#ninjago pythor


A DTIYS I did for Ninjago_Drawing_Art on Instagram.

Even if I missed an entire arm on Pythor, this was nice to do. I gotta do more of these sometime. Also I may have fallen into this ship and might continue to ship this.

Idk why Lloyd and Harumi are so focused on each other. Like I get it Harumi blames Lloyd for the death her parents and Lloyd got lied to by Harumi but

Pythor is right there. Pythor manipulated Lloyd as a CHILD by pretending to be his ONLY friend and also released the great devourer and ACTUALLY is responsible for Harumi’s parents’ deaths and on top of all that is a cannibal.

Damn kids get your priorities in order


Okay I’m not done scanning and I have to take a break to feed the kids lunch, but in the mean time PLEASE look at Cole dancing with the Serpentine. I’m love them.

What’s this from? It’s adorable!
