#nicholas jurnjack

 KANEKO’S CRIB NOTES XLV: HAUTE COIFFUREIt’s appropriate the Greek Moirae sisters deal in the  KANEKO’S CRIB NOTES XLV: HAUTE COIFFUREIt’s appropriate the Greek Moirae sisters deal in the  KANEKO’S CRIB NOTES XLV: HAUTE COIFFUREIt’s appropriate the Greek Moirae sisters deal in the  KANEKO’S CRIB NOTES XLV: HAUTE COIFFUREIt’s appropriate the Greek Moirae sisters deal in the  KANEKO’S CRIB NOTES XLV: HAUTE COIFFUREIt’s appropriate the Greek Moirae sisters deal in the  KANEKO’S CRIB NOTES XLV: HAUTE COIFFUREIt’s appropriate the Greek Moirae sisters deal in the


It’s appropriate the Greek Moirae sisters deal in the thread business, as much of their look from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne hails from the world of fashion. And particularly appropriate that we’re looking at this “punk and bondage” inspired collection courtesy of British fashion designer Antonio Berardi; though in this case the pertinent influence once again starts from the neck up, playing upon the work of stylist Nicholas Jurnjack. Its bouffant impressions are felt particularly with the coronal braids of middle sister Lachesis. 

Kaneko is no stranger to the influence of high-fashion, particularly apparent in the Persona designs of that era but not without a healthy presence in the regular compendium as well. Even compared to other demons from the modern catalogue, his three Fates do look especially like they appeared on a runway in Paris, London, or New York. Yet more evidence of the broad range of inspiration at work within the series design ethos!

Special thanks to “some furniture” for this submission!

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