’s hands found purchase on the back of their kitten’s head, keeping her firmly pressed against her mound. She hadn’t planned to cum again, hadn’t intended to make the young woman eat her out so fervently but fuck,she was good and Carol didn’t want her going anywhere. Especially when the door silently opened and Val stepped in, eyebrows rising on her forehead in shock.

“Well, what in the world do we have here?”

 content warnings: noncon fingering, oral, facesitting, suffocation, degradation, pet play, spanking (am i missing anything?)

y’all i’m alive but oh my god, my friend just showed me an interesting concept:

mommy!valkyrie x little!reader

jesus christ am i gay anyways i’m gonna ramble about my thoughts on writing this after this cut so if you want to read, feel free…

ok so i feel like if i were to write this, i’d need to decide whether this relationship is ageplay or age regression (two very different things)

if i chose ageplay, i still wouldn’t write smut for it (i’m not comfortable with that), but i would probably just like hint at it

if i chose age regression, i would need to do more research (obviously) and be careful with how i present it as not to portray that kind of relationship wrong.

i’m honestly kinda leaning towards ageplay, but i’m not sure…let me know your thoughts!

now to return to my cold, dead grave to post something in a few months (sorry lmao)

MCU | Valkyrie/Brunnhilde x F!Reader


Summary:After Thor names her leader of New Asgard, Brunnhilde asks you an important question.

Warnings: Domestic fluff, established relationship, kissing | Mention of a deleted scene between Thor & Valkyrie in Endgame.

Thank you @bamposworld​ for requesting this! I hope you’ll like it. I’m sorry this turned out so short


The wind whips around you, making you shiver as the tall grass sways on the hill around you. You watch in awe as the huge spaceship disappears into the endless sky, beyond the somber grey clouds.

Eventually, your eyes shift to the woman standing a few feet in front of you, at the edge of the hill overlooking the town. Her head is tilted to the sky, her hands stuffed deep into the pockets of her cozy vest while her long, raven hair cascades down her back.

After saying your goodbye to Thor, you left to give the two old friends some space of privacy to say their own farewell.

When Brunnhilde finally turns around to face you, you notice her shoulders heave when she sighs heavily, a gloomy smile on her closed lips as she approaches you.

You can see the torn look in her dark eyes; sad for her king leaving, happy that her friend is ready to start the journey of finding his new purpose.

“I didn’t mean to be nosy, but should I be worried about him leaning in to kiss you?”

Brunnhilde snorts, baring her perfect teeth as she smiles before leaning in to peck your lips. She wraps her strong arms around your midst, and your heart flutters violently as you close your eyes; it always does when she kisses you.

“Never”, she mumbles against your lips, chuckling softly. “I think he got hit in the head one too many times”

“Good”, you retort, reciprocating her hug. “but just so you know, I’d definitely fight a literal God for you”

“Of course you would” Brunnhilde pulls back just enough to nuzzle your neck. “my fierce, little human”

Your heart swells with warmth and pride, and you hug her a little tighter, grinning to yourself.

“Thor named me ruler of New Asgard”

It’s a quick confession, and her warm breath tickles the side of your exposed neck. You’re speechless for a moment, distracted by the way she kisses your pulse point. You swallow hard, inhaling through your nose.

“Then he finally made a right choice after five years of wasting away”, you answer finally. “You’ve been the one leading and taking care of the people since you got here anyway”

Suddenly, Brunnhilde pulls back, and her deep-brown eyes gaze up at you with a mischievous glint.

“Aye, true that”

She takes your hand and you let her lead you down the hill, back towards the town of Tønsberg.

“I could use some good people on my council, reliable people”

“I’m sure you do. I don’t know much about ruling, but I heard it’s not an easy job”, you chuckle, stopping when she squeezes your hand lightly. “What?”

Brunnhilde is looking at you, one eyebrow raised as she grins.

“I’m talking about you, dummy –”, she retorts, shoving your shoulder with hers. “a great Queen needs at least one clever advisor”

“And have your people think that I only slept my way to the top? Nu-uh, thank you, your grace”

You snap your fingers in a sassy gesture and earn another playful shove.

“Well…you did, but come on –“

Brunnhilde half-whines, half-laughs, and you pull her closer as you stop mid-walk. You try your best to look serious and stoic as you speak.

“I know nothing about advising people, honey, let alone a Queen, but I’ll support you on this journey the best I can. Will that be enough?”

She tilts her head to the side as she studies your face, and when you open your mouth to repeat your question, her lips move faster.

“Move in with me then”, she suggests, shrugging, and her voice holds a challenging edge to it. You’re very familiar with that tone of hers already. “We’ve talked about it before”

Uh –“ Your eyes flutter as you process her words. “We – we’ve never talked about moving in together”

“In my mind I have”

Her answer is bold, and her witty remarks are proof enough that she has thought about this conversation before. “So, what say you?”, she asks, playing with your hands absentmindedly.

Yes”, you answer under your breath; your heart now pounding in your chest.

“Yes”, Brunnhilde repeats, grinning triumphantly as she cups your face. You pull her closer by the waist and you let your hands roam over her curves.

Despite the breeze sweeping across the grassy hill, you feel nothing but hot in her embrace. As always, her kiss oozes dominance; she guides you the way she wants, and you gladly let her. Opening your mouth with a soft groan, her tongue slips past your lips then teases your own.

“Be aware that you cannot get rid of me afte I’ve lodged myself in your place, your grace”, you chuckle against her lips.

Brunnhilde nips at your bottom lip before pulling back, smiling.

“Luckily, I don’t plan to”
