


Nile Freeman Week 2021: Prompt List

Welcome to the prompts post!

There are three kinds of prompts: one list for artists/writers, one list of editors/gif-makers, and a list of alternate prompts. (The alternate prompts will be explained further below.) Fills can include other characters, but all fills should be Nile-centric. Meaning: all fills should focus primarily on Nile’s character, feelings and internal world. 

There are no minimum requirements to fill a certain prompt, and you can fill as many or as few of them as you’d like! You can even fill out all the general prompts AND the alternative prompts if you want to. Please wait until the beginning of each corresponding day to post your creation if you’ve created it ahead of time, but there is no time limit to fill these prompts, and you are welcome to keep filling them after the week is officially over.

Nile Freeman Week will take place from September 6-12 2021.

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Nile Freeman Week 2021: Prompt List

Welcome to the prompts post!

There are three kinds of prompts: one list for artists/writers, one list of editors/gif-makers, and a list of alternate prompts. (The alternate prompts will be explained further below.) Fills can include other characters, but all fills should be Nile-centric. Meaning: all fills should focus primarily on Nile’s character, feelings and internal world. 

There are no minimum requirements to fill a certain prompt, and you can fill as many or as few of them as you’d like! You can even fill out all the general prompts AND the alternative prompts if you want to. Please wait until the beginning of each corresponding day to post your creation if you’ve created it ahead of time, but there is no time limit to fill these prompts, and you are welcome to keep filling them after the week is officially over.

Nile Freeman Week will take place from September 6-12 2021.

Please reblog this post to spread word of this event!

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