#bald bull


Part 1/3

Part 2/3

Part 3/3

Anddd here’s the final batch :))))


Aran Ryan- Chucky (Childs Play)

Soda Popinski- Michael Myers (Halloween)

Bald Bull- Hannibal Lector (Silence of The Lambs)

Super Macho Man- Freddy Kruger (A Nightmare On Elm Street)

Mr. Sandman- Candyman/Daniel Robitaille (Candyman)

I hope you guys enjoyed these as much as I liked making them!! :D

Hi here’s my version of a Punch Out Monster AU..

These were made awhile back and I never posted about them until now

But anyways Aran is a Banshee (a fucking male one too damn), Soda is a Vampire (hehe Russian go slurppp), Bull is a Minotaur (obviously), Macho is a Zombie (made him look like a zombie from Thriller lmao), and Sandman is a Sleep Paralysis Demon (thought it would fit HH-)

Maybe I’ll draw these dudes and the rest (who were designed by my friends bc I came up with the species and we each took a circuit so I did World) in digital, who knows.

Macho’s anatomy is wack I’m sorry for that

Hey, I don’t know if you know this, but my ask box it open.

The roster is:

Me (the creator of this blog, obviously)

Blind Knock-Out (my oc charecter who you see in my icon)

Glass Joe

Von Kaiser

Disco Kid

King Hippo

Piston Hondo

Bear Hugger

Great Tiger

Don Flamenco

Aran Ryan

Soda Popinski

Bald Bull

Super Macho Man

Mr. Sandman

Little Mac

I will (hopefully) draw out the answers to each ask I get. It will most likely be just a sketch but hey, it’s still something.

[Minor flashing warning]

Lmao, I gave in and did a thing. Encanto hero au when?? The girl is a character made by @thepunchoutqueen/@punchy-fics and her name is Sabrina. This isn’t her canon design since hero au and it’s honestly my interpretation but-

We don’t talk about Bruno except we do. A lot.

((Wow, it’s been forever since I used this blog, kinda stopped hyperfixating on punch out for a bit. Well, now I’m back! And I bring a WIP animatic for the hero au I made))

((Audio from kung fu panda))

I google translated the punch out wii boxer names and the results were fantastic.
