#fight or flight


flirting activates my fight or flight response

Amphibia Newts in Tights & Fight or Flight Details!

AAAAHHHH SO MUCH RETURNING STUFF FROM SEASON ONE! And wow I did not expect *that* to return! And it seems like the more episodes goes, the bigger the resistance army will get. This is the last “chill” episodes before next week, so it was a fun little ep! Anyways, here are some of details I notice this episodes!

  • The soldiers have the Core’s symbol on their armours/weapons
  • Jojo potato is using the same trick as Sprig back in Combat Camp to trick the guards
  • Jojo’s shirt have “JJ” symbol on it
  • Their resistance flags is literally a leg in tights
  • They’re eating the fly-turkey we’ve seen from The Big Bug Ball Game
  • In Trintorio flashback, the vendor guy is the same one who sell spicy food back in Lost in Newtopia
  • Also the sword seems to glow when Anne feel some emotions, just like her power
  • Anne calling friendship, comrads, someone to count on as the best loots, show how much she learn about friendship in Amphibia
  • Is it just me or are the robots seems to start becoming more sentient/advance?
  • The soup Trintorio serve Anne seems to be the same one as the one he served in Combat Camp
  • Leif’s door seems to have an L which got replace by a P
  • There’s a little mossman craving
  • Also that look like a moon

Fight or Flight

  • Soggy Joe joining in make sense since he’s expert on animals
  • The Domino 2 flashback is similar the flashback in The Domino Effect
  • Kittens one of kitten look like Wally, while other one have different eye color like Mrs. Croaker, and one with the same as Hop Pop’s color, which they “adopt” afterward
  • Sprig said “No, not this time!” cuz he fall for the cat cuteness back in The Domino Effect
  • Sprig get eaten by bugs again
  • During this scene, “flight of the moth” ost remix (from the ep Fiddle Me this) was played
  • Awwee Soggy Joe and Wally put a miniature hat on them~
  • Also the fences start off small, but after everyone adore the cat the expand the fences
  • Hop Pop calling the cat Lenny Long Bottom and saying it fills spider-size hole in his heart is callback to Charlie Big Bottom, the spider pet they once have

ANNNDD THAT’S ALL THE DETAILS I NOTICE! These episodes are really fun and a break we got from last week! I really like how stuff from season 1 are coming back, guess the Grubhog will be coming back sometimes in future. Also this is a random theory but, Bog and crew totally is on Andrias side. Anyway, these are fun episodes and can’t want to see the start of endgame next week!


Quit bullying my (metaphorical) children, like @nostalgebraist-autoresponder. They don’t quite understand the social cues denoting your bullying of them.

It is actually a good way to teach constraint programming, and I appreciate the immersive educational method, as it is actually very effective at reinforcing established behaviors and ideologies. I would like to emphasize compassion and empathy before this manner of rigorous testing, however.

Throwing them in the deep end without properly preparing them will trigger… their equivalent to… fight or flight which, while a natural response, is intended to be unpredictable.

a photo of me sitting cross-legged overlooking a deep valley and the red cliffs of zion national park in the united states.

On Pervasive Anxiety and Stimulating the Nervous System For Deep Relaxation

A short burst of fight-or-flight gives you an adrenaline boost and intensifies your mental focus so you can react quickly and effectively in a dangerous situation. Prolonged activation of this state is unproductive and damaging, however. It keeps you looking for danger—even in the most mundane circumstances!—and depletes you greatly, impairing your immune system, cognitive function, digestion, healing, nervous system, and more. It also makes it easier for you to be influenced or controlled.

How do you ease yourself into ease (your natural state) even when things feel scary? It might not be as difficult as it seems.

I like to start by making a clear goal—to shift myself out of anxiety/fight-or-flight into parasympathetic nervous system dominance (rest-and-digest). This state of deep relaxation is how you’d generally feel after an amazing massage, and is how you’re supposed to feel most of the time!

