#new moon april



Happy New Moon, people! The first of the new Zodiac year. In honor of baby Aries I’m keeping shit short and mf-ing sweet

All the Virgos out there who actually look at the picture of the chart have noticed that we’ve had a series of New Moons starting at 16º. Why should I give a fuck about this petty detail? Cause signs are broken into halves (1 -15º and 16 - 30º) and each half has a different theme. So, we’re dealing exclusively with the second half of Aries, and the theme of Aries pt. 2 is Potential.

Before you get in your feelings about it, everyone has potential and everyone’s potential looks different. We’re all here for different reasons, yo. But whatever your shit is about, the coming month is about turning what was once a little dream into a concrete reality.

For some of you, it’s gonna be as abstract as just privately acknowledging feelings you usually repress the shit out of; for others, it’s gonna be as plain fucking Jane as buying a Rolls. Whatever. The particular doesn’t matter. What does matter is that it’s time to solidify some of the things you’ve been thinking about, feeling, working on over the past year.

Aries is not about being aggressive and doing the most. Aries is about transformation and expansion through new experiences. Whatever experiences come your way this month, they’re meant to trigger you into making a move to actualize some of your power. And through doing that, help you take your shit to the next level.

Peace, bitches.

