#new moms


Glow’s amazing medical advisor Dr. Ari Brown, reveals 7 top things parents should know when caring for a sick baby in this Medium article.

Your baby will get sick. It’s just a reality. On average, a child gets 8 viral infections a year, each lasting 7–10 days. That’s 80 days of illness total! And 80+ days and nights of worrying for the poor parents. 

Read Dr. Brown’s advice, track your baby’s health on Glow Baby, and worry less!

Many smart moms think of the refrigerator and think that storing milk powder in the refrigerator can be stored for a long time. However, this approach is actually incorrect! Because milk powder is dry and easy to absorb moisture, if it is put in the refrigerator, it will become damp. So, how to store milk powder after opening?

Today I will talk to you about the storage methods of milk powder!

The main points of milk powder storage after opening

1. Milk powder cannot be placed in the refrigerator

Many moms think that putting milk powder in the refrigerator can be stored for a long time. This is incorrect. The refrigerator is a small, closed, low-temperature and humid environment. There are differences in temperature and humidity between inside and outside, making milk powder very easy to absorb moisture. When milk powder is stored in the refrigerator for a long time, it is very susceptible to moisture, agglomeration, and deterioration, which will affect the drinking effect. Moreover, the refrigerator is not a sterile box, and there are also many bacteria in it, which can contaminate the milk powder through the gap after opening the can.

In fact, milk powder should be kept indoors in a dark, clean, dry and cool environment. After opening the packaged milk powder, it is best to store it in a clean milk powder can and keep it dry.

2. Remember to cover the lid

Milk powder is rich in nutrients, and if it is exposed to the air for a long time, it will attract many small bugs. If the mother did not pay attention at the time, it will leave hidden dangers for the baby’s health. Therefore, mothers should close the lid of the milk powder immediately after taking the milk powder.

3. Remember not to use old cans

The bagged milk powder of the same brand is much cheaper than the bottled ones, and many mothers use old cans to pack new milk powder. In fact, a lot of old milk powder remains hidden in a corner invisible to the naked eye. Even if you buy milk powder in a bag, you can still keep it fresh as long as it is clamped with a clip after taking the milk powder. In order to facilitate the preservation and collection of milk powder, it is best to store the packaged milk powder in a clean milk powder tank after opening. The milk powder tank should be wiped with a clean, dry cotton towel before use. Do not wash with water.

4. Eating within one month after opening

Due to different high-temperature processing techniques and packaging materials, the storage conditions and shelf life of the products will definitely be different. After opening the package, the milk powder must follow the rules of use time. Most infant milk powder packages have clear regulations. The milk powder should be used up within one month after opening. After opening, it is best not to consume it for more than one month to avoid deterioration of the milk powder.

5. The remaining milk powder cannot be put back into the milk powder can

Novice moms are not sure about the amount of milk powder, and often take out more, so she is reluctant to throw it away and put it back in. Mommy must remember that this little habit of saving must be changed. Don’t pour it back because the milk powder is too much, because the taken out milk powder is very easy to be contaminated with external bacteria, so it should not be put back into the milk powder can.

6. How to prevent milk powder from getting wet?

In order to prevent the milk powder from getting damp, keep your hands dry when preparing the milk powder. After scooping the milk powder, immediately cover the lid or tighten the bag to prevent water droplets from entering the milk powder.

If the milk powder has agglomerates, tap it with a spoon a few times, and the agglomeration will be broken up, indicating that there is no problem and it can be safely brewed for the baby. But if there are large, hard lumps or a moldy smell, it should not be given to the baby. In addition, you can put a few cube sugars in the canned milk powder, because the cubes have the effect of absorbing moisture.
