#project progress



Hello my friends. After a couple of days to recover I’m back at work. This is what I’m spinning, my Elliot yarn. I’m using a similar technique as I did with the Smaug yarn; one spindle of solid color and the other of variegated greens.

I had 6 empty spindles so I’ll fill them before I start to ply. I already have 3 ‘Storm’ spindles ready so I’m working on the greens now. So in a day or two I should have more to show you.

Let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list.



Okay so I have 2 spindles of the alternating red and orange. Now I’m going on to two spindles of the Bordeaux. I’ll be matching one spindle of the alternating red and orange to one of Bordeaux and that’s when the magic happens.

@hubblegleeflower @hushwatson @honeybeelullaby @totallysilvergirl @roquentine19 @angiethehippie @clouds-of-peach @whiteleyfoster @wyvernquill @anotherwellkeptsecret @the-moon-loves-the-sea @beltainefaerie @amethyst42 @inevitably-ineffable-husbands @mistysblueboxstuff @leauki @fuckyeahgoodomens @forineffablereasons @thesilverwheel @disregardedletters @srebrnafh

If anyone else would like to be tagged please let me know.


Ive been having some medical problems that kind of put posting my work on the back burner and im really sorry.

This is mosaic knitting with stockinette stitch which makes it a bit harder to show my progress. The darker yarn is 2 ply of very close golden shades, called saffron and Marrakech. Its what I call an optical yarn where its actually our eyes that mix two very close colors to get a third. I love making those yarns quite a lot.

The other yarn is 2 ply champagne. I find with mosaic knitting its best to use one ‘mixed’ with one not so the pattern doesn’t get confused.

Let me know if you would like to be tagged on my fiber adventures. And if you like please reblog. 

@hubblegleeflower@hushwatson@honeybeelullaby@totallysilvergirl@roquentine19@angiethehippie@clouds-of-peach@wyvernquill@anotherwellkeptsecret@the-moon-loves-the-sea@beltainefaerie@amethyst42@inevitably-ineffable-husbands@mistysblueboxstuff@forineffablereasons@thesilverwheel@disregardedletters@srebrnafh@savedbyholmes@whatamessofwords@astudyintea@chained-to-the-mirror @ithinkthereforiamfandom@1895always@sw70sw70@oh-my-mycroft@sentient-body-of-water


I got down my final payment on the drum carder! HAPPY DANCE!!!

So while I’m waiting to embark on that adventure I’m making some things in commercial yarn that will be in expensive. Scarves with pride flags on either end is an idea I’ve had for a while. What do you think?

Let me know if you would like to be tagged for my fiber adventures.

@hubblegleeflower@hushwatson@honeybeelullaby@totallysilvergirl@roquentine19@angiethehippie@clouds-of-peach@whiteleyfoster@wyvernquill@anotherwellkeptsecret@the-moon-loves-the-sea@beltainefaerie@amethyst42@inevitably-ineffable-husbands@mistysblueboxstuff@leauki@forineffablereasons@thesilverwheel@disregardedletters@srebrnafh@savedbyholmes@whatamessofwords@astudyintea@chained-to-the-mirror @ithinkthereforiamfandom
