#new harry


The years keep going by and Harry is always a constant in my life. It is crazy to think that I am not the only one who feels this way. I am one in a trillion of who want to be this mans best friend. This has felt like a weight on my chest for a while and it is draining me. One of the last moments I was happy was when we made eye contact in the pit. It was also the moment I was the most dissapointed. My fan fiction moment won’t ever happen and it is hard to come to terms with. Who can relate?

I’ve gotten to the point of quarentine where I start writing the beginning of so many fan fictions and don’t know what to do with them…. thoughts??????????????/

It hurts that harry will never see me the way I see him. That is the feeling we have to live with everyday. I’m pouring one out for the harries ! Love y’all

Harry’s new music video has pushed me to the edge. I am buying a vibrator tomorrow teehee

People really don’t think Harry is the most attractive man… That’s okay. Their opinion is wrong.

Harry is a beautiful man, but if we don’t get that album soon I’m going to have to curb stomp his ass
