













 Chishiya was leaning against the wall outside his room, waiting. He had agreed on letting her pick the place and he was willing to relinquish whatever control necessary if it meant she would talk to him. All he wanted from this conversation was the opportunity to apologize to her for what he had said. If he walked away managing to forge some kind of, dare he say, friendship- something he not only never entertained, but went out of his way to avoid or destroy in the past- he would be satisfied. Everything had escalated so quickly on that night that he didn’t have the forethought- or a spare second- to pull her aside and tell her how sorry he was. Especially with Niragi getting involved. That was the variable that had thrown the whole situation into true chaos. The last thing Chishiya expected from that night was for him to end up unconscious, fighting his way out of a rolled-up rug, concussed and vomiting. He was so lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t notice the woman walking toward him. By the time he looked up she was standing a few feet in front of him.

“Hey, Slappy.” He greeted her with the nickname he had adorned her with. “Where are we off to?”

Put your arms up, out straight to your sides, and stand with your legs apart.

I patted Chishiya down, and checked his pockets, and he had nothing on him.

Okay, follow me.

I took him to a service entrance of the hotel that wasn’t used.

“Alright Chishiya. What was so important?”

“Wow, that was barely any foreplay, Slappy.” He smirked at her, leaning back against the metal bars that served as a barrier for delivery trucks, his hands in their usual place, resting in his pockets. “Jumping right in, huh?”

“I just want to make sure that you know how legitimately sorry I am for the other night, when all of this started.” His voice had a softer tone than it usually did. “I shouldn’t have said anythingI said the other night. I can’t even tell you where it came from. I’ve never said anything so crass about a woman before.”

He made sure to maintain eye contact as he spoke to her, tying to show as much sincerity as he could muster.

“If you need me to clarify anything, let me know.” His words grew slightly quieter, if that was possible. “There’s a lot I need to say I’m sorry for, and some things I want to explain to you. For starters, though, I never should have said what I said about your…about you, and I’m really sorry.”

He paused, waiting to see if she was taking it in, trying to anticipate what her reaction might be. She was a challenge to him, that was for sure. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t read her at all. That never happened to him.

Well? Are you going to tell me the things you’re sorry for, and explain the things you need to explain, or not?

“Jesus, Slappy, you just jam it in, no lube, and we’re off to the races?” Chishiya was trying to keep the conversation loose. He knew himself too well and if she set him off somehow, he would turn on her before he could stop himself. There was no way he was going to end up in another rug on his floor. “Fine, I’ll jump right in with you.”

“I’m sorry about the comment I made about your tits.” He kept his expression flat as he spoke. Even if he wanted to convey emotion to her, he wouldn’t know how. It was something he never did. “It was rude and vulgar and to tell you the truth, I think I knew you were talking to Nir…your boyfriend. I should have stayed quiet and I didn’t. If it makes any difference, I said, what I said, before I was even conscious of having a thought about it. Spontaneity has never been a problem for me, as I’m sure you can imagine. How am I doing so far?” He needed to give himself a minute to gather his thoughts and catch his breath. Why are you out of breath, idiot? his brain mocked him. Chishiya only hoped she would miss the fact that he stammered when it came to naming Niragi directly.

I studied him closely as he rattled on, clearly uncomfortable, which is out of character for the duplicitous little fuck. I can tell he has more to say, but can’t muster up the courage to say it. What is he hiding?

“Pssht! You can’t even say his name!” I respond, rolling my eyes, scoffing. “So, is that all you have to say? Is that all you have to explain, all you have to apologize for?

And you don’t think you’re missing a thank you for cutting my date short and coming to your aid when you were concussed? Cleaning up your vomit? Making sure you didn’t fall asleep and die, or aspirate on your own vomit? Hm? Are you forgetting that, or do you think you’re just entitled to my sacrifice or care?

Do you not realize that I managed to keep Niragi from coming back and beating you more? Probably killing you? Do you think that was easy?

Or do you think so highly of yourself that you think that was owed to you somehow?”

Okay. I’m getting heated. I’ve got to reign this in.

“Or, is there something else you’re not telling me? I know you’re holding something back. I’ve given you the courtesy of this meeting. After all of this, I think it’s only fair to say what you have to say without me pulling teeth.

Figuratively, of course. But I’m sure I could have a literally arranged” 

Although his face didn’t show it, Chishiya was somewhat stunned. He felt as if she had unloaded on him slightly. While she hadn’t raised her voice, her tone was stern. He blinked back at her, taking a moment to calm himself internally before he answered.

“I’m sorry for all of those things,” He stood up, taking a few tentative steps towards her. “What you’re failing to realize is, most of those things wouldn’t have been your responsibility if your dumb ass boyfriend could keep his hands to himself.” He forced his shoulders back and straightened himself a few feet in front of her.

