#nick bruiser


Nick and Rick headcannons because I feel like it-

  • Nick and Rick are almost the polar opposite of eachother. While Rick is a people person, creative, and lively. Nick is anti-social, analytical, and cold. Basically left and right brains.
  • Nick has a girlfriend while Rick is surprisingly Acesexual.
  • Nick just… can’t scream. Past a certain volume his voice just goes “ight Imma head out”. It could be because he hardly ever talks…like… ever. (Seriously man, go to vocal therapy)
  • Nick and Rick are those people who will be arguing over something stupid, but as soon as you try and get on either of their case the other will immidietly start defending the other one. Kinda like that one Thomas sanders vine where his friend has a hat.

Haha! I pulled a sneaky on you. For there is a THIRD!! The main singer here is a character by the name of Katsune and he was made by @littlemacbagel . Katsune is a short king. Again, not main design cus hero au, but-

Aran and Hondo backup dancers when???

[Minor flashing warning]

Lmao, I gave in and did a thing. Encanto hero au when?? The girl is a character made by @thepunchoutqueen/@punchy-fics and her name is Sabrina. This isn’t her canon design since hero au and it’s honestly my interpretation but-

We don’t talk about Bruno except we do. A lot.

((Hello again punch out community, it is I, the creator of the king hippo is dead. I have returned with art))

((I have redesigned the Bruiser Brothers! They are now out to steal your gender. All I really did was slim their build and give them hair lol))

