#nie work

Art for [  Persistence of Memory  ]  written by @ladypfenix  for @pocketfulofrecs‘s minibang  LWJ BiArt for [  Persistence of Memory  ]  written by @ladypfenix  for @pocketfulofrecs‘s minibang  LWJ Bi

Art for [  Persistence of Memory  ]  written by @ladypfenix  for @pocketfulofrecs‘s minibang  LWJ Birthday Serenade. Read it on Ao3.

Lan Sect disciple Liu Yang has memories that don’t fit his current life. 

M rated, Post canon reincarnation. Growing up with past life’s memories and immortality.
40k, 2 chapters.

This on Twita. Also, the fic’s Tumbo postorAo3 link.

Post link