“You wouldn’t have had to cut your date with that asshole short- which, honestly, I don’t see as a negative thing. I certainly wouldn’t have been vomiting all over my room if your dickhead boyfriend hadn’t tried to cave my skull in with his rifle,” He took one more step towards her, leaving them about a foot apart. “I may not have even made the comment about your tits if it hadn’t been for that dimwitted, moronic, simpleminded, dumb shit, poor excuse for a human being that you call your boyfriend hadn’t been involved!” Chishiya hadn’t raised his voice, but he was done with forcing pleasantries. He was getting angry and he had no desire to stop himself. There was too much that he had left unsaid.

“So, you’re sorry for making weird comments about my body, but Niragi made you do it?” I reply, scoffing with a hearty eye roll, emphasizing Niragi’s name.

“What do you want me to do? Apologize for his actions? That’s not for me to apologize for. All of this, the comments, the concussion, and whatever bullshit is going on with the two of you, is between the two of you. Don’t involve me in it anymore.” I turn on my heel to walk away

“Don’t you DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME!” Chishiya lost his composure at her simple action of turning her back to him and taking half of a step away. He shocked even himself with his reaction. A stern tone was one thing, and he may have raised his voice from time to time; yelling was something completely foreign to him. “Do you think, for one second, that it’s easy for me to watch you with HIM? You want me to thank you for distracting him so he didn’t actually kill me the other night? Thank you for distracting him with your pussy? I’M SUPPOSED TO SAY THANK YOU? FOR LURING HIM BACK TO YOUR ROOM AND FUCKING HIM? FINE! YOU GOT IT! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FUCKING HIM!” Chishiya forced himself to stop. He had just said some seriously awful things and he’d be lucky if she didn’t turn around and knock him out this time. This certainly wasn’t the way he wanted to tell her. All he could do was brace himself for whatever her reaction was.

Stunned, I spun on my heel to face Chishiya. I felt a fire blazing in my chest, and my muscles tensed up. My body instinctively wanted to fall into a fighting stance. I felt my face heat up.

Stay cool.

If he wants a rise out of me, he’s not going to get it.

I took a deep breath, cleared my head, straightened my posture and became cold.

I took relaxed steps toward him, practically towering over his slight frame.

I straightened the collar on his hoodie, looked deep into his eyes, and replied.

“Chishiya. Do you know what has stood between several mass casualty events, both here, and in games? Do you know what has kept you alive so far?

My fucking pussy.

Do you know the number 1 reason you keep getting your ass handed to you? It’s because you antagonize the shit out of Niragi. He has given you very clear boundaries that you constantly disregard.

And do you know who has kept me safe in games, at the beach, and in this fucked up world? Niragi has. Time and time again.

So, if you have a problem with how I keep myself and others safe here, that’s on you.

But as far as I’m concerned, if you want to keep provoking Niragi, it’s your funeral.”

Turning even colder, I stepped closer, grabbing him by the armpit, and pressing painfully into a pressure point, and holding him up as his knees buckled from the pain.

“I don’t like repeating myself. I already told you not to speak to me that way.” I whisper in his ear

After a moment of watching him squirm, I let go and he crumples to the ground.

As soon as she turned to face him, Chishiya knew he was in trouble. He had to fight the urge to back up- something he would neverdo. He knew he had angered her, and whatever she inflicted on him was well deserved. Again. He flinched slightly as she reached forward and grasped the collar of his hoodie.

The second she locked eyes with him, he held her gaze; mesmerized by her eyes. He listened to her intently, knowing what she said was true. Chishiya couldn’t argue the fact the she was keeping Niragi busy and that, no doubt, had stopped him from killing a lot of people. More than that, he knew that she had kept him alive on many occasions. At the very least, he felt a pang of guilt as she spoke about Niragi keeping her safe. He wasn’t sure he could do the same.

It wasn’t until he felt her hand on him, more specifically her fingers, as they began to pinch, that he realized just how angry she was.

He would have begged her to stop, but his lungs could not draw a breath. Squeezing his eyes shut, Chishiya knew all he could do was live through it until she released him. Finally, he felt his legs begin to give out. Of course, he mused, she’s going to choose this exact moment to let go of me. When she did, Chishiya felt himself drop to the pavement; his knees making a disturbing crackas they struck the ground.

Doubling over his knees, Chishiya fought to regain his breathing. There were still things he needed to say to her and he was fairly certain she was going to walk away. After struggling for a moment, he felt he had to take the chance and speak. Looking up at her meekly, with her towering over him, Chishiya whispered words that he neverthought he’d say.

“I think I’m in love with you.” Again, he waited. With the way his day was going, he expected her to kick him in the jaw and end him.

My jaw practically hit the floor.

“What’s your angle, Chishiya. What the fuck are you trying to do? Explain. Quickly. No bullshit.”