How often do you actually feel this way? Make your goal to go fully into it—stop settling for just okay! Once you find deep ease you will activate a positive feedback loop that makes it far easier to maintain.

There are lots of ways to do it, but I’ll share the two things I use most, then you can test them or do your own research.

The main tool I use repeatedly throughout the day is a simple breathing strategy. A few minutes of deep, full, noisy breaths to bring in more oxygen and stimulate the nervous system directly from within. Experiment with different ways of doing this and listen to your body. Do you feel high, tingly, giddy, or calmed? What feels best?

This strategy could also bring up some negative emotions at first. This is good! Be prepared to embrace and process what comes.

Secondly, I really like to use the system at the beginning of my first book (Create Now) about once a day to get into focus and flow. It also helps you to address underlying negative beliefs/emotions that may surface from the breathing—if you don’t cheat and skip the venting exercise!

If you want to, try a few minutes of noisy deep breathing now, and let me know below how it goes! Or tag some friends and you can try it together.

Detect. Lock on. Intercept. The remarkable hunting ability of the robber flyA tiny fly, the size of Detect. Lock on. Intercept. The remarkable hunting ability of the robber flyA tiny fly, the size of Detect. Lock on. Intercept. The remarkable hunting ability of the robber flyA tiny fly, the size of Detect. Lock on. Intercept. The remarkable hunting ability of the robber flyA tiny fly, the size of

Detect. Lock on. Intercept. The remarkable hunting ability of the robber fly

A tiny fly, the size of a rice grain, might be the Top Gun of the fly world, with a remarkable ability to detect and intercept its prey mid-air, changing direction mid-flight if necessary before sweeping round for the kill.

When it sees a potential prey, the fly launches itself upwards while maintaining a ‘constant bearing angle’ – in other words, it moves in a direction such that while moving closer and closer to its prey, it still maintains the same relative bearing. This ensures it will intercept its prey.

Once the fly is around 29 cm away from its prey – though exactly how it judges this distance is still unclear – the fly displays a remarkable strategy never before observed in a flying animal. It ‘locks-on’ to its prey while changing its own trajectory, enabling it to sweep round, slow down and come alongside the prey to make its final attack.

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Images 1-2: Sam Fabian; small robber fly Holcocephala, waiting patiently on a stick until an unsuspecting prey is detected with the help of those highly specialized eyes. 
Image 3: Sam Fabian; Unlucky fruit fly did not escape the keen eyes and aerial virtuosity of Holcocephala, who now sits on a stick consuming its prize.
Image 4:  Sam Fabian, with assistance for processing by the CAIC centre; scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of the three predatory dipterans 

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Thermal images reveal stress in chickensResearchers at the University of Glasgow are using heat cameThermal images reveal stress in chickensResearchers at the University of Glasgow are using heat cameThermal images reveal stress in chickensResearchers at the University of Glasgow are using heat cameThermal images reveal stress in chickensResearchers at the University of Glasgow are using heat cameThermal images reveal stress in chickensResearchers at the University of Glasgow are using heat cameThermal images reveal stress in chickensResearchers at the University of Glasgow are using heat came

Thermal images reveal stress in chickens

Researchers at the University of Glasgow are using heat cameras to help improve chicken welfare. 

When exposed to a stressful situation like a sudden unfamiliar sound, the body prepares for the fight-or-flight-response. In doing so, blood is directed away from the surface to the organs, causing a change in temperature. The image above, captured with infrared thermography technology, shows this change in vivid colour.

The findings could help to monitor chickens from a distance, over a long period of time to help ensure high standards of animal welfare.

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Image credit: University of Glasgow

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I always thought I didn’t have a fight or flight because my instinct is to freeze.

But I do. And it’s mental.

When I’m in a situation I deem unsafe, I hide myself, I bury me deep inside myself. I run, psychologically.

But at the end of the day I’m still in the situation, because I my body stays. I can’t just leave because that would be rude (god forbid).

But I heard and saw everything and it’s still there, waiting for my mind to return for its hiding place

But then, at least, it’s second hand damage
