#newts in tights


Amphibia Newts in Tights & Fight or Flight Details!

AAAAHHHH SO MUCH RETURNING STUFF FROM SEASON ONE! And wow I did not expect *that* to return! And it seems like the more episodes goes, the bigger the resistance army will get. This is the last “chill” episodes before next week, so it was a fun little ep! Anyways, here are some of details I notice this episodes!

  • The soldiers have the Core’s symbol on their armours/weapons
  • Jojo potato is using the same trick as Sprig back in Combat Camp to trick the guards
  • Jojo’s shirt have “JJ” symbol on it
  • Their resistance flags is literally a leg in tights
  • They’re eating the fly-turkey we’ve seen from The Big Bug Ball Game
  • In Trintorio flashback, the vendor guy is the same one who sell spicy food back in Lost in Newtopia
  • Also the sword seems to glow when Anne feel some emotions, just like her power
  • Anne calling friendship, comrads, someone to count on as the best loots, show how much she learn about friendship in Amphibia
  • Is it just me or are the robots seems to start becoming more sentient/advance?
  • The soup Trintorio serve Anne seems to be the same one as the one he served in Combat Camp
  • Leif’s door seems to have an L which got replace by a P
  • There’s a little mossman craving
  • Also that look like a moon

Fight or Flight

  • Soggy Joe joining in make sense since he’s expert on animals
  • The Domino 2 flashback is similar the flashback in The Domino Effect
  • Kittens one of kitten look like Wally, while other one have different eye color like Mrs. Croaker, and one with the same as Hop Pop’s color, which they “adopt” afterward
  • Sprig said “No, not this time!” cuz he fall for the cat cuteness back in The Domino Effect
  • Sprig get eaten by bugs again
  • During this scene, “flight of the moth” ost remix (from the ep Fiddle Me this) was played
  • Awwee Soggy Joe and Wally put a miniature hat on them~
  • Also the fences start off small, but after everyone adore the cat the expand the fences
  • Hop Pop calling the cat Lenny Long Bottom and saying it fills spider-size hole in his heart is callback to Charlie Big Bottom, the spider pet they once have

ANNNDD THAT’S ALL THE DETAILS I NOTICE! These episodes are really fun and a break we got from last week! I really like how stuff from season 1 are coming back, guess the Grubhog will be coming back sometimes in future. Also this is a random theory but, Bog and crew totally is on Andrias side. Anyway, these are fun episodes and can’t want to see the start of endgame next week!
