#new url


- by no expert.

Announcements that are dancing between the usual pretty pictures around this blog are yearning to be read - by you. I try to keep them short as well as slightly amusing.

Please don’t feel bothered, I can’t think of an other way to inform you about what is to be happening to this very BLOG of mine - organization wise - and what this means for you. Thanks for staying around!


Formerly “southsideserpentroyalty”

Now “artisticsarcasm”

I am now WInchernandez.I had to change my url since the last one was kinda ‘naive’ and i

I am now WInchernandez.
I had to change my url since the last one was kinda ‘naive’ and it represents my past.

I am not a changed man, not yet, but I’m trying to. :)

“A limited boy struggling to be a Limitless man.”

Post link

I’m sure some of you lovely people have heard about the security issue already (if not, search for tweets “tumblr password” - people are mad and rightly so!) and unfortunately due to tumblr forcing everyone to log-off before they can change their (old) email I don’t have access via desktop/web anymore :(

You probably wonder how can I write this? Well, for some odd reason I’m still logged in via iPad app. I thought cool, should be easy to switch emails/passwords here then but of course nada.

Anyhoo, long story short, I’m moving my blog to bernie-wolfe.tumblr.com and of course, news, pics, videos regarding Jemma etc will be posted there! So, just a new url but content will be published soon again.

Sorry for the long message, I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this and hopefully see you soon over at bernie-wolfe.tumblr.com :-)

Follow me here
