#new to keto


So tonight I had pole! I usually don’t have Wednesdays free, so I haven’t been able to take the pole class at my studio that focuses on choreo, but tonight ended up being free, so I did the choreo class, and I LOVE IT. I wish they offered it on more days than just Wednesday.

I was absolute shit at a lot of it, since it incorporated spinning and I have never done that before, so I improved on some parts I couldn’t quite get, but I always adore dancing, so it was fun anyway. 

I would post a video, but it has other people in it, and I tried to block them out somehow, but it just wasn’t working. So sadly, no video. 

The thing is, it wasn’t good. I wasn’t good. I had so many things I was doing terribly. But I only see that when I look at the video, and now I know what to fix! I felt silly asking one of the other girls to film it, since I was NOT good at it and could barely get parts, so it felt really silly, but the thing is… if I don’t look, I can’t get better. And when I do get better, I’ll have something to compare it to later down the road. And that’s pretty awesome.

Pole is one of the highlights of my week. I love it so much. I just wish I would stop sweating so freaking much so I could actually hold onto the thing.
