#new yarn



The first of my Eliot yarn skeins is plyed and ready. I plyed the multi greens (the pic makes it look blue but it’s a sort of forest green) with a dark gray called “Storm”

I’ve got to more skeins to ply and more of this fiber to spin. Then I can start the crochet.

Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for my fiber adventures. :)



Hello my friends. After a couple of days to recover I’m back at work. This is what I’m spinning, my Elliot yarn. I’m using a similar technique as I did with the Smaug yarn; one spindle of solid color and the other of variegated greens.

I had 6 empty spindles so I’ll fill them before I start to ply. I already have 3 ‘Storm’ spindles ready so I’m working on the greens now. So in a day or two I should have more to show you.

Let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list.



I’m starting g a new yarn which was actually the inspiration for my Smaug yarn. I’d had some scraps of the blended greens a few months ago and a deep grey called Storm that wasn’t right for another project. I spun them together and found that crocheted in a Chevron pattern it gave a wonderful look of Dragonscale. So I’m making more.

Does anyone know a name of a green Dragon I can use to call this yarn. I can’t think of any at the moment.

