

Ohhh my god. Here we are with another trippy experience. Nihkee’s route oh boy.

So, this is just gonna be some weird rampant speculation so be warned.

In Nihkee’s route the MSPA reader just kinda chills imagining and listening. Whilst doing this however, a series of visions started coming to them in which:

1) Nihkee loses her 2nd leg

2) Nihkee begins hunting you down

3) Mallek, Polypa, and Tegiri try to help you out against Nihkee. Notably with Mallek being unable to disable her cybernetic enhancements. (More than just her leg, as seen with the ending screen she has an enhanced arm and face as well ((She’s also missing part of one of her horns))

4) The readers palmhusk dies and after a year of running they are hunted down and killed by Nihkee.

So, what can be garnered from this? I think one of two things; 

either a) MSPA Reader has some sort of weird magic/psychic ability akin to the Sufferers’ visions of Beforus, but instead seeing visions of alternate/doomed timelines

or b) there’s someone (possibly Doc Scratch) pulling the strings

Hell, maybe even a combination of the two. Now, I think someone, maybe Scratch is pulling the strings because of two main pieces of evidence, the first being Boldir’s bad ending when some mysterious voice says “Again? Must I do everything myself?” This ability for MSPA Reader to see into a bad ending therefore preventing their own death may have been a sort of “gift” or vision from an outside force like scratch. Secondly, there’s a weird line that doesn’t seem to fit in Tirona’s bad end memory; “The puppet’s strings stretch toward the moon.” This may be talking about Tirona, but if we interpret it as Doc Scratch pulling the strings, I mean, he was living on Alternia’s moon after all. Then there’s the obvious puppet symbolism, with Doc Scratch being a puppet and all.

So, who knows, and hey, if you made it through this incoherent ramblin’; thanks :).

More stuff to come after I do Daraya’s route.
